Josh and Alisha’s Blog

Hi, we were looking at Guided Reading and Technology  this week. Here is our report.

Guided Reading

Freestyle Karate 

Alexandra is reading a book called Agatha Parrot and the Mushroom Boy. It is about a girl called Agatha. She has a little sister called Tilly and a big brother called James that is very annoying. Alexandra thinks the book is really good because it is funny and really good to read.


The group is finding the comprehension challenge a bit hard but a wee bit easy. The group said they are getting some of the questions right but some wrong. They are doing their best to get them right and finish it.


In technology we were looking at design. We designed a ‘Go/Stop Sign’, we wrote down instructions of how to build a model and then we wrote a report. The report was to show how we got on and also showed what our next steps should be to make our model better.

What you need:

.1 kitchen tube

.2 sheets of scrap paper

.Paint green, red, black

.paint brushes


How they made it:

first we got our kitchen tube and covered it in scrap paper. Then paint the scrap paper in black paint. Next get your other piece of scrap paper and draw two circles then cut out both circles and paint one red and one green. After that, cellotape both circles on each side and then cellotape together. That is your finished piece.

Our next steps for our model were:-

. To make it bigger.

. To make the green Go and the red Stop more visible at night.

Why don’t you go and try to design your own Go/Stop project and see what it comes out like.

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