Good Afternoon Parents, Carers and Children

Under the present circumstances we would like to keep in touch with you using this forum. We would like to start by informing you of the learning that has taken place recently. You might like to extend your child’s learning with this information.

Health and well being

The children have been busy learning how to keep their bodies healthy through food, personal hygiene and physical exercise. One of the biggest learning points has been implementing our new ‘handwashing song’. Ask your child to sing it to you!

Wash, wash, wash your hands, wash the germs away,

If you don’t you might get ill and that will spoil your day.

Tune: Row, row , row your boat

(Remember Mrs Armstrong says “Safe Sally sings it twice for it to be effective”).


There has been an interest in measurement that we are following in a variety of ways.

  • the children have been exploring their height to see how tall they are
  • the children have been using mathematical language such as small, tall, big, long and short

Try using this mathematical language throughout the day as well as looking for objects that vary in size.

More learning to follow.

Stay safe, your Uphall ELC Team





7 thoughts on “

  1. Hugo has been singing the wash your hands song.
    We measured everyone to see who was tall & small.
    We have been looking @ toys & measuring lengths to see what’s longest & shortest

  2. Sydney is desperate to do some maths and she’s been outside with our fire truck and Paw Patrol quad bike. She’s missing her friends and her teachers but she’s enjoying tormenting her brother

  3. Hi

    He was very interested in the size of things, he held on to a ‘tiny’yellow car for almost the full day! Hope you are all keeping well.



  4. We are happy to hear she has been out and about being a fire fighter, she loves being outside at nursery too! We will add some numeracy for her to work on. Stay safe and healthy.

  5. She enjoys numeracy tasks in nursery. Check her learners journal for update on numeracy observations.

  6. Post author

    I have added your email address to the Learning Journal Mrs Bancroft so you should get an email sent to you.

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