P6/7 weekly update

In literacy we wrote a diary entry as if we were the main character in the story. We focused on chapter 3 this week, at the end there was a bit of a cliffhanger as Michael went overboard. We can’t wait until next week to find out what happens next… Some of us were brave enough to read our diary starters to the class to help motivate and inspire others. We even put a tweet on Twitter, Chi-Chi is famous!! Remember to follow our class @mrsroy16 as we regularly Tweet throughout the week. We also worked in teams to do some comprehension work, that was good fun!

We have been playing maths games to help us develop our understanding of place and value, eg.  maths pacman, roll the dice, roll and stick game and close to the target. Some of us also did a maths population task using the http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ website. It was really interesting as it was a live website and people were being born every second! Cole and Max also made a place value poster for the maths working wall.

Don’t forget the Sumdog Maths Contest is now live until next Thursday, points means prizes!

In PE we were doing some more rugby skills. We had the ‘ Scoop Pass’ competition, James, Nicholas, Leon and Shiv were the scooping champions this week. This game involved concentration, speed and co-odrination. We progressed onto some rugby skills focussing on the ‘back pass’, this took a few attempts to master, Leon was hilarious at this activity as he kept getting confused about when to run and when to pass.

Chi-Chi and Krzysztof were our first Lead Learners and did a great job taking responsibility for the Talking Books this week – well done guys!

Our classroom is taking shape now and there is some fabby work on display for you to see when you next visit us. Remember Ninian’s Natter is on Thursday 14th September 6-7pm if you want to drop in for a blether and some Inspirational Maths activities.

Some pupil highlights:

Cole enjoyed the maths work this week.

Chi-Chi enjoyed using the population site.

Rachel W enjoyed doing the homework challenge.

Remember next week is Inspirational Maths week so come prepared as we may be taking the learning outdoors at times. We are hoping to also start using AAL – Anytime, Anywhere Learning for those who have returned their contracts. Please load the Class Dojo and Sumdog apps onto your device if possible, both are free apps.

Have  a great weekend!

P6/7 and Mrs Roy

Primary 2/3 Weekly News

What a busy week of learning it has been in Primary 2/3!

Everyone took their new reading books home and worked really hard on their literacy skills.

On Wednesday everyone was so excited to work with Mrs McCabe and Mrs Stewart to make fruit kebabs. We tried so many different fruits including greengages and pomegranates. We’ve already planned toppings for our pizzas next week – you can read our ideas in our talking book.

Writing was a focus for us on Thursday and we wrote about how we made fruit kebabs in Food Technology.

In IDL we continued to read The Enormous Crocodile and then thought about healthy and unhealthy foods for the crocodile.

In numeracy we have been working on numbers to 10, 100 and 100. Today we thought about how each of us learns best to help us plan our maths learning for the term. Some children like to use technology, some like to use counting cubes, some like to play games. We were all amazed by the range of ideas.

We were so excited when the UN Ambassadors arrived in our class today to share the fantastic news that we have been awarded the Level 2 RRS Award. Well done everyone!

In PE we worked on co-operative skills and learnt two new games – Video Games and Capture the Treasure.

Our Spanish focus this week was asking our friends what their name is in Spanish then telling them our names. We were so confident in our language skills!

Time flies by in P6/7

James gave us the title of our blog this week as we discussed how quickly the week had gone.

It all started on Monday where we did some focused vocabulary work linked to our class novel, everyone agreed that it was a pretty tricky task as we had to guess what the word meant by using the text surrounding it then look up it’s actual definition in the dictionary. Do you know what these words mean – reproached and suppurating? Place value is our focus in numeracy this week and we did some paired, independent and group tasks on Monday morning using resources like dominoes and flashcards to play different games to develop our confidence in reading different numbers. The afternoon saw us being introduced to Emotion Works, a whole school HWB resource. Again we linked this to our novel and used the emotion cogs to unpick each of the characters feelings in chapter 1 whilst working in teams.

On Tuesday we were very excited to start our rugby block with Mr McCurdy and everyone came well prepared for the outdoors! We had our first numbertalks session and showed Mrs Roy our explanation skills and mathematical thinking. In our novel study we read chapter 2 and were introduced to our Blooms Superheroes which will help us develop our reading comprehension skills this year. We all chose which questions we would like to tackle and tried to match these up to the superheroes. The afternoon continued with a novel theme and we started some ‘Hokusai’ inspired pictures, we used pastels to try and recreate the famous ‘Great Waves’ painting. Mrs Roy was in awe of our artistic skills!

Writing was a focus on Thursday morning and we used a previous talk lesson linked to our novel to write a balanced argument with the title: Sailing around the world. Everyone gave it their best shot and tried to use persuasive language. In numeracy we began to split numbers and partition them, as the numbers got bigger this became more difficult. We will continue to focus on this next week.

Friday ended the week nicely as we finished our earlier art work and got to do our first Big Maths Beat that challenge. We also went outside with Mrs Roy for a fun rugby session where we learned how to play banana tig with a rugby ball and practised our passing in small teams. The sun stayed out and we didn’t get wet, so that was a bonus.

This week we also welcomed Mr Turner to our class, a 3rd year student training to be a teacher, he will continue to work alongside Mrs Roy each week to support us in our learning.

And finally, the UN Ambassador’s came round all the classes this morning to announce that we had successfully achieved the Level 2 Award for RRS. We were all really pleased especially as some of the people in our class were in that committee last year. Well done everyone!!

Pupil voice:

Louise – We played rugby and it was lots of fun.

Isla – We did Big Maths on Friday.

Amera  – Rugby was fun and wet!

Isabel – Our Kensuke’s Kingdom collage is now up on display and looks good.

Rachel H – We all dressed down today to raise money for charity.



We’re back……

Well what a great start to the year it has been, everyone has been really enthusiastic and raring to get started!

The week began with some creativity and we worked in small teams to create a class song/rap and wordle. We used the mindmaps we had made on our moving up day in June to help us. It was lovely to see the confidence in many as they stood up in front of a new class to perform. Follow us on Twitter @mrsroy16 to see some of the videos we took.

Our Wordle is now at the heart of our new class charter which has taken the theme of ‘Animals’ as voted by the class. Everyone came up with suggestions as to the content of our charter and this is now on display for all to see.

We have enjoyed taking part in the ‘Door Challenge’ this week and made an emoji themed door display. We discussed what emoji represented each of our personalities and then made mini emojis for display. They look great!

We started our class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Murpurgo. We have listened to an audio of chapter 1 whilst following the text in our shared books. There has been lots of scope for discussion and one of the first debates we had was about sailing around the world, are you for or against? We came up with our arguments and then presented these to another group using persuasive and emotive language. Everyone thought it was great that they got to argue with one another!! We have also started creating a class collage which is coming along nicely.

Pupil Voice:

Shiv: We did face portraits with Mrs Howley.

Nicola: We did our own animals for our class charter.

Mia Sok.: This was a fun week.

Rachel W: It was a good week.

Isla: At PE with Mrs Roy we went out and played rounders.

Chi-Chi: We made emojis that represent us and put it on our door display.

Amera: I liked PE because we played rounders.

James: I enjoyed the self-portrait task because I usually don’t do that.

Nicholas: I liked drawing the animals.

Leon: This week was fun.

Isabel: An amazing start to the school year.

Rachel Mc: This week was amazing. We were making a boat and sea for display on our class novel.

Louise: We did today’s number of the day and we did it on whiteboards.

Mia St: We got to stick tissue paper to a wave outline for our display.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you next week!!


P2/3 Weekly News

What have we been learning in P2/3 this week?  Here are some of the children’s highlights.

Carly, Annayah and Dominic – I liked planting seeds.  I had to follow instructions and think about what plants need to grow.

Alishba – I liked making salad and it was yummy!

Harry and Calvin – I liked PE when we did the high jump.  I jumped really high.

Rachel – I liked designing my own fidget spinner.  It had to be symmetrical!

Matthew – I liked doing symmetry in maths when we designed symmetrical fidget spinners.

Michelle – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.

Chloe and Brooke  – I liked making the salad because I got to learn different holds for cutting and it tasted good!

Kuba – I liked the Achievements Assembly.  I was proud of James and Harry when they had to stand up because they brought in their new belts and certificates for Kicking Kids.

Zuzanna – I liked writing to Mrs Purdie because we could write about what we like at St Ninians.

Maya – I liked slicing the food when we made salad.

Pawel – I liked teaching my friends the Polish words for our salad ingredients.

Levente – I taught everyone how to say salad ingredients in Hungarian.

Hasan – I liked doing the CEM test.

Andrew – I liked eating the salad we made!

James – I liked the Achievements Assembly because I was an achiever!

Oma – I liked doing PE because we did the high jump and I could jump really high.

Angel – I liked rounding numbers to the nearest ten in maths.  It was quite hard at first but I kept trying and it got easier.

Maeve – I liked doing number talks because they were quite tricky but they got easier when we shared our strategies.

We have also been thinking about Global Goal No. 3 and talking about what it means. Look out for our posters!

If you would like to try making our layered salad at home, here is the recipe http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/attachments/eb941dd0-5377-4c95a2df64fd.pdf



Symmetry has been a big focus for us in maths this week.  This is one of our favourite websites to improve our skills https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-sorting

We’ve also been working hard on our Spanish conversation skills. Our phrase of the week has been ¿Cómo estás?  Try and ask us this question and find out how we are feeling!

We hope that you all have a lovely long weekend.

from P2/3, Mrs Howley and Mrs Keegan





Welcome back P2/3!

It has been a busy start to the term in Primary 2/3 and we have thoroughly enjoyed using the outdoor environment to develop our learning during Outdoor Week.


Read on for some of the children’s highlights:

Carly enjoyed planning our Food and Farming topic with her elbow partner.

Harry enjoyed PE outside with Mrs McMullen, especially playing tig.

Maya enjoyed doing our alphabet challenge outside where we had to use all of our senses to find something for each letter of the alphabet.

Brooke enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground – you won’t believe how many full stops we found!

Aaron liked everything!

Andrew enjoyed writing about his trip to London during Big Writing.

Kuba enjoyed today’s assembly.

Oma enjoyed making a graph in the playground to show what we collected in the garden.

Chloe enjoyed Big Writing because she wrote about her friend and her holiday.

Maeve enjoyed Big Maths Beat That and our alphabet challenge because she even found a holly tree for the letter H.

Alishba enjoyed finding out about the vision of Jesus in RE.

Rachel enjoyed our full stop hunt in the playground.

Calvin enjoyed information handling when we sorted out information about food.

Levente enjoyed our Sumdog assessment.

Angel enjoyed collecting leaves and stones so we could make a graph.

We’ve also been busy working on our assembly for next Friday. We hope that you can join us at 9am.  We’re especially looking forward to sharing our Egyptian songs with you!

from Primary 2/3, Mrs Keegan and Mrs Howley.

Our weekly news

We can’t believe it’s Friday again, the weeks are flying by in P1! Here are some of the highlights of the week (sorry for the lack of photographs but we have been so busy that we forgot to take them):

In writing this week we learned a new skill, editing and redrafting. We all looked at each others pirate adventure stories and thought of ways to up level them and change the greens to pink. We then rewrote our stories onto a scroll. Some of the stories are being entered into the Young Writers competition and we decided to put the others into a book for our class library.

In numeracy we continued to learn about subtraction and focused on subtracting from 8 and 9. It’s important that we have good number sense and understand different strategies for solving subtraction stories. We enjoyed using the subtracting apps on the ipad and we all managed to log onto sumdog during our number carousels. Another of our favourite activities was the space subtraction puzzle. We played a new game this week ‘bus stop’. The aim of the game was to roll 2 dice then move your bus the correct number of spaces on the board. If you landed on a plus sign you got to add passengers to the bus, if you landed on minus you had to take away passengers. Well done to Paul L and Nathan who were our winner’s!

Image result for stop the bus game

To finish our pirates topic we made some healthy pirate snacks using cheese and apples. Before we started we had to learn about the skills and equipment needed. We also discussed the importance of washing our hands before handling food.

We want to share this video with you about being germ smart:

Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and the best bit was eating the leftovers!! We were also able to make lots of learning links, Paul M made links to symmetry when slicing the apple, James cut his apple into halves, Ephraim cut the cheese into cubes. Here are some photos of us hard at work!!

We finished the week by watching some growth mindset dojo clips. These reminded us about the importance of exercising our brains and not giving up, especially if we are finding things tricky to begin with. Instead of saying “I can’t.. say I can’t YET!”

Pupil voice:

Lucy – I enjoyed Easter structured play.

James – I enjoyed learning about food technology.

Klaudia – I liked playing with the soft toys at Golden time.

Isla – I like my new reading book.

Mark – In number work we have been learning about subtraction. I can do my sums in my head.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the spring sunshine while it lasts!!


Amazing P2/3 News!

What a busy week it has been in Primary 2/3!!

One of the highlights of our week has been the West Lothian Sumdog Challenge.  Everyone has worked so hard to achieve a great score.  We’ve been working at home, working in school and even had to set up a relay team in class.  We were delighted to achieve 34th place out of 211 classes.

The children would also like to share some more highlights:

Oma – I liked our maths carousel because we get to self-assess our work and this helps me learn.

Harry – I liked doing PE because we were working on tennis skills.

Maya Kasia and Annayah – I liked Sumdog because you can play games at the same time as you learn.

Michelle and Dominic  – I liked working on ‘green for growth’ because it helps me learn.

Maeve – I liked researching the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs.  We used Google to help our research.

Brooke and Andrew – I liked watching the P3 assembly today.

Kuba and Pawel –  I liked the literacy carousel because I worked on handwriting, spelling, reflective reading and guided reading.

Levente – I liked working on writing subtraction sums and subtracting tens and units.  It was hard at first but it got easier.

Chloe – I liked spelling today because it helps me learn words to use in my story writing on Thursdays.

Alishba – I liked handwriting because it helps me join letters and I get better and better.

Carly – I liked when we wrote about our friends in Big Writing.

Angel – I liked my learning conversation because we talked about my learning and mummies and pyramids.


Nursery News

Although a short week we still had a very busy one! We returned after the holiday to discover that the birds had eaten all our bird cakes!! They must have been very hungry. We had used our identification sheets to tick off the different types of birds that we had spotted in our garden. We would like to make some more bird cakes as we are sure the birds are still hungry.

Some children came in on Wednesday and were keen to make some valentines so they made lovely heart shaped flowers and talked about their families and friends that they loved.

The children have taken their learning towards the topic of shops so it was decided that we would have our own shop in the Nursery. Our AM children wanted a toy shop last week and our PM children decided on a food shop this week so we have incorporated both. We have been developing our numeracy skills by counting and recognising real coins.  Some children have been writing their own shopping lists and taking turns at being both the customer and the shopkeeper. We have all been very good at sharing all the resources. We also discussed the different types of shops that we have and what we could buy in these.  We continued this theme at the gluing table by making our own bank cads to use in the shop and also price tickets. If you or your child have any ideas that can be taken forward within this topic we would love you to post them on our visible learning wall. You can also extend this learning at home by discussing with your child about the various different types of shops and what products can be bought in them. Also looking at real coins and helping them to read the numbers on them and look at the shapes. If you are out and about at the shops with your child you can also point out the cashier, tills and scanners. We would welcome any photographs or pictures that you might have or take too.

A little reminder that both sessions will visit the library on Monday.  We seemed to have misplaced a library book called ” The monster in the woods” We would appreciate it if you wouldn’t mind having a little look at home  just in case it has been borrowed by someone. Thank you in advance.

It is the turn of our PM children to share their learning this week.

Kayla” I love playing in the shop.”

Emilie B and Liam” We made a spaceship with the big blocks”

Mark ” I made some good things at the gluing table”

Milena” I like drawing”

Shea” I love to paint pictures”

Lucas” The sand was my favourite”

Jiya” I did lots of jigsaws”

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team😊

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Celebrating our 40th Anniversary

This has been a really special week as we celebrated our 40th Anniversary on Wednesday. Archbishop Cushley celebrated mass with us which was really lovely. We all felt very special and joined in with the singing and mass responses. The celebrations continued onThursday when it was our Superhero funday. We did arts and crafts, had a special Goldentime, had a piece of anniversary cake and then finished the day with a superhero movie! Thank you to all the P3-P7 children who invited us to their dress rehearsal on Friday, we all thought you were awesome!

In literacy the focus was still on ai and oa. Having a second week on these sounds has helped us become more confident in word building and reading. We really liked the ai board game activity,we worked with an elbow partner to take it in turns to roll the dice and read the ai words. We really impressed Mrs Roy at the muddled sentences station,we worked with a partner to read the words and put them in the right order. We used our knowledge of punctuation to help us. We have added some new phonics apps to our iPads and had great fun trying them out.

Subtraction has been our focus in numeracy and we introduced the number line for taking away. We also remembered last week’s rule when writing subtraction stories, start with the biggest number first. Everyone enjoys using the interactive dice on the smartboard to help us choose numbers for our subtraction sums.

Our pirate adventure is in full flow as we on have our own pirate ship and lots of work on display. Mrs Thomson helped us make our own cutlasses which look amazing! We learned about what pirates like to do in their spare time as this was something we had wrote on our learning wall at the beginning of the topic. Then we had an afternoon of being a pirate and trying out some of their favourite hobbies – playing card games, singing, dancing, telling pirate stories, making own our music with recorders.

In PE we have been trying really hard to perfect our balances, jumps and rolls in gymnastics. We have been peer assessing one another by watching each other and then thinking of 2 stars and a wish to say about their performance. We also learned how to link our movements to make a sequence.

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