Malawi Update

Owen  Kasitumo from our partner school, Nanjala Primary, in Malawi has been in touch to give us an update on how our fundraising money is being spent. This year we have provided more pupil desks, this means that we have now provided desks for 3 classrooms where children no longer need to sit on a concrete floor all day. We have also provided a teacher desk.

On my last visit in October 2016 the girls netball team asked if they could have netball hoops. These have now been made and the girls are delighted that they can practise properly and have matches with other schools.

The desks and hoops have been made by local craftsmen, meaning that our fundraising is also helping the local community and promoting sustainable development.

We have also funded a post office box address for the school which will make it much easier for our letters to reach their destination sooner. The children of Uphall primary will be putting this to the test shortly when they write letters to their pen pals.

We will be continuing  our fundraising with some new and exciting initiatives. Meanwhile please send in any 1p and 2p coins and we will try to make another mile before summer.

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Mrs Lesley Creaney

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