P1 (P1L and P1S) Health and Wellbeing

02-04-20 P1 HWB

Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning P1.  I hope you are all well.  I am missing working with all of you.

Spring Scavenger Hunt

You can do this on a walk, in the garden or even from your window.

You may wish to draw pictures of the items when you see them.

  • Find a flower
  • Find two different shaped leaves
  • Find a twig
  • Find a cloud in the sky
  • Find a bird
  • Find another living creature
  • Find some water
  • Find and describe a tree
  • Find something that crawls
  • Find some grass

Good luck!  Mrs Grenfell


4 thoughts on “P1 (P1L and P1S) Health and Wellbeing

  1. Hiya Mrs Grenfell hope you are good 😊 Jake just wanted to say hi and thankyou for teaching him French, art and RME. He sent a picture of his easter egg with joyeuses paques to his gran and she thought he was such a clever boy. Jake’s looking forward to his spring scavenger hunt today. Takecare and hopefully see you soon. X

  2. Post author

    That is lovely. I am sure it made your gran very happy. I hope you are well. I am doing fine but missing you all. Enjoy your scavenger hunt!

  3. Hi Mrs Grenfell, Archie enjoyed the scavenger hunt while out on our walk. He saw lots of flowers in people’s gardens, and saw some daisies, dandelions and daffodils on the grassy areas. There were no leaves on the trees, but we saw buds where leaves were ready to grow. We managed to find everything on the list, it was great having things to look for on our walk.

  4. Post author

    I’m really glad you enjoyed the scavenger hunt. It’s great to get out in the fresh air. You have done really well managing to get everything on the list!

    Mrs Grenfell

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