P5 Astonishing Assembly

We have just finished our Matilda Assembly that we have been working on for MONTHS! All the parents loved it, and we even got asked for an encore.

Here’s some of our thoughts, on the come down:

“I feel amazing” – Katie P5

“I was really nervous, and now that it’s done, I just feel really happy” – Grace P5

“I feel relieved it is over, and that it went well” – Rianna P5

“I am in shock!” – Sophie-Lee P5

“Astonished!” – Ross P5

“I really, really LOVED it! Especially my costume!” – Dylan P5 (Miss Trunchbull)

“Simply amazing” – Reece P5

“I…feel…MARVELOUS!” – Ryan P5

“We worked really hard on this, and now that it’s over, and the parents enjoyed it, I feel happy…and exhausted!” – Elle P5

“We are magnificent!” – Fraser P5

“I couldn’t be happier with the class’s performance! They worked so hard and it really paid off! Well done all!!!” – Mr Hewitt P5

Next stop? Broadway!!!