Author Archives: Mrs Kilpatrick

Halloween in P5/6

In groups we worked on a task that looked at Halloween from different perspectives. The tasks involved us doing a little research, a little writing, a bit of mathematical calculation and a lot of listening and talking within our group. Here are some photos of our hard work, which is now displayed proudly in the upper school shared area.



Spelling Fun!

Today we played with our spelling words. We worked in small groups and worked out ways to represent our words using pictures and images, this will help us remember how to spell our words correctly.

Here are some examples:

Word = goat

The word was split into go and at, the guys drew a traffic light for ‘go’ and a cat, with the ‘c’ scored out for ‘at’. Well done, really creative (the drawing is on the board!).



Word = Mummy

The image used was of an Egyptian mummy! Great imagination!



Word = retrain

The guys drew a picture of Reamass ( she said she felt famous!!!) and then removed part of her name leaving the ‘re’ and then added a picture of a train! Great work!


Word = rocking

What great imaginations this group had, they used the image of Rocky the boxer (complete with  boxing ring), they then removed the ‘y’ leaving the word rock. The next part of the word was represented with an ink bottle with the ‘k’ removed and a ‘g’ added.

X-Ray Hands in P5/6

Reported by Joe and Ellie

We have been doing X-Rays and we made our own X-Rays of our hands. We used chalk, black paper and backing paper. Here is some information about X-Rays: X-Rays are a type of light, which you can’t actually see. X-Rays can travel through skin and muscle but not through bone. For an X-Ray to be taken you need a special machine that shines the X-Rays through your hand and onto a type of special paper. The X-Rays that hit the paper, turns the paper black but the X-Rays that hit the bones does not hit the paper and it stays white.


Here are examples of our work:-


Great report guys, now I understand how X-Rays are taken!

Hello World from P5/6!

Our class has decided to do a science topic. We are going to be investigating the human body. This week we looked at the skeleton and discussed how important this structure is to keep all our organs safe as we go about our daily lives.

Here are some pictures of ‘Henry’, this is where we named the different parts of the skeleton. Most of us had a pretty good idea of what the bones and joints were called and where to find them.


World Book Day……ish

World Book Day was on Thursday the 2nd of March but so we could really celebrate authors, books and great stories at assembly, we postponed it till today. The whole school took part by dressing up as a character from a book that they have enjoyed. Never have I seen so many Dennis the Menaces and Wallies in one place. There was no problem in finding a Wally today! In P6K we had so many wonderful characters, from Violet Beauregarde all the way through to Harry Potter, it was a wonderful sight and for our own little Alice, Uphall had become a true wonderland.

P6K really enjoyed taking part, as you can see.


P6K sensible picture:-


What P6K are really like!