P1 Home Learning Activities Wednesday 20th

Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details.


Letter formation: E, F, H

• Our new sound today is ‘igh’.
Where is the ‘igh’ sound made?

• Can you think of any words that use the ‘igh’ sound?
• Does the ‘igh’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
• Slide some sounds together to form words:
• Now write these words and draw a picture to match. (Extension activity, write sentences.)
Night, light, tight, sight, might, fight, right, fright, bright, high, thigh.
• Videos to look at,
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjkgSCSwFEcL9CbkgB2L1w – song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGBbRgihRgo – Alphablocks.


Sumdog Challenge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZeM18fPbvI brain break

Topic – Road Safety.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this lesson pupils will be familiar with aspects of the Stop, Look, Listen and Think sequence. They will be able to discuss simple ways of behaving safely when near roads and traffic such as holding a grown up’s hand and finding safer places to cross the road.

Stop, Look, Listen, Think sequence
• Stop – when you approach a crossing, STOP before you come to an edge of the pavement.
• Look – LOOK for cars, bikes, lorries, other vehicles, by looking right, left and right again.
• Listen – LISTEN for vehicles too. You may be able to hear them before you see them.
• Think – is there enough time for you to cross the road safely?

Watch the video clip below. The second one is from someone special.


• Questions to ask about the video.
Can you tell me one of the things you can do to stay safer when you are on a scooter?
What did the boy do when he got in the car?
What did the girl do when she crossed the road?

Click on the links below for two activity worksheets you can also do. If you are able to print those off you can or you can discuss what you see in the picture and read the sentences or if you are feeling you need a challenge you could write some of the sentences out.

Can you name the different types of traffic

Can you use a pelican crossing

7 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning Activities Wednesday 20th

  1. Morning Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay hope yous are well. Macy’s not feeling very well today so she will catch up with everything once she’s better. Hope yous have a lovely day x

  2. Post author

    Aww no we are sorry to hear that she isn’t feeling so good. Hope she gets better soon. Yeah of course there is no panic at all to complete on the day. Just do what you can when you can. Take care Miss Mackay x

  3. I have sent you an email of some of Lillies work, sorry we are late to this 🤣, we have had a weekend of celebrations for her sisters 1st birthday,
    Hope u receive some pictures, thanks

  4. Morning, I agree with Miss Mackay, please don’t feel that she needs to do everything-remember if we were at school and she was off sick we wouldn’t expect her to catch up -just prioritise what is manageable for you and her.

    Thank you for sending in more examples of work-I am so impressed at how much the children are producing. I will update you as soon as I find out about getting more jotters. We can provide them for you, there’s no need to go and buy your own.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. Mrs McKay

  5. Xander’s moment of infamy! I apologise for hobbling in the video – I popped the ligaments in my ankle 3 weeks ago and am just getting back on my feet (and Xander refuses to film anything without me!).

    He’s loving the idea of the Sumdog challenge. He’s a lot more settled this week – we’ve been able to have a couple of socially distanced visits to his granny – which seems to have helped.

  6. Post author

    Sounds like a lovey weekend celebrating a 1st birthday. Thanks for emailing over photos. Miss Mackay x

  7. Post author

    Great to here Xander is doing better this week 🙂 A socially distanced trip to Granny sounds like it did just the trick. I know how much I am missing seeing my own family. Thank you so much to both of you for providing us with the clip. I’m sure the rest of the P1s will love getting to see him in action. Hope the ankle gets better soon. Miss Mackay x

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