7 thoughts on “Tuesday 31st March P3 home learning

  1. Hi Miss Hall,

    I started today with Joe Wicks, it’s good exercise. I have also completed today’s school work, but decided to stick to spicy for numeracy. TAke good care and keep us busy😸

  2. Hi Miss Hall,
    My mummy made a mistake on reading today, she made me do everything and then realised it was all of the work for the week.
    I started reading a new book today.
    From Arthur.

  3. Post author

    Well done Aaron! Yes I’ve been doing the Joe Wicks PE as well! We will be as fit as fiddles by the time this is over!

    Oh dear Arthur! Oh well- you’ve probably earnt yourself a break now!

    Keep up the good work boys!:D

  4. Hi Miss Hall,
    Do this trick to someone say hey can I do a magic trick.put your thumbs on the table.and then put a glass cup on there thumbs.and then there stuck.
    From Arthur

  5. Post author

    Haaa Haaa! Happy April fools! Noooooo, not me……..definitely not! Tee hee! 😉

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