Celebrating Robert Burns with The Cool Kids and The Fantastics

We have been very busy in The Cool Kids and The Fantastics during the last two weeks! The children have been learning about Robert Burns and planned a small celebration for 25th January.

The highlight was making shortbread with Mrs Stevenson, and I have to say that they made a great job of this! The children learned lots of new vocabulary to do with following instructions (a recipe), measuring and using different utensils – sieve, rolling pin, baking tray.

The children each chose a guest to invite along and they were excellent hosts. We talked about how to offer drinks and food to the friend they had invited. Here are some words used by the children to describe the shortbread – “delicious”, “really tasty”, “awesome”.

Mrs Stevenson and I are really proud of the children – this was something new for them and I think that you can see from the pictures how much they and their guests enjoyed their morning!

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