P4 Snow Day Activities.

Morning Everybody. We hope that you managed to have some good World Book Day fun in the snow yesterday. Of course you can still take part in the activities suggested yesterday but if you are looking for something else here are a few suggestions. Remember to stay safe and warm in the snow!

Miss Mackay and Mr Thompson.


  • In P4 we have been learning all about the vikings and where they come from, the cold countries of the east like Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Just like where our weather is coming from now! You could do some research about how the vikings would have kept themselves and their families warm and compare it to what you and your family are doing.


  • Practise the timetables that you are happy with and challenge yourself to learn a new one. You can use the top marks site we use in class to play the tables games, halves and doubles. www.topmarks.com



  • Write an imaginative snow day story. Maybe your snowman could come to life and you go on an adventure together.
  • Watch newround and write a report on something you found interesting.
  • Keep writing your snow day diary to share when we come back to school.
  • Read for pleasure or listen to an audio book.


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