Nursery News!

This week we continued to make bird cake for our nursery garden, below are the instructions if you would like to try this at home:

1) We mixed together softened Lard and bird seed to create our special mixture.

2) We put the mixture into empty yoghurt pots and recycled netting. 

3) The pots and netting were then placed in the freezer overnight to harden.

4) The next day we took our bird cakes outside and hung them from the trees and the fence using string.

5) Finally, we watched and waited to see what birds would visit us.


Check back next week to find out what birds we have spotted 🙂

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                             HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY SAINT NINIAN’S NURSERY!                       30th

Our big news this week was that it was our 30th Birthday!!! We had a surprise party on Thursday to celebrate with music, dancing, balloons and cake! It was absolutely fabulous and all of the nursery staff and children were so excited!  All the teachers from the school came to visit us and wish us happy birthday, and the Primary 1 classes made us birthday cards too!! Thank you everyone!

We would also like to say a huge thank you to our fantastic Head Teacher, Mrs Purdie, who planned and organised this surprise for us.  It was wonderful and very much appreciated. Thank you Mrs Purdie x x



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Finally we would like to wish everyone a very restful and relaxing February break and we look forward to welcoming our children back on Wednesday 15th February.


The Nursery Team 🙂

Nursery News

In Nursery this week we had lots of Chinese New Year celebrations! On Tuesday Miss Pan a Mandarin teacher from the Confucius Hub in James Young High school visited both sessions. She told us all about China and taught us some Chinese phrases and explained about the twelve special animals in Chinese culture. We found out that this is the year of the Rooster, red is the colour of good fortune and giving a mandarin orange is a symbol of a strong friendship. We were lucky enough to get a chocolate coin in a special red envelope and an orange to take home.

We also listened to traditional Chinese music and joined in by dancing using ribbons and musical instruments. In our creative area we made huge Chinese dragons which we were able to carry round the Nursery and use percussion instruments to create our own dragon dance. We also had the opportunity to make dancing dragons.

For snack we were given the chance to try Chinese noodles with soy or spicy chilli sauce which we tried to eat with chopsticks.

Our bird watching area has continued to be popular and Miss Brien one of our students made some bird cakes with us. We are planning on hanging these outside in our garden next week and then hopefully we will see more birds arriving!

As part of the 40th Birthday celebrations for the school we were asked if we would contribute to the time capsule. We discussed our favourite songs, films and hobbies.

We finished off the week by having our Wellie walks. Both sessions were lucky with the weather and we all looked for signs of nature and listened for the birds. Thank you all so much for your generous donations. We made £170 which is fantastic and we will discuss with the children the resources they would like to buy with this money.

Just a little reminder that we have our February break next week. Nursery will be closed on Friday 10th February and we look forward to welcoming children back to nursery on Wednesday 15th February.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team😊

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Nursery News

We have had another busy and exciting week in Nursery.

Both sessions were super excited to meet Billie Bear our travelling teddy. This is part of our home link learning experiences. The children in both sessions will each be given the opportunity to take Billie home for a few days and share what they may be doing either at home or outside. Billie will be so happy to join in with anything. He comes with a backpack and a special letter which explains what is in the bag and how you and your child can engage in this super learning experience. We would love to see photographs of Billie and his special friend ( your child) spending time together which you can either bring into Nursery or upload to your child’s online journal. We can’t wait to hear about Billie and his adventures. If you have any questions regarding this project please ask any member of the nursery team who will be more than happy to help you.

We have also been looking at patterns in Numeracy and the children had an opportunity to make their own patterns using a variety of materials and also followed a pattern using our link elephants. This learning experience came from an interest the children had when drawing self portraits and talking about differences and similarities.

There was a lovely smell coming from the kitchen this week too as some of the children decided to bake their own play dough food and once cooled paint it.  This will make its way into our kitchen in the house corner next week.

We even managed to get outside this week and enjoyed playing in our shed which has lots of natural resources for the children to experience. The bikes and new kitchen were also very popular.

As part of our consultative planning we will be asking the children next week what they would like to learn about Winter and this will go on display on our visible Learning Wall. We would love to hear any ideas that the children may  mention to you at home and this can be added to our learning wall too.

To finish off our PM session yesterday we heard the sounds of pirates approaching the Nursery door. It was Mrs Roy with her band of pirates!  We loved seeing the super pirate hats that the Primary 1 children had made and we joined in with lots of pirate noises! Both Primary 1 classes will be dropping in to both sessions of Nursery from time to time as part of our transition programme.

Its our PM children’s turn to share their learning experiences this week.

Emilie M and Emileigh Rose ” We loved playing in our new outside kitchen”

Mark, Kayla and Riley” We loved making our telescope and playing with the boomerang”

Shea and Lucas” We liked making things with the Lego”

Luke” Playing with the castle is my favourite”

Ethan and Jamie” We like drawing with the pens”

Scott” I liked the pirates ”

Just a wee reminder of upcoming events.

Both sessions will be visiting the library on Monday. If you have not handed in your child’s EE2 form please bring it to Nursery on Monday.

We will also be celebrating Burns day on Wednesday next week and Chinese New Year the following week.

Teeth varnishing will take place on Thursday.

Our  sponsored Wellie Walks will be on Thursday 2nd February for PM and Friday 3rd February for AM. More information on this will follow.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

Happy New Year from all the Nursery team. We are looking forward to lots of exciting adventures and fantastic learning experiences this term in Nursery.

As part of Vision and Values week we took the opportunity to revisit our Nursery Charter with the children. They were all excellent at discussing this with each other and have put it into practice over the past few days. The kindness Elves continue to help us to share and be kind to each other.

We welcomed five new children to our St Ninians family this week. Carter, Zaki and Isla joined the AM children and Lucas and Shea joined the PM children.  It was lovely to meet you all and we hope you enjoy your time with us at Nursery.  We were super proud of our older children who looked after our new friends so well.

It was also Happy Birthday on Wednesday to Christopher in AM session. He helped make his birthday cake with his friends. It smelt delicious.

Our AM children are sharing their favourite experiences at Nursery this week.

Oliver” I like listening to stories and playing in the house corner.”

Roma and Lucy ” We liked playing in the house corner and making some food for our friends.”

Amelia ” I loved making things with the play dough.”

Isabelle and Abigail ” We loved story time this week and reading stories.”

Blake ” I enjoyed playing with the bricks and working on the smartboard.”

Micah, Seren and Abu Bakr ” We loved being back at Nursery and playing with all our friends.”

As part of our Outdoor Learning we were hoping to make a small Music area and we wondered if you had any old pots, frying pans, small trays or utensils to spare.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

Another busy and exciting week in Nursery. We can’t believe that we have nearly come to the end of another term!

This week we have been getting the Nursery ready for Christmas. We decorated the tree, put up some decorations and we even have our own post office where we can write our letters to Santa and weigh our parcels.  The children have also been very busy putting the finishing touches to their Art work which was then put into our Art Galleries. A big thank you to all the parents and carers who came along and bought the fantastic items. We have very talented children. Once we have the amount made from the galleries we will let you all know and then in the New Year we will discuss with the children which  new resources they would like for Nursery.

On Thursday our AM children attended the Achievement assembly. They all sat very well and Amelia received the award for being a kind and helpful girl in nursery. Well done Amelia.

It is the turn of our PM children to share their learning experiences this week.

Emileigh Rose, Szymon, Lily, Jenny and Robert ” We liked making things in the sparkly play dough.”

Kayla and Ethan ” We loved working at the gluing table.”

Emalie ” I made a manger from the Lego.”

Jamie and Luke ” We drew pictures at the drawing table and loved using the pencils.”

Riley ” I build lots of things with the big blocks.”

Jiya ” I love playing in the house corner.”

Just a little reminder that Tuesday is Nursery party day. The children can come to Nursery wearing their party clothes and you are invited to come back at 1030am and 230pm to see your child receive a present from Santa!

Tuesday is also the last day for handing in any P1 enrolment forms. After Tuesday the forms must be sent to pupil placement. Any questions regarding this please ask any member of the nursery team.

After all the excitement of party day the children will have a relaxing Christmas treat on Wednesday when they will get the opportunity to watch a Christmas movie with a little treat to eat.

The Nursery Team would like to wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas with your families and friends.  Thank you for your continued support which is very much appreciated.

We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 4th January.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery are Winter Ready!


Please find below some activities to keep you busy in the event of a nursery closure due to severe weather.








  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • half a cup of salt
  • food colouring

Put all ingredients in a large saucepan, and heat slowly, stirring all the time until it forms a ball.  Keep it in wrapped in clingfilm or in a covered tub to stop it drying out.





Don’t forget to record what you get up to! Maybe you could take some photos for your online learning Journal or ask an adult to help you write or draw what you have done!


The Nursery Team 🙂




Nursery News

What an exciting and busy week we have had in Nursery! We have been very busy practising for our Nursery Nativity which takes place this Tuesday 6th at 10am and 2 pm. We are really looking forward to showing all our families our singing and drama skills. There will also be a bake sale half an hour before each performance and any donations of cakes would be greatly appreciated for these.

Our planning wall has changed to Christmas and the children have given lots of  super ideas for this. Please feel free to add any other thoughts or ideas that may come from your child at home.

On Thursday something very strange happened in both sessions. We came into Nursery to find lots of glitter on the carpet and we all wondered how this had happened! It was a very special visitor he was the Elf on the shelf! He brought along with him a very special story which we listened to. We were asked to give  him a name. The AM children decided on Sparkle and the PM children thought of Max. He explained that he was going to be in our nursery till Christmas and every day he would be watching us all to see who was being kind and he would whisper their names to the teachers who would write a letter which he would take back every night to Santa! Every day when we came into nursery we would need to look for him as he wouldn’t always be on his shelf and he might be doing something naughty! The kindness elves are his special friends. Look out for him when you are in the nursery.

Its the turn of the PM children to share their adventures with us this week.

Courtney ” I painted and used glitter.”

Mark ” I like the Artic animals”

Emalie B” I like drawing pictures at the drawing table.”

Kayla ” I made a bed in the brick area.”

Emilie M ” I like playing in the house area and looking after baby Jesus.”

Scott ” I like the trains”

Riley ” I helped make Christmas decorations.”

As well as our Nativity plays on Tuesday we have our Christmas Art Galleries on Thursday 15th at 230pm and Friday 16th December at 1030am where you will get the opportunity to buy your child’s special and individual Christmas art. Any money raised for this will go towards purchasing new nursery resources.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday!

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

This has been Cool to be Kind week in both school and nursery.  In Nursery we had two special visitors arrive to help us think about how we could be kind. They were called the Kindness Elves and they had even sent us a letter! The letter said that they would be setting us challenges and looking to see all the kind things we could do in the nursery and we can also write them letters too! We all had a discussion about what rules we could have in our Nursery Charter and wrote some ideas in our talking book. The Kindness Elves are going to help us next week to decide which rules we will put up on our charter which is next to where the elves are going to be staying as they liked being in our nursery so much. There is a picture of the elves on our Facebook page and you are also more than welcome to come and see them in their little house. The children would be delighted to show you😊

As part of this special week’s focus we had an achievement assembly on Thursday and Miss Smyth got a surprise in her office when a letter appeared from the Kindness Elves with the names of the children who had tried really hard this week to be kind and they had even left special certificates for them.

Our AM children were Seren and Isabelle and our PM children were Mark D and Jiya.Well done for being our stars of the week.

We have also started practising this week for our Nursery Nativity which is on Tuesday 6th December at 10 am and 2pm save the date for what will be a very special event😊

To finish off our week we celebrated Children in Need by wearing spots or pyjamas. We made spotty headbands and pictures and danced to Pudsey music. We collected 80 pounds which was fantastic. Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.

We have also been continuing in PE  with improving our fitness and have been working with both Mr McCurdy and Primary 7 to go round different fitness stations. It was great fun but hard work!

This week it is the turn of our PM children to share their learning.

Milena, Hanna and Jiya ” We love playing with the magnets”

Emilie M ” I like drawing pictures”

Mark D and Kayla ” We like building with the big bricks”

Syzmon” I like the sand”

Emalie ” I like doing jigsaws”

Some events coming up soon. This Tuesday 22nd November both AM and PM will be recording Christmas songs which will be put onto a Christmas C.D which will be available to buy at our Christmas Fun Day in school on 2nd December. Every class in the school will also be singing a song for this C.D. On Thursday 24th November will be family and individual photographs.  For parents of new Primary 1 children coming to school next August there will be an information evening on Thursday 1st December at 6p.m.

We are always looking for ways of improving our Nursery and we really appreciate your ideas and feedback. In the entrance of the Nursery we have put up pink and green pieces of paper along with post it notes of the same colour. Pink for things you think we are doing well and green for any ideas you may have for us to take forward. Please write up your thoughts on the post its the Nursery team would love to hear your feedback.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information please ask any member of the Nursery team who will be happy to help you.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery team.😊

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Nursery News

First of all we would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to our Stay and Play or Come back and Play sessions over the past two weeks. The children loved being able to share their learning experiences with you and show you round our nursery .

On Monday there was a spooky atmosphere in nursery as we had our Halloween parties. We all had a great time dooking for apples, trying to eat doughnuts and listening to a spooky story. We even managed to visit the library and pick some spooky stories to bring back with us.

We have been making firework pictures this week using paint, glitter and cardboard tubes. They look fantastic. We have also been discussing what we like and don’t like about fireworks and putting our ideas into our talking books. These books are on display and you are welcome to have a look at them at any time. We have also been having great fun in our leaves sensory box where we can walk on the leaves and listen to the sound we are making and look at the patterns  in the leaves.

This week it is our PM children who will share their learning with us.

Mark, Riley and Luke ” We liked painting the Firework pictures”

Robert ” I liked playing in the sand.”

Courtney ” I liked playing in the water with the spiders! ”

Kayla ” I liked playing with the trains.”

Emileigh Rose and Lilly  ” We liked playing in the kitchen and house corner ”

Emilie M and Jiya ” We love building things with the magnets ”

Szymon ” I love snack.”

Next week is National  Nursery Rhyme week. We will be looking at a different nursery rhyme each day and there is a quiz which you can take home and try with your child. These will be given out on Monday. Good luck.

Parental appointment times have now been given out for either Wednesday 9 th November or Thursday 10th November. If you have not received a time and would like to talk to your child’s key worker please just ask any member of the nursery team who will be happy to help you.

We are also wanting to update our Nursery Behaviour Policy and we would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please join Mrs Purdie and some of the Nursery team on Tuesday 8th November for Breakfast Blether at 10.30 or Afternoon tea at 2.15 to have a chat regarding this. We will also be asking for the children’s ideas and we have some exciting small visitors who will be coming to our Nursery to help us. Watch this space!

As you know the children also experience outdoor learning at Nursery and we are looking  to build on the resources we already have to enrich further learning opportunities. If you have any of the following  items to spare we would really appreciate it if you could hand them in to any member of the team.

Nuts and bolts, nails and screws, bricks, small hammers, saws and screwdrivers, pieces of wood, curtain hooks or rings, jars with lids and pieces of material. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe with Firework and Bonfire night.

The Nursery Team.

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Nursery News

We can’t believe that’s the first term finished in Nursery. All our new children have settled really well into our Nursery routines with our older children helping them so much. We look forward to welcoming some more new starts after the October break. This week it’s the turn of the PM children to share their learning.

Mark ” I like to play the doggy game.”

Emilie M ” I like to use the spying glass to see the leaves”

Emalie B ” I like to see the leaves falling down”

Jiya” I like making things with the magnets”

Robert” In Autumn leaves fall down”

Luke ” I like playing at the play dough table”


An update from the AM children. They went on their Autumn walk this week and identified lots of signs that Autumn had arrived. Our planning wall has taken on Autumn too with some photographs and ideas of what the children have been doing and what they would like to learn. If your child mentions anything that they would like to learn about Autumn please add this to our planning wall. It’s great to see the children taking ownership of their learning.

Just a little reminder that our Stay and Play sessions take place the week beginning 25th October and Come back and Play week beginning 31st October. There are sign up sheets available in the Nursery. This gives you the opportunity to see and experience the Nursery activities with your child.

If you are having problems logging onto your child’s online Learning Journals please email our deputy head Miss Smyth on

We will also be having the Nursery Halloween parties on Monday 31st October. More details to follow but could we please ask that no masks be worn to these as some children get frightened by this. Thank you for your support with this.

We hope you all have a lovely holiday and we look forward to welcoming the children back to Nursery on Tuesday 25th October.

The Nursery Team.😊

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