Lendrick Muir Camp


Dear Parents/Carer,

Weather reports continue to have a yellow warning until Monday and snow showers are forecast  beyond that.

The children’s safety is paramount to us. With conditions as they are and consideration being given to the expected pupil experience, we have unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to postpone our trip to Lendrick Muir.

We have been in constant communication with the Lendrick Muir Centre over the past few days and are aware that they would need to adjust our programme if we were able to attend. The children may not be able to take part in the activities that we had booked. Alternative activites offered included snowman building and bread making. Although these would hopefully be activities that the children would enjoy it would have been disappointing not to be able to go gorge walking, king swing, archery etc.

We are currently looking for an alternative location later on in the term.

We have also been in contact with the bus company and have taken into consideration their recommendations about not travelling.

Please apologise to your child/children on our behalf.

One thought on “Lendrick Muir Camp

  1. Very disappointed child here, I understand why this is happening however would finding an alternative location be likely at this point of the year?! Really hope they do manage to get an alternative arranged for later in the term so the kids don’t miss out on the experience completely!

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