Money Sense in Primary 1

This morning we were very lucky to have some visitors to help us learn more about money. We talked about what we need to spend money on and what we want to spend money on, and what the difference is. The one thing we couldn’t agree on was whether we need or just want phones as you would need a phone in an emergency wouldn’t you?

We talked about how much it costs to buy things for a pet, and how often you would need to buy different things. Mrs Sutherland had told us that Poppy is going to the vet next week and it will be expensive, but we know some things for pets can be cheap, like treats and bones!

We discussed what we would like to save up for, and also learned a bit more about giving to charity. We have already done this with our donation to The Scottish Wildlife Trust for Salty the Seal, so were able to tell our visitors about that.

We asked lots of questions and had lots to say to our visitors. We think that they have probably gone back to their office for a wee rest after their visit!

Here are some photographs of us enjoying our morning.

Here is some more information about Moneysense. MoneySense

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