Happy World Book Day!

Let’s make the most of World Book Day being a snow day!

What are you going to read today? Who are you going to read with? Where are you going to read?

I would love to see what books you have been reading – please come and see me when we get back to school, and bring your books with you. I want to hear all about them.

What did you like about the book? Who was your favourite character? Was there someone in the book you didn’t like, and if so, why did you not like that person? Would you change the ending of the book?

Could you set up a library or a book shop at home and have some customers? Some of us did that in school last week, so think about how to describe books, and ask questions about them.

Can you redesign the front cover? For example, I have been reading a book about Mindfulness, and I think my new book cover for that would show Poppy lying in front of the fire as she is looking very calm and relaxed at the moment!

Here is the link to the World Book Day website which might give you some more ideas.

Enjoy your book activities, and I am looking forward to hearing about them when we get back to school.

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