Nanjala Primary School Visits

After 2 days at Nanjala Primary I am so impressed at the progress that has been made since last year. The teachers are fantastic and the children are so keen to learn. The teachers were displaying and using the maths resources I brought over, which was fantastic to see.

I was greeted by all the staff and the Parent Management Committee, the equivalent of our parent Council.  The children had prepared traditional dances and the staff had a display of the crafts they teach to the children.

I then visited every class to chat to the children and develop my links from last year.

Today I was in 4 classes helping the teachers and trying my hand at teaching the very large classes. The children were extremely well behaved and patient when trying to understand my Scottish Accent.

I will be supporting a local charity at a disabled children’s camp tomorrow where children are brought to have their needs assessed. This shows great progress from a few years ago when attitudes towards disabled children were discriminatory.

I will be back at Nanjala on Friday to teach angles to Standard (Primary) 7 and colours to Standard (Primary) 1. I don’t know which will be the more challenging!!

I’ll keep you posted.

Zikomo (thank you)