Spring learning in Nursery

Over the last few weeks the children in Nursery have been busy learning about what happens during the season of spring. They have been learning the names of baby animals and flowers that we see in spring. The bulbs on display in Nursery helped us learn about the different parts of a plant. We have enjoyed being creative with different materials for spring themed art and craft activities. We used books and natural resources to inspire us.

       Spring pictures    

     Learning about parts of plants   

In the garden the children have planted potatoes and are now learning how to care for plants to help them grow. The pea and sunflower seeds that were planted inside have now been transferred outside to our little greenhouse. We have been watering them carefully and watching the shoots grow taller.


Some of the children carried out an experiment to investigate how water travels through a plant by putting some cut flowers in vases of coloured water. When we looked closely we could see that in some of the flowers the coloured water had moved up through the stems all the way to the petals!


The children have shown a lot of interest in minibeasts and we are starting to learn more about them. We now have caterpillars  in Nursery. The caterpillars are busy eating and are growing very fast. We can’t wait to see what happens next!





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