STEM week for Primary 2!


In numeracy this week we have begun to learn about subtraction.
We have been checking that we know how to subtract 1 single digit from 1 single digit. Whilst learning about subtraction we have been learning about the language associated with subtraction (minus, difference, less than, subtract and take away). We will look out for this language when completing subtraction word problems.

We really enjoyed playing the Minus Mission game to practise our subtraction. The link is below to practise this at home.

To finish our Transport topic we learnt the history and future of the  Forth road and rail bridges and the engineers who designed them.

We understand that men or women who build or design bridges are called civil engineers.
In groups we built bridges using different materials.
Lollipop sticks, playdoh, gummy sweets and marshmallows.
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In science we have been learning all about solids and liquids and how they change state.
We have completed different science experiments for STEM week.

To test how quickly ice can melt we put our ice balloons in different places around the room.

In our groups we chose to put our ice balloons under a table, beside the radiator, in hot water, at the window and we kept 1 piece of ice in the balloon.

We all made predictions and even wrote our own Science reports.

The ice in the hot water melted the quickest.

Miss Boyes froze water and paint over night, the next day in class we melted it and we used the paint to create different patterns.


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To record our Science experiments we have completed Science reports in writing. We had to include 1 connective in our report.

We either used the connectives because or and.

We wrote super science reports that explained our experiment and our predictions. We made sure to use capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces too.


To finish off STEM week we learnt more about solids and liquids through  food technology by  making ice cream.

This linked well to our new maths topic (Measure) because we had to help Miss Boyes measure out the Ingredients.

We used scales to measure in grams and we used a measuring jug to measure in milliliters.

You can find the recipe and ingredients for homemade ice-cream online so you can try this science experiment at home.
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In RE we have been reflecting on God’s family and how we and our Parish are members of God’s family.

We also reflected on the importance of our own family and how they love and care for us.
We drew some beautiful pictures of our family members.



I think we have lots of little future scientists and engineers in Primary 2! Have a lovely weekend, Miss Boyes and Primary 2!




Taking off in Primary 2!

This week in Numeracy we have been learning how to find the missing number in addition sums. We have taken time to discuss the strategies we have used to find our answers.

Something add 2 equals 10.

Abdullah-“We start at the 10 and jump back 2 places on the number line. The answer is 8.”

Leo- “If the missing number is in the middle of the sum we start with the number at the beginning and jump up to the total number.”

Zoe- “2 add something equals 10. Start at the 2 and jump up til you get to the number 10. The answer should be 8.”

The game we have had for homework this week is a great game to learn how to complete missing number sums.
We have also been using it in class.

Also in numeracy we have been learning about doubles and near doubles. At our ICT station  we have been playing this really fun game which helps us build our understanding of near doubles. Here is the link so you can play at home.


We have begun brushing our teeth in class. We brush our teeth once a day. To show our understanding of how important it is to brush our teeth we made posters in writing. We had to use appropriate language for our posters so as part of our smart start we recorded words which we associate with brushing teeth.

We think everyone will make sure they brush their teeth after seeing our posters. Here are two examples below.
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In topic we have been learning about the force of air on an object. We created our own rockets and we used a rocket launcher to launch them into the sky. The air from the pump pushed against the rocket to lift them off. We loved going outside to launch our rockets.

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We asked to learn about the speed of cars. So we decided to test how fast a toy car would go on different materials down a ramp. We took to push the car down the ramp. We also took turns to use the Ipad to record it and to time the speed.

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To learn about Road Safety we went for a walk outdoors to observe the traffic that passed by. We discussed the different types of traffic we saw, how to be aware of oncoming cars and we also counted the traffic.

In PE for a warm up we practised our hula hooping skills. We loved using the Hula hoops.
Poppy ”I can spin the hoop really fast.”
Maja “I can spin the hoop for a long time.”


It has been another fun filled week of learning in Primary 2!

What a terrific term it has been, Miss Boyes has enjoyed every minute of it and I look forward to seeing you all after the October break.

Wishing you all a lovely holiday!!


From Miss Boyes and P2!

Mission complete in Primary 2!


This week we have begun our addition topic. We started off by learning how to add two single digits within 20.

We have recapped our knowledge of how to use a number line as this is something we were finding a bit tricky. We need to remember to only count a jump when we move onto the next number.


We have played some great games this week  to support our learning. This game helps us learn our number bonds to 20.

In big maths we have been finding the fact families questions tricky. To help us with working out how to complete fact families we have played this game in pairs at one of our carousel stations. It is importance that we are completing the addition sentences without just knowing where to move the numbers.
Here is the link to the game so that we can practise at home.



You will never guess what has happened this week. Miss Boyes was sent a video of Mrs Wassell stuck up in space. We were set a mission to save Mrs Wassell! To do this we wrote letters to Mrs Wassell which included questions about her journey to space and advice on how she could return back to school.

Miss Boyes sent our letters off and we hoped Mrs Wassell would receive them. Our learning intention was to use the correct punctuation in our letter.

On Thursday we quietly walked along to Mrs Wassell’s class to find out if she had returned. SHE HAD!! We were soo excited to see her and we asked her all about her adventure. We will tell you all about it at home.


In topic this week we have been learning about cars from the past. We looked at the film “Cars” and identified an old car and a modern car. We compared Lizzie the model T to Sally the Porsche.


Also for topic this week we listened to the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels by Quieten Blake. When looking at the pictures we spotted that Mrs Armitage was not wearing a helmet. We know that our theme for Health and Wellbeing is safety so we spoke about staying safe on our own bikes and why we must wear a helmet. We decided to design a helmet for Mrs Armitage. Our designs are bright and colourful so she can be seen on the road.

Here is the clip of the story to watch at home.



Our structured play was great! We chose a task to complete and then we reflected on our learning and enjoyment at the station by completing an evaluation sheet.
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In music we were learning to play the tambourine along to music. If we did not have the instrument we were clapping along to the beat of the music which Mrs Steel played. We all took turns to play the musical instrument.
Miss Boyes said it sounded lovely!

For European day of Languages we have learnt how to say “hello” in different languages. We found this fun and interesting and enjoyed greeting our friends in the different languages. We also looked at the flags for each country and how they all have different colours. We created our own flags.
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Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

News Flash from Primary 2!

In primary 2 we  wrote fantastic news reports this week. Miss Boyes told us about a new car which is being invented. After hearing about the new car we had to write a news report about our own car which we had invented. We all thought of super cool ideas for our own car inventions. We had to describe the car and what it would be able to do. It was very important that we remembered our punctuation and finger spaces.

Here are some of our fantastic news reports.
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Previously we refreshed our understanding of “before” and “after”, following on from this we have now shown our understanding of the word “between”. We completed the fun “Park the Pods” game which we love but this time Hutch the Alien asked us to park the pods between two different numbers. Follow the link below to play the game at home.
We have also been practising how to count back from 100 and 50.
We really like this clip and we have been using it to practise counting back.

On Wednesday it was International Day of Peace. In class we have been learning the meaning behind the word peace.
We discussed times when we have felt at peace and the importance of having peace in the world among the people. We completed a picture to reflect what we learnt and we included a dove as we thought this was a special symbol of peace.

In PE we have been practising our throwing and catching skills by throwing and catching bean bags and balls within our small groups. After practising throwing and catching to one another we then practised our aiming skills. We took turns of throwing the bean bags and balls into the hoops. We discussed what type of throw we used, the size of the hoops and also the object which we were throwing to find out if this impacted on whether or not we hit the target.
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Finding our inner zen through yoga this week we have been showing off our different yoga poses.  These fun yoga activities can also been done at home.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend from
Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

Skipping our way through the week in Primary 2!

This week we have been identifying 3D shapes. One of our activities involved us matching the picture of the 3D shape to the name. We also went on a 3D shape hunt around school and we used the ipads to record our findings.

In numeracy we have been learning mathematical language. When learning the language of before and after we worked in small groups to identify the correct number. We had numbers cards laid out in order and each person took a turn at being the teacher. The teacher called out
“Find the number before 25?”
We had to used the hand swatters to identify the number.

We have also been learning the language for greater than and less than. We have learnt that the mouth of the crocodile eats the big number and we have been trying to read the mathematical sentences. We have been drawing our symbols to show our understanding. Here you can see us laying out our number cards in the correct place.

We have been counting to 100 in class and we love this big number song.


At the beginning of the week we had been identifying rhyming words from a poem. We know that the words have the same sound at the end. To show our understanding we highlighted the rhyming words.

In RE we have been learning all about St. Ninian of Galloway. We know that St. Ninian used to visit a cave near Whithorn where he came to pray. We drew our own St. Ninian’s badges as we know St. Ninian is the Patron of our school.

During the month of September we will be learning about safety.  This week we went on a visit to the school kitchen to hear about how the kitchen staff stay safe. We learnt lots of important rules about how to stay safe in the kitchen and we will be very aware of any hazards in the future.

Our new topic is “Transport”. We have created a topic plan so that Miss Boyes knows what we would like to learn about.  We are super excited to learn about transport throughout time.

In art with Mrs Thomson we have been creating penny farthing pictures by using the technique of printing.

In PE we have continued with our stations to practise our skills with the basketballs, rugby balls and footballs. However we have changed one of our stations this week to a skipping station. We were very enthusiastic about this and loved skipping with the ropes and the hula hoops.

We would like to introduce Paolo our class Parrot. Paolo likes to check that we have learnt lots at the end of our lessons and he encourages us to reflect by using his plenary wheel. We loved spinning the button!

Have a lovely long weekend!
From Miss Boyes and P2.

Taking shape in P2!

This week in P2 we have been showing our understanding of the properties of 2D shapes. As part of our activity sheet we had to use different 2D shapes to create an animal. After completing our animal pictures, we used the ipads to record each other discussing the shapes we used. We then watched the recording back in our groups.

At another station we had to guess the shape. We put our hands in the box and had to think about the properties of the shapes. Our peers asked us questions such as “How many sides does it have?” How many corners does it have?”


We wrote acrostic poems this week in writing. Our acrostic poems were jungle themed and we had to write either a word or a sentence across from each letter.

Here are examples from Josephine and Ana.
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In topic we have been categorising animal habitats. We completed a venn diagram to show which animals we think live in the jungle and which animals we think live in homes or both. Also this week in topic we have researched facts about the jungle by using the netbooks, smartboard and non-fiction books. We then had a class discussion and Miss Boyes helped us record the information.
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We really enjoyed PE this week. Miss Boyes set up the gym hall into 4 different sections. Each section had different types of balls (rugby balls, footballs, basket balls and softballs). We had the opportunity to practise our skills at each station. We practised dribbling, throwing, catching and bouncing.
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Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Boyes and P2!

Our Jungle adventure in Primary 2!

This week we have been revising how to order and sequence numbers to 20.

After showing our understanding we have moved on to ordering numbers to 30 and 50. We will continue to focus on this.

We have been learning about numbers in the environment and we went on a little walk to find different numbers.

Here we are taking photos of the numbers we found with the ipads.


In writing we have been learning all about adjectives.

We thought of a wide range of describing words to describe the animals in the book “Rumble in the Jungle”.


Miss Boyes was impressed by all of the describing words we included in our writing.


In topic we have been exploring the different patterns for the animals in the jungle. We then matched the pictures of the patterns to the pictures of the animals and drew our own animal pattern.


In RE we have been learning about the story of Noah’s Ark. We have shown our understanding of the story by retelling it to Miss Boyes and  then sequencing it.

We really enjoyed our structured play which was jungle themed. We took part in different activities which we thought was very fun. Next week we will have the opportunity to try another activity at a different station. We will evaluate our learning experience at the activities stations.


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Boyes and Primary 2!


Ready for a colourful year in P2!

Primary 2 have had a fantastic first week. We have been settling back into school and getting to know our new classroom and one another.

We started the week by launching our class charter and talking about our rights and responsibilities.

We all took a turn at using paint to make handprints and together our handprints make planet earth. We also have our responsibility rockets on display to show that we are ready to take these responsibilities on. We discussed expectations for behaviour and came up with great rules to follow.

We will share our class charter with you soon!

Our class topic is based on the picture book “Rumble in the Jungle”. We can’t wait to learn about all of the animals and this week we gave Miss Boyes our ideas for the topic plan.

Why not listen to “Rumble in the Jungle” at home by following this link.



In PE we learned to travel in different ways around the hall. We looked at the animals in the story book and tried to think about how they travel in different ways.

PE days will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Full PE kit will be necessary for both days.

Well done to all of the children for a fabulous week in Primary 2!

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Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Boyes

Super stars of 2B present their final blog post!!

Exciting Events for P2B

This week has been very exciting for the children in P2B.

On Wednesday we had sports day which was fantastic fun.

We loved taking part in the different activities.

Here are our thoughts on sports day:
Kasia “I liked when P2B won the tug of war”.

Jakub “I liked the races.”

Brooke “I liked when the Mum’s and Dad’s did the races.”

Katherine “I liked the station where you had to walk along the bench and crawl through the tunnel.”

Cameron “I liked dribbling the ball.”

Maya “I liked throwing the frisby into the net.”

Michelle “I loved jumping in the sacks.”

Zuzanna “I liked the quiz with the Primary 7 children.”

Angel “The egg and spoon race was my favourite.”

Hasan “I liked walking along the bench and crawling through the tunnel.”

Carly “I loved the mum and dad races.”

Emma “My favourite was throwing the welly into the tire.”

Orla “My favourite part of the day was when my Dad came first in the Dad race.”

Lennon “I liked the quiz with the Primary 7 children.”

Calvin “I liked dribbling the ball.”

Seamus “My favourite station was throwing the javelin.”
Kornel “I loved all of the races.”

Andrew “I loved everything”.

Rachel “I loved everything.”
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On Thursday we got to meet our new teachers which we were really looking forward to. We enjoyed speaking to them and the other children in our class and we liked the fun activities we completed.


We loved the surprise pantomime that we got to see after meeting our new teachers. The actors and actresses were so funny and we loved the story of Treasure Island.

We have reflected on our time in P2B and below are our favourite memories.

Aaron “I loved making the lego people for the class charter.”

Katherine “I liked it when we done the North Pole topic because it was really fun learning about all of the animals.”

“I liked when we made the sunflowers and used the cotton buds to make dots with the paint.”

Daniel “I really liked when we went on our nature walk and found different plants and flowers.”

Kornel “I liked when we spoke about Jesus blessing the little children and we had to draw a picture of ourselves.”

Michelle “My favourite memory is when we were learning about Katie Morag and we got to sketch different pictures from the books.”

Orla “I loved it when we went on our trip to the Transport Museum.”

Angel “My favourite memory is when we went to the library to choose our books.”

Kasia “I liked when we went on our visit to the Health Centre because the lady showed us different things”

Jakub “My favourite part of P2B was when we made the igloo’s with the marshmallows.”

Brooke “I liked when we made the Christmas tree because we got to decorate it however we wanted.”

Seamus “I liked the science activity when we rolled the cars down different surfaces.”

Andrew “My favourite part of primary 2 was when we made the rockets.”

Zuzanna “I loved doing handwriting lessons because we drew different pictures with our words.”

Hasan “I really liked going to Judo.”

Emma “My favourite was when we used the paint to do printing.”

Calvin “When we tested to find out which ice cube would melt the quickest.”

Carly “I liked learning about time, I liked when we drew the hands on the clock on the big circle in the playground.”

Cameron “I liked learning about using different lines in art to create a pattern.”


“We all love maths carousels, writing about what was behind the door and what was in the mystery box.”


As this is our final blog post I would just like to say that I have loved every minute of teaching Primary 2B this year! Your progress has been amazing and it has been a privilege to watch you learn. My first year in St. Ninian’s Primary school would not have been the same without my terrific class. I wish you all the very best in primary 3 and I know you will continue to be wee super stars! Keep shining P2B! I know we will have a fabulous last few days celebrating a super successful year.


Miss Boyes and P2B

Little Explorers in P2B!

This week in P2B we have been revising our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We have shown Miss Boyes that we have remembered all of the strategies that she has taught us. We can even work out those tricky missing number calculations.


In writing we have continued to use our imagination to create fun and interesting stories. Miss Boyes gave us a story starter and we had to complete it. The story starter was
“I hadn’t seen the glittery, frosty door before.  It wasn’t there last night.  Cautiously, I turned the handle. Behind the door was…”

We all came up with fantastic ideas to carry on the story.
“Behind the door was fairy Twinkle Bell”- Katherine.
“Behind the door was Princess Zuzanna in Disneyland.”- Zuzanna.
“Behind the door was a cheeky monkey in the rainforest”-Calvin.
“Behind my door was a T-Rex.”- Andrew.

On Monday we had great fun as little explorers on our nature hunt. We went on the hunt for plants and flowers and in our trios we ticked them off once they had been found.
We even saw the ducks in the pond and one of them tried to follow us back to St. Ninian’s. We had great discussions about our local area and had lots of interesting questions to ask. A poster was spotted on our walk which had pictures to show the plants and animals we might find in our local area.
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In Art we have been looking at lots of different lines. Miss Boyes asked us to draw a variety of different lines to make a pattern. We drew wavy lines, long lines, swirly lines, zig zag lines and many more.

We made some beautiful art work.

As well as our nature hunt on Monday we also took part in Judo. We took part in super fun activities and it was an exciting way to begin the week.
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Today we had our last Ninian’s Natter. We reflected on our learning in term 4 and our aims. We also self-assessed our progress in Primary 2 and shared our thoughts with our peers.

Have a Lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2B!

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