Easter Fun

We would like to say a big hello to all our friends and families at Uphall ELC.  We are missing our time with the children.

Have you been on a bear hunt yet? When you are out for a walk, look out for bears in house windows. See how many you can count whilst on your walk. A little bit of fun when you are out for your daily walk. Why not add a bear to your window for others to see.

Easter Activity

Easter is almost upon us! As children we remember dying or painting boiled eggs and having fun rolling them down a hill.  We thought it would be fun to decorate a boiled egg.  This is a good opportunity to talk about the oval shape of an egg and how delicate it is.  Enjoy this time just listening and talking to your child as they decorate their egg.  You can talk about colours, patterns and how your child wants to decorate it.  Give your child lots of praise for their effort and remember the end product does not matter it is your child’s master piece!

If you have a spare egg allow your child to crack it open and see what’s inside……children are fascinated with eggs.

If you do not have eggs perhaps make an Easter card, any activity that allows you to join in with your child.

Extra Activities

There is a lovely Easter story on YouTube that you could watch The Story of the Easter Bunny by Katherine Tegen and Sally Anne Lambert.

Lastly, the children really enjoy using the computer programme  www.topmarks.co.uk. There is an Easter counting game called Teddy numbers which is tablet friendly. The children can have fun counting and giving the teddy Easter eggs.


ELC Team


3 thoughts on “Easter Fun

  1. Sydney loved doing egg painting today. She got nice and messy and got to use glitter!

    She’s still very confused as to why she’s not going to nursery and is not enjoying spending so much time with her brother!

  2. Hugo has made Easter Cards and Eggs. He enjoyed sticking bunny’s, chicks, eggs and feathers to the cards.

  3. It was lovely for me to see how much he enjoyed the activity and so proud to show it off. Please let him know that his egg is amazing. Thank you for using our Blog to keep in touch.

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