P1 Home Learning Wednesday 22nd.

Good morning, we hope that you are all settling back in to home learning again. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details.

• Our new sound today is ‘igh’.
‘igh’ is a moving vowel sound and comes from the Inky’s Vowel House.
• Can you think of any words that have the ‘igh’ sound?
• Does the ‘igh’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
• Slide some sounds together to form words:
Night, fight, flight, knight, right, sight, light
• Now write these words and draw a picture to match. (Extension activity, write sentences.)
• Video to look at,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO8BS-GbHAo (alphablocks)

New letters for today M, N and Y.

• Mental maths as on weekly plan.
• Telling the time to whole and half hours. Ask someone at home to give you different times. You could use the clock that you made on Monday and with two pencils (one shorter than the other) practise how to show them on the clock. They could also display a time for you and you have to work it out.
• If you click on the link below there are two sheets with examples of telling the time in whole and half hours. If you can, you could print them out and complete or you could just look at them and discuss the times.

Whole and half hours

• See plan for topic information for today.
• Use or create your own version of the KWL grid to talk about what you already know and would like to know about people who help us in the community.


Story time
Today is Earth Day 2020 a day when we appreciate the planet that we live in. I think now that we all have to spend more time at home and indoors we are starting to appreciate our beautiful planet more and more. I found a lovely story by one of my favorite authors Oliver Jeffers called ‘Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth’ that I thought you would enjoy. Click on the link below for the story. There has also been a short animation of the book made as well but unfortunately I think it is only available on Apple TV. I will keep an eye out though.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkcjKbbF9JA Here We Are story.

There are also a couple of nice activities that go with the story. You do not have to do them but I thought I would share just in case.
• Create some illustrations of planet Earth.
• Look at the page that shows night and day. Can you create two pictures of the same place at different times of the day?

10 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning Wednesday 22nd.

  1. Good Morning
    I am finding it a challenge with Gracie even to be interested in any of the work that she has to do! Was looking for some advice to kick start her so to speak!’

  2. Post author

    Morning, I have tried a little something to see if it helps with some motivation. Hopefully it works. Miss Mackay x

  3. Post author

    Sorry it may take a little time as its got to go through the school office first. Hopefully soon though.

  4. Hi Mrs McKay

    I’m looking for some help for Harris’ mental maths. We only seem to have a sheet labelled learning grid week one and two. Is there anything else we’re missing? He’s been using sumdog a lot, but I’m wondering how to keep him interested.

    Also today’s topic, is that Earth Day?


  5. Post author

    Hello, if you check back to Monday’s post there should be a link on it for this weeks home learning grid. Topic for today is to have a think about people who help us in the community again there is more info on the grid and to use the KWL sheet attached to today’s post. The Earth Day activities were a little extra but if you would rather concentrate on that today instead of people who help us that is absolutely fine. Hope this helps, if you can’t see the grids please get back to me. Miss Mackay

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