P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 22.5.20

Good morning P3!  We hope that you have had  a great week.  It has been so lovely to receive emails and see your work on your OneNote profiles this week.

As it is Friday, today we are going to review our learning for the week.


This week in Maths we were working on our multiplication skills and you had a choice of activities to complete.  Use these answer keys to traffic light your learning.

P3 – Answers-Multiplication-sentences-using-the-x-symbol





This week you have been writing wonderful descriptions of the candy house.  We have been so impressed with the work that you have posted on your OneNote profiles and emailed to us!

Your success criteria was to:

  • include adjectives in your description
  • use capital letters and full stops
  • spell key words correctly
  • use openers to begin your sentences

Use a pink pen and a green pen to highlight what you did really well and what you’d like to improve in your writing.

Review your week

Think about all of the activities you have completed this week.  Choose two things that you have done really well (stars) and one thing that you would like to improve.  Write down your two stars and a wish or tell them to an adult.

Have a lovely weekend!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan 21.5.20


Good Morning Primary 3!

Core Grid Week 7 P3

How are you all getting on with writing your description of the candy house? I love the pink and white, soft, fluffy marshmallow window frames. They look delicious!

Today is outdoor classroom day.   Here are some outdoor activities we have  planned  for you to try in your garden or when on your daily exercise. We would love it if you could  take some pictures and share them on your OneNote profile or email them to us.

Bug Hotel

Placing a bug hotel in the garden helps attract different insects to naturally visit your garden. Over the next few weeks it will be really interesting to see what bugs come to visit your garden. Lots of bugs help keep garden pests away and protect the beautiful flowers. Can you make your own bug hotel for your garden or an area you like to visit? Here are some examples. Try to use recyclable materials.




Bird Feeder

I love seeing all the different types of birds visiting my garden. Bird feeders help attract birds to come and visit you. Can you make your own bird feeder using recyclable materials? Here are some examples.

Dressing up in Nature

Dressing up can be lots of fun! Can you use nature to create some dressing up items?

– Make a nature crown out of leaves, cardboard or twigs.

– Use a cardboard box and paints to make beautiful butterfly wings.

– Turn yourself into your favourite animal with a simple mask.

Feast of the Ascension

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension and had we been at school we would have celebrated mass together as a school family.
Fr Kenneth has prepared a video for us to reflect on today https://youtu.be/SuwTAI18wpU.  Happy Feast Day!

Have a great day.

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Wednesday 20.5.20

Good morning Primary 3.

I hope that you are looking forward to another day of exciting learning on such a beautiful sunny day! Remember to login to Sumdog this week to take part in the West Lothian Contest. Just login as usual and  look for the competition tag.  It has been great to see some of you taking part already. The contest runs until Friday so you’ve still got a few days to take part.

Don’t forget to complete the survey that Mrs Conway has sent us – click here for the link.  Your opinions  are really important to us.

Core Learning Tasks

The weekly grid is attached below for easy access.  If you have any trouble accessing it or any questions about the tasks, please leave a message in the comments section below or send us an email.

Core Grid Week 7 P3

How are you getting on with your multiplication task?  Remember that there is a multiplication task on Sumdog to help you with these skills.


Today’s extra maths challenge is a problem for you to solve.  Let us know how you get on.


Today’s additional literacy task to draw a picture or write about three things that you are grateful for.

Outdoor Learning/ Non-screen task

When you go outdoors today, look out for 5 interesting things.  You could write a list to record what you see or  you could take some photographs.  Can you find 5 interesting things?  I’ll let you know what I see in the comments box.

Have a great day learning.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Friday 15.5.20

Good morning Primary 3!  How are you all feeling today ?  I’m feeling joyful as it is such a lovely day.

We have exciting news – today the West Lothian Sumdog Challenge begins! Just answer Sumdog  questions as normal and your questions  will all contribute to our class score.  Let’s all work together to do well in this challenge.

Friday Challenge

How many different words can you make from the letters in this sentence?  Grab a pencil and paper and make a list.  Let us know how many words you make in the comments box.

Friday is Self Assessment Day


This week in maths we were learning to add and subtract within 100.  You had a choice of activities to complete.  Can you look over your work and traffic light the parts that you felt confident with a green pencil and the parts that you weren’t so confident about with a red pencil?

Maths answer sheet


This week we created comic strips for our favourite fairy tales.

The success criteria was to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • exciting adjectives
  • conjunctions

Today we would like you to read over your work and write  2 stars (what you’re proud of) and a wish (something that you’d like to improve) for your writing.  You might like to use this fairy tale themed template or you could write in your jotter.

Remember that Monday is a holiday so check in on Tuesday to begin our next learning adventure. Have a lovely long  weekend!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Thursday 14.5.20

Good Morning Primary 3!

I hope you are well. It is so lovely to see the sun is shining again. I can hear the birds tweeting outside. It is definitely a day for a nice walk.  I have been out in the garden already playing ball with my dog Cookie.

How are you all getting on with your learning this week? I hope you have all managed to watch the video about this weeks Global Goal. What do you think ‘extreme’ hunger means?

We have been so impressed with all of your work on Sumdog spelling and and Sumdog maths this week – you’re doing a fantastic job!

Learning Grid

P3 Week 6 Core Grid


It is a beautiful day to get out in the fresh air. Today’s additional activity is a senses scavenger hunt. You could even do this in the garden. You have to use your 5 senses to help you find different objects in the natural environment.


This week you have been working on addition and subtraction. Hit the button game is a great way for your to consolidate your learning of number bonds.


Hope you all have a lovely day!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Wednesday 13.5.20

Good morning Primary 3!

Core Learning Grid

Hope you are all well and managing to get onto your learning grid for this week. We have posted the link again below  for easy access.  Please do get in touch using the comments box below and let us know how you’re getting on – we love to hear from everyone.

How are you getting on with the Virtual Sports Day Challenge from Mr Cumming on this week’s grid? We hope that you’re having lots of fun completing the challenges.

P3 Week 6 Core Grid

Activity Instructions – Virtual Sports Day (1)


Today’s extra literacy task is to choose a favourite book and settle down to read it for 5 minutes – just like BEAR time in class!  When you have finished your story, perhaps you could draw a picture of your favourite character from your book and choose 6 adjectives to describe the character.  If you can’t find a book at home, there are lots to choose from on the Oxford Owl E-book library  .  You could also choose a book from your Read, Write, Count bag.


Today’s extra maths challenge is on Sumdog.  We have set up special a Sumdog challenge to help you to build your skills on adding and subtracting to 100.  We can’t wait to see all your super work on Sumdog!

Have a lovely day.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Friday 8.5.20

Good morning Primary 3.  It has been lovely to see all of your wonderful work on your OneNote profiles and we have been so impressed with your spelling and maths on our Sumdog challenges.

As it is Friday, it is self-assessment day when we review our learning.


In reading, we listened to dancer Dianne Buswell reading extracts from the book Funnybones and you choose one of three follow up activities to complete.  Think about how well you completed the task and draw a traffic light on your work to show your progress.

In writing, we wrote poems about the months of the year.  Use a pink pencil/ crayon to highlight work that you’re really proud of and a green pencil/ crayon to highlight work that you’d like to improve next time.

Think about:

  • Did you you use rhyming words?
  • Have you used an adjective?
  • Did you use punctuation at the end of each line?

We’re really looking forward to reading your poems!


In maths we have been learning about measurement.  Here are the answers so that you can self-assess your work.

P3 Maths Lesson 2 Answers

P3 Maths Lesson 3 Answers

Have a lovely weekend!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Thursday 7.5.20

Good Morning P3,

I hope you all enjoyed the lovely sunshine yesterday and managed to get out in the garden or went on a nice nature walk.

Learning Grid

How are you all getting on with your learning this week? Remember if you have any questions about any of the tasks then please do not hesitate to ask and pop a question onto the blog post or email the school office.

Core Grid Week 5 P3

Art Challenge

This week Mrs Kerr has created a whole school Art challenge about Storm the Marionette puppet that visited Scotland earlier this year . This challenge will really allow you to show off your creativity.  Read the challenge carefully and remember to click on the link to watch a video about ‘Storm’ to learn a little more. When you have completed the challenge make sure you send pictures to Mrs Kerr kathryn.kerr@westlothian.org.uk as well as your teacher or you can add it to your one note profile.

Storm Challenge

Good Luck! We can’t wait to see your creations.


This week we are going to focus on Article 12 – I have the right to express my views and opinions.

Rights Respecting Schools Powerpoint

Read through the powerpoint to learn more about this right. Try out some of the activities. Remember to send any of your activities to Mrs Conway.  brogan.conway@westlothian.org.uk

Have a great day!

from Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Wednesday 6.5.20

Welcome back Primary 3!  I hope that you are all well and that you had a lovely long weekend.

This week’s core learning grid and the resources that you will need for this week are below.  Please email us at the school office or use the comments section below if you have any questions.  Remember that you can visit Sumdog to take part in our weekly challenges, linked to your learning grids.

Make sure that you take plenty of breaks today and get outside to enjoy the sunshine.  You’re all doing a fantastic job!

Core Grid Week 5 P3

P3 Writing Poetry

P3 Maths Lesson-2-P3 Maths worksheet

P3 Maths Lesson-3- P3 Maths worksheet

Have a lovely day!

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan

P3 Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan Friday 1.5.20

Good morning P3!  I hope that you have had a good week and that you have enjoyed our learning activities.  Thank you for working so hard this week.  It was lovely to speak to so many of you and your families this week.

Today is the first day of the month of May.  Do you remember how to say May in Spanish?  Our months of the year song might help you. As today is Friday our focus is to reflect on our learning this week.

Reviewing Our Learning

In order to gain your exit pass and begin the weekend, have a think about your progress.  If you wish, you can record your thoughts in your jotter or on your OneNote profile.  Remember that you can make a voice recording on your profile!

Think about these questions and talk with a family member:

The most important thing I learned this week was…

The most difficult thing we did this week was…

How could you use what you have learned in the future?

What do you think we need to learn more of?  


Use a pink and green pencil, pen or crayon to self assess your writing.  Our success criteria was:

  • remember to include a title
  • include 3 facts about your plant or animal
  • describe what your plant or animal looks like
  • use  nouns and adjectives
  • remember to use capital letters and full stops.


This week we have been learning about 3D shape and tiling.  How confident do you feel about your learning?  Draw a traffic light to show how successful you have been.


Have a lovely long weekend and look out for our next blog post on Wednesday.

From Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan


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