Money, Money, Money

Last week The Cool Kids and The Fantastics started to learn about money. We shared what we already know about money. Mrs Sutherland was impressed by some of the facts we know already.

In shops there are labels to tell
you the cost or the price.

You can get money at the bank.

If something is expensive
you might not have enough money to
buy it.

You can get a loan from the bank
but you have to give the money back.

You can tell real money
from fake money by using an
invisible pen.

You get paid for coming to work.

This week we are having a visitor who is going to help us understand a little bit more about saving money, and different ways of spending money. We have our questions ready for our visitor!

We shared our learning with the children from Mrs McKay’s class, as we made up our own shops in the Rainbow Room. We played the part of shopkeepers, and we had a Teddy Bear Shop, a Book Shop and a General Shop where our customers could buy food and toys. We had to welcome our customers and talk to them about how much things cost in our shops. Here are some photographs of us being super shopkeepers with our happy customers!

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