Mental Maths Quiz Blog by Arianne and Dylan

P6k have been doing a mental maths quiz we interviewed some people to see how they found the quiz and here is what they said…

Eilidh- I found my work challenging I understood most of my questions but some of them were a bit more difficult.

Scarlett– I found my work challenging I got 7 right out of 10 and the 3  that I got wrong were the ones I found more difficult.

Reece- I found my work challenging I understood most of my questions but only a few were a bit more difficult.

Alex- I found my work challenging I found most of them difficult but once Mrs Kilpatrick explained them I understood them.


One thought on “

  1. You have all been busy! It sounds like mental maths has been enjoyable yet challenging.

    Keep up the hard work, P6K.

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