P6 News!

A busy week in P6!


On Monday we enjoyed some athletics games for PE including ‘rock, paper, scissors, chase’ – we are building our skills in movement and will be looking forward to our P6 cross country event later in the month!


In Number talks, we have been looking at multiplication. Mrs Conway has been learning so many new strategies from the class – her mind has been blown! We are spotting patterns and simplifying problems to help us find our answer. This will continue over the next few weeks.


In Word Boost we made connections through creating posters which gave a description of selected words using words and pictures. Can you child remember any of our boost words?! Are they starting to use any advanced vocabulary at home? Leave a comment to let us know:)


We are really excited about our Global Goals showcase (Thurs 16th May) and spent lots of time this week working with our groups to come up with ideas for our imovies! If you want to chat about the global goals at home a good starting g point t is to watch this video as a family;

As we reflected on our week some of the class shared their highlights;

Sean – our global goals work…

Jan – learning about divisibility in maths…

Sam – athletics, high jump with Mr mccurdy

Mrs Conway – that we managed to clean the filter on the projector and it stayed on for longer than ten minutes at a time…..


Next week (short week!) we are going to be working on finishing our global goals presentations and updating our OneNote profiles! We will also be saying cheerio to Mrs Kerr as she finishes on Thursday for her maternity leave 💚

Nursery News

What a busy week for St Ninian’s nursery!

Our boys and girls are really embracing our new word boost words and trying hard to understand them. There have been lots of lovely thoughts and ideas of what words mean and how they sound, this is growing week by week! The word boost words for this week were;





Please support your child’s learning at home by using these words regularly and encouraging them to be adventurous with their vocabulary 🙂


Moving on from the word boost work this week – the children showed interest in making words and letters out of wool. Some children even moved on to using the sounds they know to spell out the word ‘LUV’ – fantastic ways to experience and experiment with early phonics!


Our welly wednesday was a focus on finding signs of spring on the back of the very UN-Scottish weather we have experienced this week (which has been a welcomed delight!).  We found lots of green shoots and some pockets of colour that made us very happy! We also had a chat about picking flowers after seeing some had been picked and left lying.. we decided to rescue them and bring them back to nursery to put them in water! We seen a duck wandering through the trees which sparked lots of questions; what is it doing? Where is it going? More than all of this – we continue to learn to be responsible in our local environment on Welly Wednesday – taking opportunities to keep ourselves and others safe.


On Thursday we had a great time working with P5 in gym where we were learning to make baskets with our hands to catch a various assortment of items. We love working with P5 and learned a new term ‘underarm throw’, when we threw things back to our friends in P5.


Friday always comes around too quickly – but we went to the hall and had fun being dingle dangle scarecrows, using our bodies in different ways to flip, flop and wobble.


PEEP class this involved meeting our new puppet – an old lady (not Mrs Beattie…) who was telling us all about her eating habits! Swallowing spiders, flies… sounds yummy, no? We learned a Spring song and banged a big drum in time to share with everyone how special we are and our own name. We love PEEP – Bang, Bang, Bang!


Have a lovely weekend!

P3 Weekly Round Up!

Another whirlwind week in P3!

In writing, Mrs Scott was so impressed with the quality of work that we didn’t just have one star writer… we had three!! Our three star writers wowed the class with their amazing news reports about Flat Stanley. Using connectives, ambitious vocabulary and understanding that newspapers need headlines – these are all the skills we built on this week. We can wait to show you at Ninian’s Natter next week!
Our reading groups are up and running now that we have settled into the swing of things 🙂 the boys and girls are using their decoding strategies to build fluency as they read. We plan to change the reading books on a Wednesday, though when children begin to read novels it happens as and when the book ends. We hear reading on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in small groups where we use various questioning skills to challenge the children’s understanding of what they have read.
As we are continuing to build a reading culture in our class – boys and girls are encouraged to bring a book from home that they might read for enjoyment in class. We have some avid readers in P3 – Roald Dahl and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books have made an appearance this week 🙂
In maths we are continuing to build on our knowledge of number as we practice skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We LOVED the whack a mole game and will continue to use it as we practice counting in 3s, 4s.. etc. Have a go at home – some of us got up to 1000 today!
During Word Boost we read together a picture book throughout the week, focussing on chosen ‘boost’ words to help us develop a broad ranging vocabulary. This weeks boost words were; local, popular, repeat, mumble and vast. Every time you hear any of these words with your child pop your finger on your nose to indicate a ‘boost word’! Can your child use these words in a sentence?
Ninian’s Natter information is on the school’s weekly update – Mrs Scott and I would love to meet the parents/caters of all of our children! Please do come along to meet us, discuss what learning looks like in the P3 classroom and ask questions about the year ahead! 🙂 looking forward to seeing you all then!
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