Term 1 Highlights

In term 1 P5 have participated in a variety of exciting learning experiences. Here are some of our highlights to date!

Farm Enterprise Workshop – We participated in a Food for Thought Enterprise Challenge. We learned how to make origami carrots with the intention of running a business. This included coming up with a farm group name as well as a logo. Roles were assigned within the farms to ensure success. We all got to take the chocolate coins we gained home to enjoy.

Class trip to New Lanark – To enhance the learning of our topic both classes visited New Lanark itself. We enjoyed the Annie McLeod ride, the 1820s school experience as well as a guided tour.

Authors Live (Roald Dahl) – Both classes met to watch and actively participate in an Authors Live event to celebrate 100 years of Roald Dahl. We then held a stage competition to design and name a Scottish sweet.

Bibleworld – Both classes visited our local Academy to attend a Bibleworld workshop. There was a carousel of activities and the children were encouraged to go back in their free time.


Photos to follow!


Mrs Sinclair and Miss Sinton 🙂

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