P7 Weekly News!

This week some of our highlights include;

We began to work on rugby in PE – we will be working outdoors for this block of PE. We learned about passing and catching – banana tig was a highlight, can you child explain the rules to you?

In our class novel we learned about Auggie’s genes and how he had a mutated gene. This led us to ask some questions about what DNA was and how genes work. We learned that we all have DNA in our bodies – every cell has DNA. The most interesting fact was definitely that we carry 99.1% of the same DNA as chimpanzees!

Another Friday meant another FREE WRITING FRIDAY session! We love getting the freedom to write what is on our minds and also having the class playlist on in the background.

In our writing session we made Wikipedia pages about August Pullman, the main character in our class novel – Wonder! We can’t wait to show our families at our Stay, Play and Write session soon!

Have a fab weekend!

Pupil voice;

Oliwia – I liked rugby (PE) because it was fun!

Finlay – My favourite part of school this week was learning about the DNA because I am in to dinosaurs and how they do the tests – and I’m really into science as well. I knew about DNA because of reading books and from Jurassic World.

Daniel – I liked writing about Auggie because I know lots about him.

Dominika – I was prefecting the upper area, it was good.

P7 News

Another jam packed week for P7!

As we are getting to know each other better, and our new role as P7 pupils, we have completed our class charter this week – these are the promises we have made to ourselves, and each other, to help our classroom be a READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE learning space.

Aren’t our characters and posters awesome?


We are loving our class novel – WONDER. This week we have been exploring character study tasks of the main characters. We also learned what a precept was – maybe you and your child could come up with one for your family?

Unofficial homework for next week is to have a go at playing a maths game called TENS! which is downloadable as a free app! The score to beat is 899 at the moment.

I can’t wait to meet all of the parents/carers/brothers/sisters at the Meet the Family night on Thursday 12th Septemer 6-7pm 🙂


Pupil Voice;

Brooke – Show Racism the Red Card was good because it tells you what racism actually is and its helpful to know about it. The best bit was the matching game where we had to match a face with a description.

Mirren – This week was the house captains first meeting. We are doing a house captain assembly next week and hopefully we do well!

Samuel – I enjoyed redrafting my letter for the time capsule because I am looking forward to seeing what future me thinks about it in June 2020. Hopefully it’ll come fast.

Marcella – I enjoyed reading the novel but it was sad at some times. Auggie is my favourite character.


Have a wonderful weekend 🙂


Mrs Conway

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