P4/5 shadow puppet shows

This weeks blog was written by: Kyle and Aaron.


In maths we have been learning to measure length and divide. We know that our times tables can help us with division,  for example 15÷3 = 5 and 3 x 5 = 15.

The units of measurement we used when recording length were millimetres, centimetres and metres.  We did a lot of estimating and then measuring to check our accuracy using tape measures, 30cm rulers and metre sticks.


Weather Topic

We’ve been learning to design tornadoes by shading. Some by pencil and some by coloured pencil.

We also carried out research into different cloud formations and presented our findings as cloud shaped posters.



We have been learning to diacritically mark. Diacritical marking is when we use special symbols to show many phonemes are in a word.




Our topic is light and sound and we have been looking at how shadows are created. We found out that if an object is opaque it gives the darkest shadow. We made our own shadow puppets and performed a story to our classmates.

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