Malawi Update

I finally arrived in Malawi on Thursday evening 30 hours after leaving home.
After a two hour delay, and a flight change to take us via Mozambique, we landed at Blantyre Airport to be met by our Malawi partnership teachers who had been waiting for us for 6 hours in sweltering heat.
On Friday we met with our partnership group to discuss our visit. It was a very positive and productive meeting where we discussed not only what the Scottish teachers could do to help but how we Scottish teachers and our pupils could learn from our Malawian counterparts. I also showed our Partnership teachers, including Mr Owen Kasitomu from our partner primary, the resources I had made and explained how I used them in a Scottish classroom.
I will be going in to our partner primary Nanjala Primary for 3 days this week to share resources for each stage with all staff and to teach a lesson for each class. Including the Primary 3 class of 150 children!!

We also have a football coach with us who will be coaching girls and boys from each school and organising a tournament between the ten partner schools.
I am looking forward to my first visit to Nanjala Primary tomorrow and will keep you updated.

Mrs Creaney