Mrs Creaney’s Malawi Trip

Tomorrow, Wednesday 7th October, I will be travelling to Malawi to spend 2 weeks working with teachers and children in primary schools, including our new partner school, Nanjala Primary.

Nanjala Primary is a school in the Mulanje district of Malawi where there are 770 children in 7 classes. The children are taught in bare concrete classrooms where the only resources available to the teachers are a blackboard and chalk. The children at Uphall Primary have begun fundraising to provide resources for the children of Nanjala.

Many thanks for those of you who have already handed in pennies for our Malawi Mile as well as pens for the children of Nanjala. We had over 370 pens handed in and I will be taking these with me to enable the children to write letters back to us.

I will keep you updated, Wi-Fi permitting, throughout my time in Malawi.

Kind regards

Mrs Creaney