Here is more learning that has taken place recently. Please feel free to use this information to extend your child’s learning further.
Literacy: The children have been learning nursery rhymes and looking at words that rhyme. Ask your child to recite their favourite nursery rhyme and think of words that rhyme e.g cat and______, wall and _______.
The children have been very excited with a new set of books we have received from Mrs Bruce. The ELC team would all agree that Supertato by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet has been a particular favourite with all children who are able to recall parts of the story and act out the story. The staff’s favourite bit is the evil pea, “Mwah ha ha ha ha!”
We are also currently looking at how well we are doing at being a Gender Friendly Nursery. The children have been engaging with gender friendly roles in our environment e.g. firefighters, police officers encouraging them to know that most jobs can be done by men and women.
We are sure you are aware but lots of people have been making rainbow pictures to stick onto the inside of your windows so that when you and other people are out for a walk you can look for them and is a bit of fun. You could be discussing the colours of a rainbow and could share them with us on your Learner Journals.
Take care, Uphall ELC Team.