Our Class Assembly!

This morning we all performed in our class Assembly. We have been working very hard this term in Health and we had a chance to show off all of our learning this morning. Some of us took part in a piece of Drama about emotions, some of us learned and read out a poem and Ella and Aaron told us what makes them happy.

Here are some of our favourite moments from our assembly;

Isla – I liked the part of the drama where the Princess met Puss in Boots.

Willow – I liked singing all of the songs.

Aiden – I really enjoyed learning and taking part in the dance!

Daniel – I liked all of the drama and I also liked the part where the Princess met the singing tree.

Brandyn – I liked it when the Princess met the wizard.

Erin – I liked joining in with the dancing and adding our own moves!

Ella – I liked the part of drama where the wizard cast a spell.

Reece – I liked the part when the Princess met the wolf!

Rebecca – I liked the part when I got to shine the mirror at the wizard to make the spell rebound. I also liked when the Princess met the singing tree.

Taya – I liked taking part in the Happy dance and seeing my mum at the end!

Freya – I liked joining in with dance.

Paige – I liked when were doing the dance because my sister sings it too.

Conor – I liked singing all of the songs.

Callan – I liked singing all of the songs too.

Charlotte – I liked dancing.

Amy – I liked joining in with the ‘Happy’ dance.

Aaron – I liked singing the songs.

Alexander- I enjoyed being Puss in Boots in the drama.