P2/3 Daily Draw Friday 1st May


The Daily Draw

Each day a new word will be posted as a drawing prompt.  i have been tweeting these but today, I thought I’d also share on the blog.  I look forward to seeing your work!  You can tweet your pictures, e-mail your pictures or comment on the blog to tell me what you’ve drawn.  Have fun, Mrs BP x

4 thoughts on “P2/3 Daily Draw Friday 1st May

  1. Post author

    Thank you. It’s interesting to know what comes to mind for different people. Well done!

  2. We don’t have Twitter so thank you for posting on here. We might download it so we can see and share pictures?

  3. Post author

    No problem. I’ll post the words here every day from now on! You can try Twitter (if I can do it, anyone can) or you can e-mail pictures to the school. Hope this helps. Mrs BP x

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