Growing Tall in P2B

This week we have been learning how to find a ½ and a ¼ of a shape.

We had to read and colour the shapes. If it said “colour 2 halves we would colour both parts of the shape.”- Kate

If it said “colour 3 quarters of the shape we would look at the 4 quarters but only colour 3 parts of the shape.” – Emma

We also revised our ability to find half of a number.

To do this we played a game where we had to find half of the numbers. For example “half of 30 is 15”- Seamus.
We also played a fun game where we had to design a flag by shading each quarter a different colour.



– We revised our sight words and practised reading and spelling the words. We completed a word search for active spelling where we had to find all of the tricky words.

To begin our writing lesson we watched this video clip and which was our stimulus.- Partly Cloudy.
It’s a great clip which can be watched at home.
We had to use adjectives to describe a creature that our cloud made.


“My cloud is called Aaron he makes small fluffy dogs.”- Seamus
“The unicorns are soft and friendly and they live in a big forest.”- Emma
In art we looked at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and we really liked his sunflower painting. “We painted our own sunflowers in class.”- Carly.
We learnt  the difference between the paper being portrait and landscape. We had to make sure our paper was portrait because sunflowers are so tall and they took up the whole page.

“We used dot painting for part of our flower and for the sky”. – Brooke
“We used shading of the orange and the yellow to paint the petals.” –Daniel

Our structured play now has the theme of Summer.

At structured play we have been “Making fruit kebabs, planting seeds, playing in the water and sand trays and completing Spanish games on the Ipads.”

Sorry for not having photos, there have been technical difficulties.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!


Sun is shining for P2B!

In numeracy this week we completed our division check up to show Miss Boyes how much we understand the concept of division. We moved on to learning how to estimate.
Rachel- “The first thing you do is take a guess at how many you think there are and then you count to find out how many there actually are.”
We estimated how many cubes were on the desk.

Seamus- “It helps to think about the amount of cubes there were before and think about does it look more or less this time.”

We also learnt more about estimating by playing this game-


Also this week we learnt how to round to the nearest 5 and the nearest 10. We played a game on the smart board.
Katherine- “The game showed a number and asked you to round it to the nearest 10. ”
This week we went on a visit to the Health Centre. A lady showed us around the different areas: reception, doctor’s room, health education room, nurse’s room and waiting room. We got to see all of the files for all of the 10,500 patients. It was very interesting to be able to look at the equipment. Here is a list of the equipment we saw: “blood pressure machine, Stethoscope, the temperature gauge, sharps box and the doctor’s bag.
The lady at the Health Centre was super impressed by our behaviour and amazing knowledge so she gave us a certificate.
She also asked us to write about our trip to the Health Centre. Therefore this was our stimulus in writing this week. We gave an account of what happened and we had to use different openers.

At the beginning of the week we went on a trip to the library. We were super quick at returning our books and taking out new books because we know how to do it now.

In the sun shine we went outside for PE and practised racing around the track. We completed our races in our houses and the winners then raced against one another. The most important part is that we all gave 100% effort!



Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2B!




Working hard in P2B

This week in P2B we have been learning about grouping items and linking it to our division calculations.

Here is some photos of us using cubes to find out the answer to the division calculations.
We also enjoyed playing this fun smart board game, we had to find how many groups were in each number. This game has been included in our homework for next week so that we can keep practising.
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We have also been revising adding in tens and finding the missing number. We have been working together to find the answers.

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We have loved choosing books from the library and really enjoyed our silent reading. To show our understanding of our books and our thoughts on the stories we wrote book reviews. This will help others decide if they would like to read the book too. We had to think about our favourite part and our favourite character. Most importantly we had to explain why these aspects were our favourite.


We have continued to enjoy our structured play this week. We love working with the children in P2M to complete a wide range of activities related to our topic.
Here are some photos of us at structured play.
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This week we have been thinking a lot about adjectives and have described the characters which we created using the art of mosaic. They are displayed on the wall for all to see and read. We thought of great describing words. We will share a photo of our mosaics in due course however you might have already had the pleasure of looking at our art work during parents night.

Hope you have a lovely weekend, from P2B and Miss Boyes.

Fantastic future firefighters in P2B!


This week in numeracy we began our division topic. We started off by learning how to share objects equally. We played an interactive game where you had to share the objects and find out the answer to the division calculation.
The link below will allow us to play the game at home. When playing the game we begin by choosing the moveable objects option in the middle.

At one of our other stations we had to read the problems on the playdoh mats and solve them by sharing the playdoh out.
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We have been practising our spelling words too! Miss Boyes has included useful spelling websites in our homework. The websites have  fun games for us to practise our spelling words. We have been encouraged to use it at home and update Miss Boyes on how we got on with our games.

In writing this week we worked on our ability to use question marks. We chose a character- doctor, police officer, vet and fire fighter and we thought of different questions we would like to ask them about their job. We wrote some great questions. Here are a few:

Interviewing a police officer- Do you use computers at work?- Cameron
Do your road cameras work?- Hasan
Interviewing a doctor-            How do you make yourself feel better?- Emma
Where do you get the medicine?”-  Angel

This week we went on another trip to the library to return our books. We also got to choose a new book to read in class. We love reading our books!


Also this week we had a special visit from the firefighters. This was very exciting because the firefighter told us all about his job and also told us what actions to take if we think there is a fire in our home.

It is very important that our smoke alarms are working, so we have been asked to check them!
We will receive a dojo point if we do. For homework next week we are being encouraged to make our own fire exit plan! The fireman also had Miss Boyes volunteer to wear the firefighter uniform. Miss Boyes looked like a real firefighter and said that the uniform was heavy. The firefighters have to get dressed quickly so they can get to the fire as quick as possible.

After Miss Boyes dressed up as a firefighter we were very lucky and got to go outside to see the fire engine! We even got to use the fire hose that the firefighters use to put out the fire.
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We are really looking forward to health week! Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

P2B weekly news!

In class this week we have been learning how to read a calendar. We had to find out different information from the calendar. Why not work together at home with the children and find out the answer to the questions below?
“What day of the week is the 28th of May?”
“What is the third Sunday in May?”
Can you find out what day Father’s day is on your calendar?

Orla- “We played an exciting calendar game.”

Follow the link to play the game at home…
Hasan- “We had to find the correct date on the calendar”.
Zuzanna- “We liked working in carousel groups to play our games on the netbooks and smart board.”
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In Primary 2B we really love the story book “When the Dragons came” by Naomi Kefford and Lynne Moore. Why not listen to the story together online.
Since we love the book so much we used it as a stimulus to write our own imaginative stories about when the dragon came to our own town. Our Learning intention was: “I can use connectives in my writing.”
Here are some fantastic examples of how the children used connectives in their writing.

Andrew “In my story when the Dragons came to town they ate all of the food because they were so hungry.”
Brooke “I got to the park and saw the dragons so I got into the car and drove away”. Kasia “I ran to the town but the Dragon stopped me”.

In art this week we have been learning how to make a mosaic. We now know that a mosaic is lots of small piece of paper, stone or glass that is placed together to make one big picture. We began to make mosaics for different characters for our people who help us topic.
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On Friday we went on a visit to Primary 2M. On our visit we met two very special guinea pigs called Jinky and Joey. We loved meeting the Guinea pigs and watching their tricks. As part of our topic we wanted to learn about vets. We know that vets look after lots of animals. We learnt how to care for the guinea pigs and that if the are sick we should take them to a veterinary centre.
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Thank you to Miss Meechan for letting us visit her lovely guinea pigs.

Hope your all having a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2B!

Bookworms in P2B!

This week in numeracy we have continued our topic of time. We have been learning how to read and set time on a digital clock.

We really enjoyed our new time bingo game where we had to match the digital time with the analogue time. We will continue learning more about this next week.
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In literacy Miss Boyes read us the poem “If I had Wings” by Pie Corbett. After hearing the poem, we then wrote our own poems where we had to think about what we would do if we had wings or what we would do if we could fly.

However, we had an additional challenge! Miss Boyes asked us to try and use some rhyming words.

We thought of some great rhyming words and we learnt that rhyming words end in the same sounds.
Zuzanna “We have been learning lots of rhyming words and everyone thought of lots of words”.
Cameron- “I like doing the writing because all of the words ended in the same sound.”


Here are two fantastic examples of our poems below…
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Miss Boyes was super impressed by our rhyming skills!

In topic this week we took our learning out with school and went on a trip to the Library. This was great fun as we learnt about the job of a librarian which sounds very interesting. The librarian kindly read us a funny story about a kitten named Dewey!  The story helped us learn more about the job of a librarian. We really enjoyed this story.

Brooke “I think it was nice when we went to the library because we got to see lots of books.”
Michelle- “I liked it when the librarian read us a story.”

We learn hot to use the maching to check our book out of the library.

After hearing the story we had the chance to go and choose our own books which we have taken back to school. Another trip to the library will hopefully take place soon so that we can return our books… we don’t want to get 21 letters through our P2B door for not giving the books back!
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This week we have also learnt about the difference between wants and needs. We now know that we don’t need toys but we do need important things- food, shelter, water, clothing, cleanliness, health, education.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend form Miss Boyes and P2B!

Time flies when you’re having fun in P2B!

Our new topic in Mathematics is time. To begin with we recapped our knowledge of sequencing the day to night and o’clock. We had to sequence a variety of cards which had different times of the day. When then used these cards in Drama, we had to act out the different times of the day in our groups and our peers had to guess what time it was. We really enjoy drama.

To continue our time topic we played different educational time games to revise our knowledge of o’clock. We really enjoy playing this board game where the times are in both analogue and digital. To further our understanding of o’clock we have learnt about digital time which is on the hour and the difference between am and pm. We wrote the times round the big clock on the whiteboard.


On Thursday we learnt about half past the hour. We really enjoyed being the teacher at one of our stations. The “teacher” read out a time card in words (half past 6) and the other children in the group then had to find the time on their number fans. The teacher chose someone to come and write the hands on the whiteboard. We recorded our learning by taking photographs of the different times with the ipads. Miss Boyes was then able to check our photographs to make sure all of our time were half past the hour.

To begin our plenary we used our spinning wheel and Paolo the parrot to check our understanding then we took our learning outdoors since the sun was shining. We used the dotted circle in the playground as a clock to show Miss Boyes that we had learnt how to set the time to half past the hour. It is great fun learning outdoors.

We played some very good time games and Miss Boyes has included these in our homework next week.

In literacy we have been developing our knowledge and ability to read our sight words. We played a game where we read a word to our partner and they had to identify it on the table. The words have the vowel house icons to help us identify the sounds.

Our new topic is “People Who Help Us”. As always we started our topic by making a class plan. We then completed a reading task where we had to read the passage and guess who the person was. Once we had guessed correctly we drew a picture of them.

Our structured play has been updated to meet our new topic, we had great fun learning through play with our friends in P2M.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday  to the library to learn about the job of a librarian and to learn how to find the books.


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

Lights Camera Action in P2B!

This week we have continued to learn  how to find equivalent values of money. We were given an amount and had to think of all of the different coins we could use to make that amount. We played two different money games on the netbooks which we have really enjoyed.
Cashing in- door way online game
Till we meet again-door way online game
These games have really helped us recognise the different coins and find the amount of change that the shop keeper should give.
Our theme this week in school has been creative industries. In P2B we have been learning about the film industry. To begin we watched a clip about how the jungle book story was created, this clip taught us all about story boards. We have learned that story boards are a sequence of sketches which are used to organise the film. After watching a clip about how Walt Disney used storyboards to make his films we then made our very own storyboard.


Miss Boyes introduced us to a broken toy which she found. Miss Boyes asked us to create our own story boards to show what we think happened to the broken toy. The aim of the lesson was to be able to sketch to represent stories, our peers were able to guess our stories from looking at our sketches.

In writing this week we used our stimulus of the broken toy and our story board to help us write imaginative stories for a film. We had to structure our writing with a beginning, middle and end. Before we began writing we thought how we would make our writing successful and wrote our own success criteria. Miss Boyes would definitely pay to go and see our films in the cinema as the storylines were fantastic.


In Drama this week we worked in groups to plan how we would act out the story of a broken doll. We thought of some great roles which we played very well: the broken toy, child who broke the toy, child who owned the toy, shop keeper and toy fixer.

We took turns to record our peers acting out their story. Miss Boyes brought a real clapperboard to school which is used at the beginning of filming. She told use about the different details that are on the board for the person who checks (the editor) the recording later.

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We took turns at using the clapperboard to say action and cut! At the end of the week we watched our recorded films back on the smart board.

As part of creative industries week a visitor to the school taught us how to be creative in music. We learnt a new song, then we added in different actions to different words and finally we used the musical instruments too. We thought this was great fun and really enjoyed using the instruments.
We have really enjoyed creative industries week and we will make sure that we continue to be a creative class!


Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!


Reaching for the stars in P2B

This week in numeracy we have continued to practise our skip counting by 2. We practise this during our CLIC sessions. We enjoy using this clip to help us with our skip counting.

We have continued to use arrays this week to build on our two times table knowledge. At one station we had to pick out two numbers and make a multiplication sentence and then show what this would look like in an array.

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We love using the netbooks and the smart board during our number lessons. This week we played the “Hit the Button” game to practise our two times table knowledge. You have to quickly hit the correct answer.

Paolo the parrot here- I would just like to share how much the children like my plenary wheel. I like to check that they have learnt and understood the learning intention. One aspect that the children have been finding tricky is the difference between 2+1 and 2×1. Maybe you could ask them at home: what is 2×1?

The children kept getting confused and though that 2×1 equalled 3. So Miss Boyes made it her mission to help the children understand the difference. After checking their knowledge at the end of the lesson I can say that they successfully got it right!
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In literacy this week we learnt all about road safety. We watched a video clip which spoke about the important things we have to think about before we cross the road.


After watching the clip we wrote our very own set of instructions. Later in the week we then read over our instructions checking that we had them in the correct order. Next we went for a walk nearby school and thought about our instructions when we crossed the road.

We were able to cross the road successfully and we were all very sensible. When we came back to class we assessed our knowledge of crossing the road by completing a sequencing task. Miss Boyes has checked over all of our learning and can proudly say that we can all successfully follow the green cross code.IMG_1683 IMG_1685 IMG_1687 IMG_1690 IMG_1691

We will bring our very well deserved road safety certificates home to show off on Monday!

On our topic plan we shared that we wanted to learn about how you get to the moon. Therefore Miss Boyes taught us all about Rockets and we learnt about a man called Neil Armstrong! This was super interesting because we learnt that he was the first man to walk on the moon!


His famous quote was
“One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind”. – Emma

After learning about Neil Armstrong we used 3D shapes and mod-rock to build our very own space rockets. “We used a cylinder and cone shape”. We covered the shapes with the mod rock and had to let it dry over-night.


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Then the next day we painted our rockets.

“I really liked using the mod-rock because I’ve never used it before.”- Maya.

We used fantastic listening skills during this lesson as we had to listen carefully to the steps Miss Boyes told us.
We enjoyed using the mod-rock and although we needed some help with assembling our rockets we all worked together to make sure they were built to reach the stars!

Miss Boyes has displayed them on the wall in the classroom and it looks great!

We will show off our display next week!





Transporting through the week in P2B!


This week in P2B we have been learning how to match repeated addition sums to multiplication sentences. As part of our carousel stations we completed an independent task where we had to match the multiplication sentence and array to the answer card. We also took this one step further by then writing down the repeated addition calculation on our whiteboards. IMG_1552 IMG_1548

At one of our CLIC station in our numeracy carousel this week we have used the netbooks to practise our ability to find the missing number in addition and subtraction calculations. IMG_1463 IMG_1469


This week in literacy we celebrated world book day. Lots of children and teachers came to school dressed as a book character. IMG_1538 IMG_1544 IMG_1546
As part of one of our smart starts in the morning we read a book which we chose. Afterwards we created a book mark and had to draw our favourite book character. In writing this week we wrote a character profile for our favourite character. Part of our success criteria was to write about the character’s appearance and their personality. Later in the week we up levelled our writing during our kick-start. We had to read our wish which is written in green pen by Miss Boyes. Miss Boyes discusses our wish with us so that we know what action to take to achieve the next step.

In spelling this week we have been learning about words that have a short vowel and end in ck.

We used the playdoh to write our spelling words out and then asked our friends to read the words.IMG_1447 IMG_1449

Another way that we practise our spelling words is by using the active spelling cards.

“The spelling cards are fun ways for us to write out our spelling words.”- Angel.


In PE this week we have been learning all about winning and losing in a different context. The gym hall look liked a big board game which you could move up levels. We started at the first level and had to roll a dice with a partner, if you have the highest number you move up a level and if you have the lowest you have to do laps around the hall depending on the number you rolled.IMG_1505 IMG_1502IMG_1506

If you roll the lowest number you give your partner 1 of your tokens. The winner is the person with the most tokens. Miss Boyes could see that we were all very engaged in the game and we congratulated our friends for rolling the highest number.


As part of our topic plan we wanted to learn about how things move and in particular transport. This week we started to learn about forces. We have learnt about the difference between the motions of pulling and pushing and if objects can change shape.
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To meet our learning intention we took part in 3 stations which Miss Boyes had set up around the classroom.

At the first station we were force detectives and we had to record which object around the classroom you can push, pull or both. We thought about pushing and pulling the door, pushing and pulling the shoes trolley etc.

At the next station we worked with Miss Boyes to investigate different objects. We had to decide if you push or pull the object and then if they can change back into their original position.

In pairs we took part at in the third station which was a game on the netbooks. We had to help a character move an object by either pushing or pulling it.

Also in topic this week we have been learning about transport from the past. We compared the transport of the past to the transport of today and spoke about why they are different and how we use them.

We had to order the different pieces of transport along a timeline.

For our structured play, we have been working with P2M to build a train. It looks amazing, we use the train as part of our role play station where you can make and buy train tickets. We will share a picture with you next week.

Have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2B!

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