Final Sports Day Activity – Complete your score card today. is your final opportunity to collect points for your house team.  Check out the video instructions courtesy of Mr McGowan and Miss Hall.  Once you have completed these final activities, send a picture of your completed score card (with your name, class and HOUSE TEAM).  You can submit the cars on Twitter, teams and lastly via school email.  If you have a sibling using Teams, post on their page.  The winner will be announced at next weeks virtual assembly.  – Mr Blair

2 thoughts on “Final Sports Day Activity – Complete your score card today.

  1. Hi Miss Swift hope you ok 🙂
    I posted some of Ryan’s videos from sport week to tweeter and his score card .
    I’m not sure which group he is so hopefully his score will be count as well to the house group.

  2. Can’t work out how to upload a pic into the comments so Brandon’s scores are noted below

    Brandon Cairney
    House: Stewart

    Speed Bounce. 35
    Toilet roll shuffle 31
    Sack race. 19
    Toilet roll catch 20
    Sock and spoon race 12
    Toilet roll squats 20
    Wall sit 7
    Toilet roll stack 4
    Socks in a box 9
    Tea bag challenge 3

    Hope it is ok to submit them this way

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