Hello guys this is Aleks coming up with the weekly blog!
This week we had so much fun.We did a great divisibility test it was great.We did EAL Buddies on Tuesday and Thursdays.We did PE we did the High Jump we started at 90 centimetres we kept on going with 10 cm and then all of a sudden everybody got elimanated apart from me and Mark we tried 145 and we touched the line and we both got elimanated but Me and Mark and Jack quinn got all 140 it was the highest in the school.
I will see you on the Blog Again Next Week Goodbye!!!
Check out our dancing for #FunkyFriday https://twitter.com/Mrs_Conway10/status/1126785675511181312
We made a beautiful RE display for Our Lady, with May being the month of Mary – we specifically looked at the story of Our Lady’s apparition in Fatima https://twitter.com/Mrs_Conway10/status/1126779051945930752
We have had a wonderfully creative and calm week in P3 – despite it being very busy!
The boys and girls were a great help in keeping Mrs Conway and Mrs Scott organised as they swapped their Tuesday and Thursday this week – Mrs Conway was SO pleased to see how amazing the class are at writing! We wrote our own Skeleton fact files on Tuesday morning and can’t wait to share them with you at Stay, Play and Learn on Friday 12th at 9am. Do you love the warm/cold colour art work in our featured image? These will also be on display on Friday!
Mrs Scott was also very impressed with how well our boys and girls are developing their reading comprehension! Most of our reading groups came home with special bookmarks this week – these will help you and your child choose some questions to discuss about their reading books when they do reading homework with an adult or older sibling. If your child doesn’t have theirs please let Mrs Conway know by writing a note in their homework diary 🙂
Our number work continues this week with addition and working with numbers to 1000! Some people couldn’t load our homework game – but our Sumdog homework challenge next week will be focusing on these areas. Your child’s sumdog login will be in their reading diary – please let us know if they are unable to complete sumdog homework at home, time can be given to this across the school day!
This weeks Boost words were;
Our core literacy homework task will be based on some of our Boost words next week!
In RE we have been learning a lot about Our Lady, which will continue to be our in class RE theme throughout October – we LOVE this action song… have a go at home;
How can you and your child say YES to God, like Mary did?
We have noticed some fantastic creativity in our collage Smartstart! This week we even had some budding authors making books during their smart start time! Mrs Scott has taken these ideas on board to incorporate into our writing sessions next term.
Sean joined us this week from St Margaret’s Academy on his work experience! He has been a hit with the boys and girls of P3 – and even brought his Nintendo Switch in today for us to enjoy during FUN31! Sean’s help this week has been great and we will all miss him next week – we hope he will come back and visit us!
Have a great weekend! Next week will be the last week of term before the October holiday!