Primary 5/6

We have had a great time since coming back to school after the holidays. We started a WAGOLL board (What A Good One Looks Like) and started our Class Charter. We’ll put up photos when it’s finished.

So far, we have started playing Maths Champ and have had 2 winners, Jack and Lewis. Well done, boys!

We are going to enter the 500 words story competition run by the BBC next year and we have started practising already!

We came up with our class motto which is “When we are together, we get along much better”. We love it!

We started Fitness Friday which is hard work but lots of fun. We have to run for a minute and then walk for a minute. We are going to take this out and about in Uphall and pound the pavements!

We started our class novel. It is a book called “Wonder” which is all about a boy starting school for the first time. We’re not going to tell you any more. (Don’t judge a boy by his face). I WONDER if you are going to read it…..