P1 French

Earlier in the year, I was working with all the P1s teaching them French.  I thought I would upload some of the French songs they children learnt and others they listened too.  Most of them are available on YouTube.

Les Poissons – fish song

Colours song –


Snails song – for numbers – we sang it but here is an online version

Frère Jacques – an online version.  We just sang it.


Mrs Grenfell

2 thoughts on “P1 French

  1. Hi Mrs Grenfell..hope you’re fine. Daiym just loved watching the video clips you sent. He is trying to memorize the words as well..also finished the indoor scavenger hunt..sent you the email..please have a look..thanks

  2. Post author

    That’s lovely! He has obviously been working really hard – well done. Hope you are all keeping well.

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