P1 Home Learning for Thursday 26th

Good morning everyone, we hope that you are all well and settling in to your new routine.  Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details.

• Foundations of Writing.
Your title this week is ‘I am at the beach…with my family’. If you click on the link below it will take you to two different examples. The first one has been drawn not following our success criteria, the second one has been. It also shows you how to lay out the page for the drawings.

FOW I am at the beach

• Mental maths as on timetable.
• Practice fact families to 10.
• Game to help

• See timetable of home learning.

Thank you for all your hard work so far this week. Keep it up 🙂

7 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning for Thursday 26th

  1. Good morning Miss Mackay, great pictures as usual. It’s strange not seeing them up on the board in the classroom though! Boys and girls your challenge is on to include even more detail than Miss Mackay.

  2. Post author

    I will miss not having your boys and girls come and visit to see my pictures today Mrs McKay.

  3. Hello, that is so nice to hear. Looking forward to seeing it when we get back to school, I hope you are impressed with his writing and the amount of detail he is adding to his pictures now too.

  4. I thought I had commented but can’t find it so apologies if this is a duplicate. Arlo has been struggling, had a bad day yesterday, although he did have a shot of sumdog. Today he has played top marks game, done some mental maths with mum and dad and used his robot to practice more fact families. He also read Songbirds, Top Cat book and is very proud of himself because he was able to read out the letters and blend all of the words with a little help from his arm.

  5. I’ve got something that might help to cheer him up-whenever we play it in class we have fun trying to join in and sing along! Miss Mackay I know you’ll agree!

  6. Post author

    I’m sure that you are doing a great job. It has been such a big change for us all. Basketball sounds like great fun and even better that they are counting the hoops. Maybe they could start doing points adding up or play a game of Donkey to practice letters. Miss Mackay x

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