Getting Ready for World Book Day

Today we have been learning about books! Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Stevenson brought in their favourite books. Mrs Sutherland showed us a book on how to look after babies, which she read lots when her children were little. Mrs Stevenson brought in her daughters’ books which we recognised as they included Diary of a Wimpy Kid. She also brought in a book about Romans which we know is a fact book, or non fiction.

Next week we have two trips to look forward to. We are going to Broxburn Library, so to prepare for this, Mrs Stevenson pretended to be a librarian and we had to ask to borrow books from her!

We are also going to Waterstones in Livingston, and we will be able to buy books there for our school. Mrs Patience has organised for us to have a drink of hot chocolate too. We have looked at photographs of Waterstones so that we know what to expect when we get there.

Mrs Sutherland likes the look of one of the books here so she is going to take some money to spend.

Broxburn Library have some events on next week – details here. There is a party and a treasure hunt!

Updates from next week to follow.

Here is some information we have shared about what is the same and what is different about book shops and libraries.

Happy reading everyone!

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