What a wonderful family wellbeing week we had as our Parents came back to play and find out more about their childs experiences in nursery. For this come back and play experience we wanted to include our values. Each day the children explored what each value meant as we discussed these in a child friendly way with parents too.

Monday was LOVE, where children painted their hands and we discussed “who they love”. Some parents got in on the action too!!

Tuesday was KINDNESS day, Children were asked “what is kindness?” their voice were recorded and are on display on our values wall.

Wednesday was FRIENDSHIP where we promoted the importance of friendship and looking after each other on our Welly Wednesday Walk, and discussed who were our friends in nursery.


Thursday was HAPPINESS day, the children were to think of what made them happy and to think about feelings. Some children painted pictures of themselves “happy” and these are now in pride of place on our Values display in nursery.

There was no PEEP class on Friday, but this will be back this week coming on Friday 22/2/19.








Our P1 transition programme is beginning this month with a visit to the P1 class for World Book Day, the 28th and 29th of February. This will involve all the children listening to a story read by the P1 teacher to the children. A transition booklet and letter is to follow with all the details and dates you will need for your diary.

Hope you have all had a lovely holiday weekend!!

from the Nursery Team x


This week gave the children opportunities to discover different celebrations of the world. This week it was Chinese new Year. We watched a movie on the smart board that gave us lots of information about it and let us see what they do in Celebration. This gave us lots of ideas to get creative in our nursery and to extend our learning further. On a map in an Atlas we discovered it was only 44 steps to China!.

We could see that Chinese writing was straight lines, Regan copied this onto paper using straws.

The children made a Dragon for Chinese New Year, the AM children made one large Dragon and the PM children made individual Dragons. The AM Dragon was paraded around  to ward of bad luck and bring good luck.


Tuesday was also Safer Internet Day and we had a discussion with the children about being safe in our choices when we are online.

Wednesday  brought back our Welly Wednesday Adventures!!!! the children had great fun trying to scale the bendy tree and remembered how to keep themselves safe on the walk. We stopped to talk about the ice that had formed on the pond and how to keep ourselves safe beside the water. In the afternoon the rain didn’t put us off our walk, but it did give us the most colourful rainbow for us to admire and see it’s reflection in the water.


Thursday gave us P.E with Mr McCurdy on the large apparatus as we strengthened our core strength and balance skills.

The week was finished off with a taste of the show the p.3-5 children are performing next week as we listened to them singing on the stage.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!! from the Nursery Team


Next week in nursery we are celebrating the nursery values and relationships we have with our families through come back and play sessions and activities planned around our four core values; LOVE, HAPPINESS,FRIENDSHIP AND KINDNESS. Their are still spaces available if you haven’t signed up for this valuable insight into your child’s day at nursery.

MONDAY COME BACK AND PLAY              10.15am      12.00pm, focus on LOVE.

TUESDAY COME BACK AND PLAY             10.15am      12.00pm, focus on  KINDNESS.       MARVELOUS MATHS and BIG BEDTIME READ BAGS SWAP.


THURSDAY  COME BACK AND PLAY       10.15 am      12.00pm focus on HAPPINESS.           P.E


THIS IS OUR February holiday weekend we will see you all back on Wednesday 20th of February.


Nursery News

What a wonderful fun packed week we’ve had as the children learn through play. As you can see we are adopting the Frobelian principle through out the nursery setting and the children are learning importance life skills and self regulation each day. Eg:

Natural resources were found by the children to complete a number table as we discover the numbers 0-10.

Each number has the corresponding number of items beside it. The children can then identify the number and recognize that they each represent a quantity.

Block play lets them discover shape and size as well as symbolic play, as Zuzzana found as she built a house for the teddy bear.

Mathematical skills and intellectual development are observed here as they use these abilities to plan and create inner images to outer objects.


Children are exploring clay and it’s properties as they create props or shapes in the world around them. 

This develops fine motor skills in preparation for writing as well as language and imagination as they discuss what they are creating with their peers.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!! If the snow appears be prepared for your child sledging and outdoor play.

from The Nursery Team x


MONDAY – P7 children visiting us to make their award wining Ham and Egg pie AM and PM.


WEDNESDAY – National Eye Screening AM and PM children. Welly Wednesday in the garden.


FRIDAY – PEEPS IS BACK  \O/   Beginning of a 3 week block. Please see the sign up sheet in the nursery or Mrs Beattie for further details and spaces available.



Nursery News

A wonderful fun filled week in the nursery, lots of rainbows in the sky this week we spotted them on our walk on Wednesday and from the window through the week. This inspired lots of creative activities and mathematical learning around colours and shape. Children began singing the song ‘ I can sing a Rainbow’. Nativity practice is in full swing, we are rehearsing ‘Away in a Manger’, the story of Maurice the Mule and his manger in a stable. Children are having great fun learning the songs and at the same time developing their language. Of course who could forget about our visit to the local care home this week!! Lots of connections, fun and friendships built here this week. Such a heart warming experience for all involved xx


Monday –

Tuesday – Achievement assemblies am and pm.

Wednesday – Welly Wednesday

Thursday – P.E.         CHRISTMAS FAYRE 5.30 PM

Friday – PEEP.

Have the most amazing weekend everybody !!!  love the nursery team xx

Nursery News

A busy week in the nursery this week. In early years we observe using the Curriculum for Excellence framework. Four of the capacities in the early level are Health and Well-being, Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Numeracy and Technology. The children are learning through play and here are some wonderful examples of literacy, math and well-being in pictures. Using sticks and beads to recreate shapes, using different media to write or create their names, counting using conkers and using a cardboard box to make a bed to read and make friends in. We are so pleased to announce our EXCELLENT grading from the Care Inspectorate!!! Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.

Have a great weekend from the EXCELLENT nursery team !!!



Monday – The school road safety officers coming in to talk to children.

Tuesday – Some children will be visiting our local care home.      Parent council meeting 6.30.

Wednesday – Welly Wednesday.

Thursday –

Friday – peep session.

Nursery News

The children have had a wonderful Halloween week in nursery. Dressing up and dookin on Tuesday then a Halloween hunt on our fundraiser sponsored walk on Wednesday. New pipes and hoses in the water tray caused great interest on Thursday and we ended the week with a fantastic assembly all about kindness and how our kindness can colour the world. I’m sure your children colour your world, but they most certainly colour ours. Thank you all so much for your support during our Care Inspectorate inspection this week. We are delighted with the feedback given and will share the news when we get our final report.

Have a great weekend everybody!! from the Nursery Team xx



School photos, siblings can be included from nursery in these.

Can we please ask for any Sponsor forms to be back in today x.

Tuesday – Library Visit at 9.30 am and 1.30 pm.

Wednesday – Breakfast Blether at 8.30 with Mrs Mushet and Noon Natter at 12.00, any parent is invited to come along and have a chat about the nursery and our vision for the future.

Thursday – P.E.

Friday – Ladies Night.

Nursery News

Welcome back after the October break!! I hope you’re all noticing the changes to the lay out of the nursery room. We are focusing on our Froebelian approach to learning in Early Years by providing breadth and challenge through discovery and independence in each individual child’s interests. Natural resources foster the child’s imagination. Open ended resources create opportunity for multi purpose scenarios in learning e.g. a block can be numerous things from a phone to a plate, all according to the child’s imagination.

What a week it has been too! On Monday we launched our ‘Word Boost’ Initiative, each week the children will be read a book in nursery with a focus on some new words to learn. This week the words were; Ashtonished, Creep, Brave and Creatures.

Welly Wednesday started back with a great adventure to the local woods to investigate and explore Autumn and it signs in our local community. This area will be used every week so the children can experience seasonal changes and become familiar in their surroundings to be able to investigate and risk assess on their own.

Next weeks Welly Wednesday is Witchy Welly Wednesday, our first fundraiser of the year, the children will go to the woods on a Halloween hunt and have a Halloween story.



TUESDAY – Halloween activities in the nursery, the children can come in fancy dress, but no masks or face paint please. We will be dookin for apples and donut catching.

WEDNESDAY – Today is our Sponsored Witchy Welly Wednesday, children will be going to the woods so will need to be in appropriate outdoor clothing. We will be having a Halloween hunt and a Halloween story in the woods.

THURSDAY – P.E. 10.25 today and  no P.E. in the afternoon.

FRIDAY – PEEP sessions start back with Mrs Beattie.

Please also see in the pictures the new snack menu for the next term beginning on Monday with week 1.

Have a great weekend everyone !! From the nursery team xx

Nursery News

It was our SPORTS DAY this week!! And what a sports day we had! There was cheering, screaming, running, jumping, giggling and falling over… and that was just the staff – heehee!


Our boys and girls have spent the week rehearsing for sports day – changes to routines and patterns in the nursery can be difficult for little minds to understand so the staff team took time to explain to them what sports day would include and let them practice, practice makes perfect after all. We also made wonderful coloured banners to lead our teams in with – green, yellow, red and blue teams, with some children managing to wear their team colours! Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side on Thursday – but our contingency plan worked just beautifully…


We came roaring in to the cheers from the crowd as we did a lap of the hall for waves and smiles, before we got down to business and started racing. There were a few ‘cheat-abix’ moves on show – I’m talking to you Mrs Beattie 😉 but that all entered in the spirit of the day, where our boys and girls showed off their wonderful sporting talents in front of their parents, grandparents and friends. After all the hard work was over, the boys and girls received their medals as a huge well done for taking part in a fantastic day! Then we made our way back to the nursery where ice poles were awaiting us, to cool us down after all the physical exertion! A huge thanks to the crowd on the day for making it special for our children with their encouraging cheers, words and smiles – we couldn’t do it without you all!


In addition to Sports Day, this week we have taken on board a very exciting idea for our Welly Wednesday session next week… A few of our parents have made us aware of a ‘movement’ in West Lothian called ‘WEST LOTHIAN ROCKS’ – the idea behind it is that you find a rock, paint it and hide it somewhere outdoors, for others to find! You can then re-hide it for someone else to enjoy 🙂 once explained to our boys and girls they were super keen to take part! We went on the hunt for some rocks, and the PM group painted some for us to hide next week! If your child finds a rock they’d like to paint over the weekend, bring it to nursery on Monday to be painted in time to be hid on Welly Wednesday!


We also got a quick peek at the new baby signets on the pond – unfortunately one of the nine signets had to be taken away by one of the SSPCA officers due to having a poorly leg.


A little reminder, we capture the voices of our children in many different ways.. Now that we near the end of the session please take some time to look over our floor books, planning wall and learning journey wall – these are all tools that we use which are made to be shared with our children and their families 🙂 have a look and let us know which bits your children remember clearly…

Image result for its not what you teach its how you make them feel


Keep your eyes peeled for our new school website which will be launching very soon!


Nursery News

What a busy week we have had at St Ninian’s Nursery this week!

The top area is currently ‘under construction’ as the construction area has been created for the boys and girls to explore and play in. We have been so impressed with their focus, maturity and concentration in this area, especially due to the risks involved. The boys and girls show that they are able to to keep themselves and others safe whilst enjoying the difficult tasks of hammering nails and using screws. We have also been working on building our vocabulary in this area by looking at the names for the different pieces of equipment. Can your child tell you anything about this area?


We have been rehearsing our lovely songs this week in preparation for special person/grandparents day next week! We won’t spoil the surprise but be assured you will be blown away 😉


In addition to our lovely singing we have bee preparing some special gifts for grandparents day too. All of our boys and girls were delighted to be involved in planting sunflowers this week! We learned about what happens to the seed when it is planted in the soil and looked after with water and sunlight – we hope to see them grow into beautiful flowers one day soon!


At our May parents night there will be an ‘Art Gallery’ set up in the infant hall which will showcase the work of none other than our very own boys and girls! We have been working hard this week to get all of our entries finished and ready to be shipped off to be professionally framed. By offering the children free choice painting for this activity it has been lovely to get a feel for their interests and capabilities in art. Well done boys and girls, superstar artists!


The PM group had a whirlwind Wednesday with no less than FOUR birthdays to celebrate! The boys and girls made a cake for their friends to share and they all enjoyed the special time they had to have songs sung for them and big birthday claps done. Our food prep Thursday snack was PIZZA this week! A rip roaring success! To make these we chose healthy options by using a wrap as a base, spreading tomato passata on and adding chees, sweetcorn, mushrooms and tomatoes to taste – the boys and girls continue to love our food prep thursday snack days!


Welly Wednesday this week involved watching traffic from the bridge and takin tally marks on a sheet! We partnered up and split the responsbilities of counting as we looked for cars, buses, bikes and lorries. We were very lucky to have lots of waves, flashing lights and beeping horns as we counted and we practised safe road crossing on our way back to nursery. We look forward to the beginning of brighter weather to increase the time spent outdoors on a welly wednesday 🙂


Have a lovely weekend!

Winter Ready – Nursery


If nursery is closed due to bad weather you are welcome to try some of these challenges. You can bring any pictures, models or photos in to show

*Share stories together – use your bedtime read pack, check out ‘storyline online’ on YouTube, talk about what might happen and/or at the end recap on what did happen

*If you have access to a laptop or computer, visit Curious George’s Busy Day website to play some ICT games
Make a snowman – take a photo!

*Talk about the weather and the seasons together.

*Find a recipe you can make together – can your child get an opportunity to weigh, measure, chop, pour, grate whilst being supported by you?

*Play a game together – if you don’t have any board games or dominoes, play X’s and O’s

*Do a jigsaw, alone or supported by a parent/sibling.

*Can you draw patterns, shapes, letters in the snow with a stick? Take a photo and share with us!

*Paint, draw, dress up, pretend.. Get creative and use your imagination!

*PLAY! TALK! Share a meal together! Enjoy the time together <3


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