Busy week in Primary 2!

In Numeracy this week we have continued to work on our Multiplication. We have been working on repeated addition and how this links with the written calculation for multiplication. We can now recognise the multiplication symbol in written calculations.

To show our understanding we have been matching the repeated addition calculation with the multiplication calculation and finding the correct answer.

We have been enjoying playing the “Hit the Button” Game on the iPads and netbook. http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


In Maths we have been enjoying learning more about money. This week we have been practising laying out different amounts of money to show our understanding we have been writing down the different amounts of coins.

In groups we have been taking turns to be the teacher,  showing our peers a money card with a total amount. Our goal was to lay out the correct coins to match the card. “The teacher” would then count to see if we had the correct amount of coins. We had to think about adding coins together to make the total amount and we found this a bit tricky so will continue to work on it in class.

On the netbooks we have been playing this fun money game http://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money.
We have mostly been working on the 1p and 2p categories.


To support our writing this week we visited the Isle of Coll website, exploring the website we found out lots of information about the island. We know the Isle of Struay is a fictional island but it has lots of similarities to the Isle of Coll. We wondered how many people new about the Isle of Coll and how many people visit the island so we decided to make leaflets to encourage people to visit.

Our leaflets were fantastic and you will find them on display in the corridor. We had to use appropriate vocabulary in our leaflets and make sure that our writing made sense for our readers.  Our leaflets are full of fantastic information about how to get to the island, what the weather is like and things to do. We are becoming more independent in writing and Miss Boyes was impressed to see us remembering to use our full stops and capital letters this week.


We’re sure that after reading our leaflets you will be booking a holiday to the Isle of Coll very soon.


On Wednesday it was Burns Day, Miss Boyes told us all about Robert Burns and how he was a famous Scottish poet. To keep with the Scottish theme we decided to learn how to make Porridge. Grannie Island always makes Katie Morag Porridge and her famous cookies “Porridges”.


We had to read the recipe to check that we had all of the ingredients and then we followed the instructions.

To make the porridge you have to measure out the Porridge Oats into a pot. Then you measure the milk into a jug and add the milk into the pot.

This activity also linked to literacy and maths because we had to use our reading and measuring skills to make the porridge. We were also able to discuss how we would stay safe in the kitchen when cooking our porridge.

Lots of children told Miss Boyes the next day that they had Porridge for their breakfast and Wojciech even sent a picture of himself eating his porridge on class dojo. Thank you Wojciech!

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We had a challenge to design Katie Morag a new skirt this week. We were learning how to plan and design an arrangement to make our own tartan pattern.

To begin the lesson, we looked at lots of different tartan patterns and noticed that they have lots of different colours. We also spoke about the lines which run through the tartan. We have learned that the lines going down the way are called “Vertical” lines and the lines going across the way are called “Horizontal” lines.


We then used the online tartan weaver to make a class tartan design. For our own designs, we had to use three different colours in our tartan. We had to think about the length and width of our strips and how we would arrange them onto the paper.

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We love learning through our structured play in lots of different curricular areas. Here we are at the Isle of Struay post office. We have been writing letters to post, selling stamps and weighing parcels. Also in structure play we have been collecting data and creating pie charts. We went to P2 and P2/3 this week to ask them what their favourite Katie Morag story book was. We needed help to record our tally marks and colour in the pie chart but we really enjoyed collecting the data and we could explain which book was the most and least popular.


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Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2!




Mapping our way through the week in P2!

We have continued to learn about multiplication this week. We are learning how to complete repeated addition sums. We know that 5 groups of 2 is 2+2+2+2+2. This helps us find out the total amount, 10. We have been practising our counting in two’s with this fun, catchy song.



This week we went on a trip to the Library, we love our trips to the Library. The Librarian showed us lots of different books: paper back, hard back, fiction and non-fiction. She explained how the books are filed in alphabetical order on the shelves by the authors surname. After we had a short discussion about the books the lady read us a very funny story. The story was called Nibbles the Book Monster. This story was all about a Monster who ate his way through different story books. After we listened to the story the Librarian asked us to put some books in alphabetical order by surname. We had to hold the cards with the initial of each surname and stand in the correct order. We found this very tricky, we need more practise of putting letters in alphabetical order.

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In writing this week we wrote a recount of our trip to the library. We had to try and use the connectives “and” “because” “but” in our writing. We impressed Miss Boyes with our ability to use connectives in a way that our writing still makes sense.



On Wednesday we celebrated World Religion Day by listening to a traditional Buddhist story called “The Monkey King”. This story sends out an important message that we should help, think and be kind to others rather than being greedy. After we listened and watched the clip of the Monkey King we took turns of being a character and acting out the story. This showed Miss Boyes that we had listened very well. We discussed what we thought the important message might be and then Miss Boyes showed us real mangos just like the ones from the mango tree in the story. Miss Boyes let us hold one of the Mangos.


Lilly- “The Mangos are heavy.”

Zoe- “The Mango is smooth.”

Miss Boyes cut the mango up and we each got to taste a bit of the fruit.

Wojciech- “It’s juicy.”

Lennon- “It tastes sweet.”

Follow the link below to find the clip.


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On our topic plan we wanted to find the Isle of Struay on the map so Miss Boyes helped us navigate our way onto google maps on the netbooks and iPads. Miss Boyes told us that the Isle of Struay is a fictional island which is based on the real island of Coll. We searched for the Isle of Coll and then we also pinpointed Livingston on the map. This let us see the distance and the differences between each place. The Isle of Coll is surrounded by the sea but Livingston is surrounded by other towns and villages. For our topic we have been learning about physical and human features on the Isle of Struay. We discussed what defines a physical or human feature. In our groups, we each painted a feature of the island and discussed if it was physical or human.

Independently we completed a task where we had to cut the features out and categorise them under physical or human.



Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2.

International Week in Primary 2

In class this week we have planned our new topic which is Katie Morag.


Here are things which we included on our plan
Wojciech “What does Katie Morag eat?”
Madison “We want to learn about the job of a postman or lady.”
Angelina “Can we find the island on a map?”
Alice “What does she wear?”


For International Week we have been communicating with our Spanish peers by using Spanish phrases to complete our all about me activity. We are excited for them to receive photos of our work. Also for International Week we have been learning about the food of Malawi and their school lunches which we have re-created on paper plates. Miss Boyes also told us all about Mary’s Meals and how they provide food for children in Malawi and other countries who can sometimes go hungry.

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We have begun to learn about money. We will be using our knowledge of money to run Katie Morag Post office.

This week we learned how to count money to find the total amount. We are learning to count money within 20p. Here is a fun money game which we could play at home.


In numeracy we have started to learn about multiplication. This week we have been finding how many groups there are, how many objects in each group and the total number.

At our independent station we have been grouping the duplo and unifix cubes.

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This would be a fun game to play at home.

Last week we completed a reading task where we had to fill in the missing words for a friendship recipe. This week we have wrote our own friendship recipes in class. Our aim was to use wider range of vocabulary. Miss Boyes said our friendship recipes were lovely to read and was impressed with all of the fantastic sentence openers we used.


In PE we have started our new Gymnastic block.

Madison “In PE we have been learning lots of different balances.”

Josephine “You have to try to hold your balance for 3 seconds.”

Lilly “My favourite balance was the bridge.”

Vanessa “Another balance which we practised was the shoulder stand.”

Poppy “I was practising the table top balance.”

It is important that we remember our PE kit for a Wednesday and a Thursday.

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Lastly we would like to finish off our blog by saying that Primary 2 will really miss seeing Miss Smyth’s smiley face everyday! We wish her lots and lots of luck in her new job and we know that she will be an asset to her new school.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2!


Happy New Year from P2!

Although it’s been a short week we have been busy in class.

Miss Boyes was very happy to see us all back and hear about our Christmas holidays.

This week was vision and values week at school. We have been learning lots about the school values and the school vision.

To learn about the school vision (Our Vision is to be a vibrant community of faith and learning where together we learn to grow in the image and likeness of Christ) we went into the Garden. We followed footsteps which were laid out on the ground and every time we came to a new set of footprints Miss Boyes would give us a special card. Each of the cards had an important message about Jesus and his qualities. We are told to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and this helped us to understand what we can do in our own lives to be like Christ.

When we went back to class we spoke about the school vision further. Then we drew our own pictures of Jesus and wrote all of his special qualities. We would like to share these qualities with you at home.



This week we reviewed our class charter. We decided that we did not want to change it however we did want to add some knew promises. We have learnt lots about our rights and responsibilities and this has given us a greater understanding of the promises we can keep.

The Promises which we have added are:

I will not distract others.

I will aim to complete my work.

I will be gentle.

Although all of the school values are of high importance we chose to focus in on Friendship and what it means to be a good friend. We thought about the ingredients you would need for a friendship recipe. We read a recipe but had to fill in the blanks with the ingredients.

Ingredients we chose were: happiness, cheerfulness, kindness, gentleness, laughter, smiles and love.


It is exciting to start a New Year, we spoke about New Years traditions in class. Then we had a think about what a New Years Resolution is. We chose our own and wrote it on our 2017 star. We will try to achieve our resolutions this year.

Examples of our resolutions are:

I will eat a wider range of food.

I will have a healthy diet and stop eating lots of sweets.

I will exercise and stay fit.

I will help my parents in the house with the dishes and tidying.

I will listen to my teacher.

I will keep my bedroom tidy.


In class this week we have refreshed our understanding of numbers to 100. We have been counting forwards and backwards, finding 2 numbers more or less and we have been finding the smallest and largest numbers.




We are looking forward to starting a new topic and learning lots more at school.

Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!


Busy week for P2!!

On Monday we watched the video of The Snowman afterwards we had to sequence the story. This helped us learn that stories have a beginning, middle and end. Also it has shown Miss Boyes that we listened well to the story.





To follow on from this we wrote our own story about our adventure with the snowman.

Leo “My snowman went on the Polar Express with me so I could go to the North Pole.”

Marcus- “Me and my snowman went to candy land.”
Ana- My snowman came with me to a big sunny paradise.”


In numeracy we have been showing Miss Boyes how much we have learned about subtraction. We worked hard to complete our subtraction check-up.


Zoe- “I know that when you subtract the numbers get smaller.”

Vanessa- You always start with the biggest number when you take-away.”
Ana- Another name for subtraction is take-away.”
An example of a subtraction question by Julia- “2 less than 7 equals 5.”


Also in numeracy we have continued with place value. We had a total number and we had to find the addition calculation by splitting the number into tens and units.

An example from Aaron “39= 30+9”
An example from Ahmad- “47= 40+7”
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This week we have also completed a measurement assessment to show our understanding of area, cm, volume, length and weight.

We have really enjoyed learning how to measure in different ways.


This week we have continued to practise for our nativity show “Busy Busy Bethlehem”.

Lennon “We are practising to speak and sing with good volume.”

Alice- “We have been practising our actions for our songs.”


We can’t wait for you all to see our Nativity next week.


In art with Mrs Thomson we have been creating Polar Bear pictures. We have created our pictures by using crepe paper and glue.


This week in class Miss Boyes has put up our Christmas tree. We love the twinkling lights and the decorations.

On the Altar we now have a stable to represent the Birth of Jesus; we discussed the significance of the stable.

Today is our Ninian’s Natter and we will be reflecting on our learning in term 2 and our aims.




Bonnie Bairns in P2!

In Numeracy, this week we have been learning all about place value. We understand that a whole number can be split into tens and units. We had to identify the whole numbers from their tens and units or we had to split the whole numbers into tens and units. We used the visuals to support our understanding.

Whilst learning about place value we engaged in our number talks, this allowed us to speak through our reasoning for identifying a number.
We really enjoyed our independent stations too. At one station, you could spin a 0-9 spinner twice. The first number represented the tens and the second represented the units.
You had to build the number and check if you had it on your bingo board to cross off.


We really love this counting to 10 song that we have been singing in class.

In Mathematics, we have been finding the area of a shape. We had to draw our own areas and identify which shapes would fit into which areas.

At our independent carousel station, we used the cubes to cover the area of the different shapes.
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In literacy, we focused on how to describe the setting of a story. We used our knowledge from topic to write the setting of the North Pole. We are improving our ability to use capital letters and full stops in the correct place independently.
We had some super ideas of what to write about.



On Wednesday, it was St. Andrew’s Day, to celebrate St. Andrew we learned all about his story. After listening to the story of St. Andrew we sequenced it in our groups to show our understanding. We know that St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland so we learned more about the country we live in.

The National Flower of Scotland is the Thistle, we constructed our own Thistles using wool and a pipe cleaner. This was a fun activity, we had to think about all of the steps to making the Thistle. Miss Boyes was very impressed by how realistic they looked!
To finish off our Scottish theme we learnt some words in Scots. Miss Boyes sang us Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes.

We followed her actions and identified that the words were Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. At first we found it funny and really enjoyed learning the Scots words. To show Miss Boyes that we had understood the Scots words we drew a picture of a person and labelled them.

Learning more about the nationality of the country we live in links to Article 7 where it states that children “have the right to a nationality (to belong to a country).” We understand that we all have our own nationalities.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend, from Miss Boyes and P2!







Singing stars in Primary 2!

This week we have been learning how to measure in centimeters with a ruler.

Zoe- You have to make sure the zero is placed at the beginning of the object you are measuring then you read the number which is at the end of the object you are measuring.

We understand that Centimetres are marked on a ruler as CM and we have been writing this when recording our measurements.
Here are a couple of photos we took of each other measuring with the iPads.

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Our aim this week in writing was to use adjectives to describe the Train Conductor. We have thought of lots of interesting describing words for his appearance and his character.

Here are some examples.
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To help us practise our spelling words we have been making them from playdoh.
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Through our topic, we have explored how Polar Bears stay warm, we completed a Science experiment to find out more.

Our experiment involved us putting our hands into a bowl of water full of ice cubes.
One of our hands had a special glove with oil in it which acted as the blubber.
We had to write down our predictions and our results.
The result of our experiment was that our hand in the oil was warmer than our other hand. This helped us to understand how the Polar bears blubber keeps it warm. We also watched a video clip which explained this further.


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In class, we have been practising singing jingle bells and this week we went along to record our song. This was a super experience and we loved all singing together into the microphones. Miss Boyes said she loved listening to us sing as our voices were amazing.


We have been singing lots this week as we have been practising for our nativity show. We love all of the songs and we are learning to all sing at the same time and with good volume.
Our Scottish Country dancing is looking great in PE, this week we practised the Virginia Reel. Here we are showing off our dance moves.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

Cool to be Kind week in Primary 2

This week was cool to be kind week. We have been learning about children’s rights, with a focus on child refugees. We looked at pictures of children who flee their homes to go to safe countries.  We discussed the journeys that they make and how they might feel on their journey.

In class we drew a picture of our own journeys and discussed how we felt on our journey. We learned that the child refugees are not always protected and safe so drew and labelled pictures of things that would help to keep them safe. Here are a few of the things which we included.

Lilly- “Food”.
Ryan- “A house for shelter.”
Madison- “Medicine in case they get sick.”
Wojciech- “A blanket to keep them warm.”
Marcus- “Clean drinking water.”


Afterwards we made Our rights Posters.
The rights which we included on our rights posters were:

“The right to food and clean water.” Leo and Ana
“ The right to play.” Marcus
“The right to learn.” Aaron
“The right to see a doctor.” Lilly
“We have the right to a name.” Alice

After talking about our rights, we also sang the “I’ve got Rights” song.

Also for Cool to Be Kind week we wrote a kind comment about 1 of our peers. We all wrote lovely comments about one another.
This week we have been learning how to differentiate between measurements using the language “more than and less than”. We measured water into the jugs and had to look closely to decide which had more or less of an amount.


In writing we wrote interview questions that we would ask the boy from the Polar Express. Our learning intention was to put question marks in the correct place. When we finished our writing, we read it aloud in class and Miss Boyes recorded us.

We came up with great questions
Josephine- “Have you seen Santa at the North Pole?”
Wojciech- “Have you built an igloo? Is it melting?”
Elenta- “I love the Polar Express, do you?”


To practise our spelling words, we have been completing different activities.


Poppy- “We made our spelling words with the pipe cleaners.”
Ana- “We have been writing our spelling words on the iPads.”
Angelina- “We have been finding our words on the word searches.”
We have enjoyed all of the activities and Miss Boyes will be checking our spelling test scores on today.

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We loved dressing up in our pyjamas today with our crazy hair and face paints all for a great cause! Running in our pyjamas made the daily mile extra fun!
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Have a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and P2

Saving the Planet in P2!

It has been another busy week in P2!
In maths we have been understanding the language of about when measuring.

Vanessa- We have been measuring with cubes.

Lennon- “We measured a book, a ruler, a cereal box and a pencil.

Aaron- The longest was the cereal box.
We have enjoyed using the cubes to measure the different objects this week and discussing the differences in lengths.


In writing we have wrote instructions on how to build an igloo. To stimulate our ideas for writing we watched a video clip of a man building an igloo.

We had to use our listening skills to take note of the steps. Our aim was to use different sentence openers.
Wojciech- “I used the the sentence opener next.”
Zoe “The word last is a good sentence opener.”
For topic this week we learnt about Global warming and how it impacts the Polar bears.

We watched a video clip that explained Global warming and it told us all of the ways we can help to stop the ice melting.

Wojciech- “I have learnt different ways we can stop global warming and help the Polar Bears.”

Angelina- “It is important to remember to turn off the electricity when you do not need it. Turn off your lights and tv.”

Lilly- “Remember you can cycle instead of driving everywhere. Turn off the car engine!”

Ava- “Remember to recycle. Put your waste in the right bin. We use green, black, blue and red bins in school.”

After watching the video we made our own poster to share this information. Our posters are on our North Pole display wall, hopefully people will read our posters and help save the Polar bears too!

In art with Mrs Thomson we have been creating our very own Train Conductor masks. To make the mask we painted the different parts and then placed them all together. We sneaked back into the classroom after art with our masks over our face to surprise Miss Boyes.
Our masks are displayed on the wall for everyone to see! Miss Boyes thought that instead of the children returning from art lots of little train conductors had came to visit her because the masks look so realistic.


In PE we have shown that we can commit to be fit! We have continued to work hard at our circuit training. This week we enjoyed using the hurdles and ladders.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,

From Miss Boyes and P2!



In Numeracy this week we have continued to learn about subtraction. We have been learning how to take 1 single digit away from a teen number.

To help us learn about take-away sums we have been taking part in roleplay to find how much change we should receive in the P2 shop. We will continue to practise this and gradually increase the amount of money we use at the shop.

We have really enjoyed working out how much change we should get from our money when buying things at the shop.


We took our spelling outside this week and wrote our words with chalk on the ground. This has helped us learn our spelling patterns for the week.

Marcus- “This was fun because it was good for our learning.”
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We also found our spelling words in the sand pit, we read the words and wrote them out on our whiteboards.
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Our writing lesson started off with an exciting stimulus.
Mrs Gardner brought us a letter from the school office at the start of our writing lesson. The letter was addressed to Primary 2 and it was from the Train Conductor of the Polar Express. He has asked if we can learn about the North Pole (Arctic) and he would like to learn with us. So we will keep him up to date with what we learn each week.
The train conductor also asked how we would feel if we ever had the opportunity to climb aboard the Polar Express. After watching a video clip from “The Polar Express” film we then wrote a letter in reply to the Train conductor. We had to make sure that we formed our letter correctly.

We sat at our tables which Miss Boyes had turned into little steam trains with a sign at the front.

On our topic plan we have shared that we would like to learn about the weather in the Arctic. So, this week we took a thermometer outside with us to record the temperature. We have learnt that you have to read the numbers up the side to find out the temperature and that the numbers on each side mean something different (degrees and fahrenheit). We took turns to read the temperature and found out that it had dropped quite a bit from leaving the classroom.  We will be comparing the temperature of Scotland to the Arctic and looking at how the weather affects the Arctic (Climate change).


In PE we have continued our fitness block, we have been training and exercising our muscles at different stations. This will allow us to work on different muscles in our body. We have really enjoyed the different stations, here we are doing some step ups.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend from Miss Boyes and Primary 2!

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