This is the topic for discussion this week. What are your thoughts on this? What could we do help achieve this goal? Think locally, nationally and globally.
Use this link for more information
After a number of weeks of counting we have now gathered our totals which we have sent to St Margaret’s. We will be heading up to the academy during May or June to help make up the bags for the children of Malawi, we are really excited about this. Thank you for all your kind donations.
Item | Total number collected |
50 |
101 |
4 |
Scissors | 1 |
Rulers | 9 |
Water bottles
Small toys | 99 |
162 |
108 |
Sweets | 545
Small balls | 65 |
Colouring pencils | 13 |
Colouring pencils – packs
32 |
Small tissue packs
13 |
Writing Pencils | 540
173 |
Coloured pens
Writing pens |
164 |
44 |
sponges | 28 |
shoes | 3 |
Tops |
1 |
Story books |
12 |
182 |
bubbles | 83 |
Glitter glue sticks | 18 |
Microwave containers | 12 |
Spoons | 20 |
balloons | 30 |
Sticker packs | 1 |
Emoji stick on nail pack | 1 |
Paint pack | 1 |
Hair bobble pack | 50 in 1 pack |
Kids plasters | 30 in 1 pack |
Glow stick | 20 in 1 pack |
Create your own fairy wings pack | 1 |
3d velvet glider packs | 1 |
Message from UN Ambassador’s:
In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. If these Goals are completed, it would mean an end to extreme poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030.
Our governments have a plan to save our planet…it’s our job to make sure they stick to it.
Every week we will focus on a different goal for discussion. You can find out more at the global goals website:
Message from UN Ambassador’s committee:
We have created a survey monkey to gather views about the RRS Award we are involved in. We would really appreciate if you could take the time to complete this before 21st April as this will help us evaluate our progress towards Level 2. This is the link you will need:
Thank you!
Today we held a ‘Dress Down for a Pound’ day to raise money for the St Margaret’s for Malawi project. The total raised was £163, well done to everyone who took part and donated to this worthwhile cause (thank you to 2 of our UN Ambassador’s, Erin and Neave for counting all the coins!) We will present a cheque to the pupils and staff from St Margaret’s during Lent as they are going to lead an assembly for us to share their plans for the Malawi project.
Keep checking the blog and class dojo for further activities during Lent!
Message from UN Ambassadors:
Article of the Week: You should be able to keep things private, unless the law says there’s a reason you can’t. (Article 16)
This is a good article for discussion this week as Safer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 7th February with the slogan ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’. It is important that we promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.
Today we had some visitors from St Margaret’s Academy to speak to us about the ‘St Margaret’s for Malawi’ project.
We learned about a school in Malawi and how cramped some of the classrooms are. They are not brightly decorated like ours and rely on natural light as there is no electricity. The children are fed one bowl of porridge and for many of the children this is their only meal for the day, often eaten outside on the dirty ground. There can be over 90 children in a P2 classroom with only one teacher compared to our P2 classroom of 25 pupils and one teacher.
St Margaret’s staff and pupils have been working on the Malawi project to support these children in their lives and education. They are going over in July to help build a classroom and are planning on raising funds and taking over bags for every child that they visit. We are going to support them with this project during Lent. Watch out for more information on the weekly updates, dojo and Facebook.
A huge thank you to our visitors for taking time in their busy prelim week to come down and speak to us!
Article 30 of the UN Convention states that: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of this right.
Whether you’re Hindu, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, or one of a million other faiths, World Religion Day is your chance to share your culture with others and take an opportunity to learn from others about theirs.
World Religion Day is easy to observe, you need merely take the time and effort to study the faiths of the world around you with an open mind. World Religion Day is about learning about the religions that shape the world around you, and becoming aware of how many there are.
Take some time to share openly and learn about what those around you believe, and maybe do a little research into your favorite culture to learn a bit about its foundational religions.
Whether you’re learning about the Hindu faith with its thousands of Gods, or precisely how the thousands of denominations of Christianity grew out of the Judaic faith thousands of years ago, World Religion Day is your opportunity to broaden your horizons.
Speak to another with an open heart and open mind, and share what your religion has to say, and then take the time to listen to them talk about theirs from a place of understanding and love.
As we are celebrating all things ‘international’ this week in school we have chosen Article 30 as your talk task:
In St Ninian’s we are very proud of all the different nationalities we represent. If you know someone who comes from a different country to you, talk to each other about your language, culture, etc.
This week’s article for discussion is: Article 12 – You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
Think about how you can have your say at home or at school in decisions that affect you.