P4 New Year’s Resolutions

Written by Charley and Louise in P4


New Year

We have learned that when we are having our lunch a different country is celebrating New Year! There is a countdown to midnight and did you know that in Scotland we call New Year’s Eve Hogmanay? We have all written our New Year’s resolutions – most of us want to keep our rooms tidy, but the teachers all want to get fit and healthy!


Class Focus

This week we have been earning points in class for good behaviour. If we have good listening, pay attention, work hard and don’t shout, then we can earn a class token. We have almost earned 100 so far!

We have a class pet called Marshmallow Max and to get him to sit with us we need to work hard and be kind to everyone else.


Our Classroom

We have taken some photos of our maths wall so you can see the questions we ask Mrs Beattie so we can work out what number she is thinking of. We have also been working on showing each other different ways of working out sums.

In our class we have a class book worm and each time we finish a book we write about the book in a coloured circle then stick it on the wall. Our book worm is almost half way round the classroom now!




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