The Journey of our Caterpillars

A few weeks ago some special guests arrived in Primary Three – 5 tiny caterpillars. Since then we have watched them grow and form their own chrysalis’.  Along the way we have watched video clips, read information books and observed our caterpillars to find out more about them.

On Monday when we came into school we were all delighted to see five beautiful butterflies! We used the internet to find out that they like to drink the juice of fruit so Mrs Howie kindly gave us some for them. 🙂

So, this afternoon we all went out into our school garden and decided that close to some flowers would be the best place to release them. When we opened their habitat they were a bit shy at first, but eventually we got to see them fly up, up and away!

We are all hoping to see them back in our garden soon. Here are some pictures below;

Tiny Caterpillar Butterflies Beautiful Butterfly! Tiny Caterpillar again