Money Week – by Shannon and Alexandra

Money week !
Last week was money week and we were learning about budgets. We did lots of activities. In one of our tasks we focussed on budgeting for the making of a movie .We interviewed Arianne and Scarlett and Abi and Josh

Arianne:    Myself and Alisha were doing a maths sum for money week we were under the budget (the budget was 50 pounds)  and we remembered the decimal point!

Scarlett: Myself and Alexandra  were learning about budgets and totals. We were purchasing clothes and making up outfits for a budget. We picked two outfits and when we added the totals up they came within our budget.

Abi and Sophie :  We were learning about totals and budgets, we also used taking away and adding to help people with  their  budgets.

Josh:  I was learning about budgets and I was also learning that the decimal point always falls down when adding and you only need the pound sign or the pence sign at the total of my sums.



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