P1 Home Learning Thursday 23rd

Happy Thursday everyone, I can’t believe we have almost completed another week of home learning. Here is what we would like you to work on today.

• Write a short letter to Miss Mackay or Mrs McKay all about your Easter holiday. If you click on the link you will see an example of how to lay the letter out. It would be lovely if you could write at least 3 sentences. You can also draw some pictures to go with your letter.

Letter to P1

• ‘The One Minute Challenge’, you will need to find something in your house to time 1 minute on. This could be a watch, phone, timer on the oven or egg-timer from a game, anything you can find. Then you need to see how many of each thing you can do in a minute. This could be, star jumps, skipping, toe touches, writing your name, staying quiet, how high can you count? How many sounds can you remember? Really you can do anything the more creative the better. It just has to be done in 1 minute! You could even challenge someone at home to see if they can beat your score.

• Please see weekly plan for information.

16 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning Thursday 23rd

  1. Morning, we have emailed Arlo’s letter in to the school email, hopefully makes it to you ok. We have read our book and going to keep our 1 minute challenge for later after our bike ride.

  2. Post author


    Letters have started to arrive in my inbox and they are making my day. It is so lovely to hear what you have been getting up to during the holidays and this time of home schooling. Some very inventive learning taking place 🙂 Think I might have to send a picture of me lego to prove I really do have some! Miss Mackay x

  3. Post author

    Thank you, it has just arrived in my inbox. What a lovely letter and don’t worry I speak P1 fluently now 😉 Great writing and I really like the questions. I can’t quite see the castle because all the trees have their leaves on again, but in the winter we can see the fireworks for New Year. I can see Corstorphine Hill though which is where the Zoo is.

    Thank you to everyone who has sent us a picture of their letters so far. Miss Mackay xx

  4. Post author

    It has just come through and it is brilliant. I can’t believe how much he has written. I am very impressed and happy to hear the Easter bunny came to visit you and your big sister. Miss Mackay x

  5. Hi Miss Mackay
    I sent a letter from Nikola to a school email.
    We apologize for being late, but the blog did not work.

  6. Post author

    Not a problem at all. There was no time frame put on it. I will be very pleased to read it when it comes through from school email.

  7. Orlagh’s face lit up when you mentioned fireworks and the zoo!😃

    Regarding a section of Mrs Mckay’s letter we thought it would be good to see a lesson on video by the teacher. You’re deeply missed! X

  8. Hi Miss Mackay,

    What is the school email? Sorry I couldn’t find it – just to send Gracie-Mae’s letter to you 🙂

  9. Post author

    I’m so glad she liked my reply. Well on that note Mrs McKay and I had a chat about filming something yesterday so watch this space 😉 Miss Mackay x

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