Wee Box Appeal

St Ninian’s Primary School have decided to participate in the Wee Box appeal to help the less fortunate and those surrounded by poverty. Along with SCIAF we can help these poor people get back on their feet. With small donations we will be able to double the amount of money raised meaning even a single pound will be doubled by the help of the UK gift aid scheme. With your help we can make a difference in poor societies.

Any wee boxes should be returned by the 24th of April at the latest, this will allow us to count your donations and send them to SCIAF.

Many thanks,

Jan & Adrin, Pupil Leadership Committee

Time flies by in P6/7

James gave us the title of our blog this week as we discussed how quickly the week had gone.

It all started on Monday where we did some focused vocabulary work linked to our class novel, everyone agreed that it was a pretty tricky task as we had to guess what the word meant by using the text surrounding it then look up it’s actual definition in the dictionary. Do you know what these words mean – reproached and suppurating? Place value is our focus in numeracy this week and we did some paired, independent and group tasks on Monday morning using resources like dominoes and flashcards to play different games to develop our confidence in reading different numbers. The afternoon saw us being introduced to Emotion Works, a whole school HWB resource. Again we linked this to our novel and used the emotion cogs to unpick each of the characters feelings in chapter 1 whilst working in teams.

On Tuesday we were very excited to start our rugby block with Mr McCurdy and everyone came well prepared for the outdoors! We had our first numbertalks session and showed Mrs Roy our explanation skills and mathematical thinking. In our novel study we read chapter 2 and were introduced to our Blooms Superheroes which will help us develop our reading comprehension skills this year. We all chose which questions we would like to tackle and tried to match these up to the superheroes. The afternoon continued with a novel theme and we started some ‘Hokusai’ inspired pictures, we used pastels to try and recreate the famous ‘Great Waves’ painting. Mrs Roy was in awe of our artistic skills!

Writing was a focus on Thursday morning and we used a previous talk lesson linked to our novel to write a balanced argument with the title: Sailing around the world. Everyone gave it their best shot and tried to use persuasive language. In numeracy we began to split numbers and partition them, as the numbers got bigger this became more difficult. We will continue to focus on this next week.

Friday ended the week nicely as we finished our earlier art work and got to do our first Big Maths Beat that challenge. We also went outside with Mrs Roy for a fun rugby session where we learned how to play banana tig with a rugby ball and practised our passing in small teams. The sun stayed out and we didn’t get wet, so that was a bonus.

This week we also welcomed Mr Turner to our class, a 3rd year student training to be a teacher, he will continue to work alongside Mrs Roy each week to support us in our learning.

And finally, the UN Ambassador’s came round all the classes this morning to announce that we had successfully achieved the Level 2 Award for RRS. We were all really pleased especially as some of the people in our class were in that committee last year. Well done everyone!!

Pupil voice:

Louise – We played rugby and it was lots of fun.

Isla – We did Big Maths on Friday.

Amera  – Rugby was fun and wet!

Isabel – Our Kensuke’s Kingdom collage is now up on display and looks good.

Rachel H – We all dressed down today to raise money for charity.



We’re back……

Well what a great start to the year it has been, everyone has been really enthusiastic and raring to get started!

The week began with some creativity and we worked in small teams to create a class song/rap and wordle. We used the mindmaps we had made on our moving up day in June to help us. It was lovely to see the confidence in many as they stood up in front of a new class to perform. Follow us on Twitter @mrsroy16 to see some of the videos we took.

Our Wordle is now at the heart of our new class charter which has taken the theme of ‘Animals’ as voted by the class. Everyone came up with suggestions as to the content of our charter and this is now on display for all to see.

We have enjoyed taking part in the ‘Door Challenge’ this week and made an emoji themed door display. We discussed what emoji represented each of our personalities and then made mini emojis for display. They look great!

We started our class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Murpurgo. We have listened to an audio of chapter 1 whilst following the text in our shared books. There has been lots of scope for discussion and one of the first debates we had was about sailing around the world, are you for or against? We came up with our arguments and then presented these to another group using persuasive and emotive language. Everyone thought it was great that they got to argue with one another!! We have also started creating a class collage which is coming along nicely.

Pupil Voice:

Shiv: We did face portraits with Mrs Howley.

Nicola: We did our own animals for our class charter.

Mia Sok.: This was a fun week.

Rachel W: It was a good week.

Isla: At PE with Mrs Roy we went out and played rounders.

Chi-Chi: We made emojis that represent us and put it on our door display.

Amera: I liked PE because we played rounders.

James: I enjoyed the self-portrait task because I usually don’t do that.

Nicholas: I liked drawing the animals.

Leon: This week was fun.

Isabel: An amazing start to the school year.

Rachel Mc: This week was amazing. We were making a boat and sea for display on our class novel.

Louise: We did today’s number of the day and we did it on whiteboards.

Mia St: We got to stick tissue paper to a wave outline for our display.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you next week!!


Global Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

Message from UN Ambassador’s:

There are many easy ways to join in.
*Take a Global Goals Selfie and help to spread awareness.
*Like and follow along at the Global Goals Facebook page.
*Follow along on the Global Goals Instagram feed.
*Follow the @UN and the @TheGlobalGoals on Twitter and search for the #Globalgoods and #SustainableDevelopment hashtags

Help our kids become the generation that changed the world: ending poverty, reversing climate change, and promising girls get educated. Talk to your kids about the #GlobalGoals with this fun guide: http://cdn.globalgoals.org/2015/09/Global-Goals-Parent-Guide.pdf

Global Goal 4


Our discussions focus on Global Goal 4 this week – Quality Education. As a school this is an extremely important goal for us and this reflects in our school Vision and Values and our Curriculum Adventure Rationale.

This goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and the promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all.

“In some parts of the world, students are going to school every day. It’s their normal life. But in other parts of the world, we are starving for education… it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond…”

Malala Yousafzai

Bookworms in P1R

What a busy week it has been, we have lots of things to share with you this week.

As the title suggest books have been a big focus in school as we celebrated World Book Day, lots of us dressed us as characters from books.

Our P7 buddies continue to visit us weekly to do paired reading during smart start time. We always look forward to their visits. The PM nursery also visited us this week for a shared reading session with Mrs Young. The boys and girls from the nursery have started their transition programme so will be visiting us more often. James commented that he remembered coming to P1 for World Book Day when be was a nursery boy. How time flies… We decided to become authors in our writing lesson and made our very own picture books. We had to remember to put a title, author, page numbers and pictures, just like in real books. Here are some of the titles chosen by the children:

Lloyd – The Busy Road

Lucy- The Busy teacher

Brooke – The wizard of Oz

Nathan- The tornado

Everyone wrote independently and some even took on the fantastic challenge to add sentences to their stories. Dawid asked if we could go and share our stories with Mrs Purdie AKA Gangsta Granny so that’s what we did. We have also downloaded some new ebooks on our iPads, ask us what ones we have read this week.

Money has still been the main focus in mathematics. We have been learning about more coins this week, 20p, 50p,£1, £2. We all agree that the pounds are the trickiest to remember. Next week we will focus on number names to 10 as we noticed that many coins have the words written on them but we sometimes found it tricky to read them. One of our favourite activities was coin rubbing although sometimes the coins moved around as we rubbed! Try some more rubbing at home, this is one of the homework tasks on the maths menu this term.

In PE we continued to practise our skills in hockey, dribbling, passing, tackling and shooting. Mr Mc Curdy was so impressed with us that he let us play small matches.

On Tuesday we learned about Shrove Tuesday, a day when we have a feast before the beginning of Lent. Mrs Caskie kindly brought in pancakes for us to join in with the celebrations. Then the next day we changed our altar colour to purple as this is the colour for Lent. We also added some daffodils to our altar to represent new beginnings, a sign of Spring, thank you to James for bringing these in. We all joined in with the Ash Wednesday service then came back to class to do some self portrait pictures using pencils and charcoal for the ashes on our foreheads. P4 also did their class assembly about Lent helping us understand more about this important time in the church year. The week ended with a visit from some boys and girls who go to St Margaret’s but used to come to St Ninian’s, they told us all about Malawi and how we can help children who love there. During Lent we are going to try to fill some bags with gifts for the Malawi children.

One last thing to share, we had some visitors in our classroom on Tuesday, they were impressed with how hard everyone was working on their phonics tasks, well done boys and girls, Mrs Roy is very proud of you all! You are all super stars!


Settling into P1R

What a fantastic start we’ve had to the new school year in P1R! The children have settled in nicely to the routines of the classroom and have kept themselves very busy. Time has been spent getting to know one another and where things are kept in the classroom.

In literacy we have been working on our pencil control making different patterns in preparation for starting our phonics lessons next week.

The children have also been introduced to our book study ‘Harry and the dinosaurs’. We read a story about Harry starting school and shared our own feelings about starting school. We have started a display and played with our class bucket of dinosaurs.

In maths we are developing our understanding of numbers to 10 – counting, sequencing, number formation and lots more.

We went to our first whole school assembly today and earned dojo points for being well behaved and responsible. We then started making our class charter deciding what rights we felt were important to us in our class.

We are all looking forward to starting our full days next week finishing at 3pm, Monday-Thursday.

PE lessons will be on Monday and Wednesday, full gym kit needed on those days.

Here is a glimpse of some of the children in action this week. Individual photographs have also been sent via class dojo – hope you like them!



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