Term 1 – Week 1: Welcome to Uphall Nursery

A huge welcome to all of our new children, parents and carers and a huge ‘welcome back’ to our pre-school children.

We have been so lucky over the summer holidays to purchase some new furniture and resources for our nursery, we are so excited to share it with our children and their parents/carers.

We are now going to concentrate on the development of our outdoor learning environment…watch this space for updates!

During their first week at nursery the children have enjoyed getting to know the nursery staff and their own key workers.   They have made new friends and also enjoyed being reunited with old ones.   This week we have talked about how to take care of our nursery and have enjoyed tidying up when we hear our new ‘tidy up song’.

Here are some pictures of our children being very busy on their first week at nursery…
