P2/3 Weekly Update

This week the children in P 2/3 want to share their highlights of their learning adventure.

Wiktoria” I liked playing football in P.E.”

Mark D ” I liked doing handwriting this week”

Poppy ” I liked doing my bidding prayer at our Class Mass.”

Blake ” I liked doing multiplication in maths.”

Abigail” My favourite this week was P.E. and maths.”

Rafay ” Playing with my friends at break was my favourite.”

Abu Bakr ” This week I liked doing maths and spelling.”

Paul ” I loved Free Writing Friday.”

Isla ” Learning my times tables was my favourite.”

Casper ” Free Writing Friday and using the magnets at Smart Start was brilliant.”

Bernice ” I liked everything this week.”

Mark K ” I love FUN 31″

Abby ” Going out in the garden to learn about plants as this is our new topic.”

Aiden ” I liked Mighty Writer at Smart Start as I wrote a fabulous story with Bernice.”

Joshua ” I liked construction and magnets at Smart Start.”

Freda ” I liked P.E. and Free Writing Friday.”

Daniel ” My favourite was P.E. and FUN 31.”

Rutendo ” My favourite was P.E. and R.E. this week.”

Oliver ” I liked learning about all the parts of a plant.”

Lloyd ” I like going to the park after our Class Mass.”

Mirren ” I liked every single thing this week.”

Marcel ” My favourite was learning about multiplication and doing the Daily Mile.”

Nathan ” I loved the magnets.”

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan were very proud of the class at their Class Mass on Tuesday. They behaved so well and sang beautifully.

Have a lovely weekend.

P2/3 Weekly Update

How quickly this week has flown by and super busy !

On Tuesday as part of Safer Internet Day we attended an assembly given by the Digital Learners. We followed this up in class by watching a short clip of children playing a game online, they had to make some choices and we all discussed what the safe options were and how we keep ourselves safe when online. It was also Chinese New Year and we found out that this year was the year of the pig.

We have really enjoyed having our Mighty Writer board up in class and as part of Smart start activity we got the opportunity to work collaboratively to compose a story using the board and put super openers and great conjunctions which we had as one of our success criteria in our writing.  We then read our stories to the rest of the class. In our writing lesson we wrote fabulous wintery poems using lots of exciting adjectives.

In Numeracy we looked at quarter past and quarter to the hour and started to work on subtraction. In number talks we looked at different strategies to work out how we reached the total.

Our wordboost book this week was Mr Beast Charlie and Dad go Monster Mad and our words were delay, pleasure, lug, lurk, satisfy and yank.

P2 continued to work on their People of the Past topic and learned about St John who has the local hospital named after him. They have written invitations to their P3 classmates to their showcase this week where they will share their learning.

P3 have been working so hard this week on their show A Blast from the Past and performed their dress rehearsal today. They are so excited to perform on Tuesday and Wednesday in front of families and friends. You are in for a treat!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Caskie and Mrs Keegan.


P3 Weekly Round Up!

What a fantastic week it has been in P3!

Routines and Behaviour

Mrs Scott and Mrs Conway have been SO impressed this week with the behaviour in P3! On Thursday we had almost everyone on our praise board 🙂 fantastic! We have been trying so hard with the routines in class – to help us listen to instructions, follow directions, show we are READY to learn, show RESPECT to our classmates and staff and to keep ourselves and others SAFE.

We have recently started earning table points which the boys and girls are really enjoying – if you are spotted being good, being organised, being ready to learn, being a good friend (amongst other things!) you can earn your table 10 points – the winning table at the end of each day get a special prize! We are thinking about team work and what makes a good team 🙂 ask your child if their table has won, and if they have any ideas to help their table earn table points next week.



We have continued to work on our WORD BOOST work. This week we read ‘Beware of Girls’. Our boost words were;







Can you child use these words in a sentence? We are aiming to build the vocabulary of our children and word boost helps us do that! Does your child know any amazing words that would make us go WOW? Let us know of any next week 🙂


Numeracy and Maths

On Wednesday we managed to consolidate our grid reference work with a Halloween problem solving task. We had Mrs Swann (parent helper) to help with our grid reference colouring challenge. Mrs Swann was so impressed at how little help the boys and girls needed! Well done! Next week Mrs Conway is hoping to introduce the boys and girls to a simple version of Battleships – have you got this game at home? Ask your child if they would like to play to support their learning about grid references 🙂

The boys and girls LOVE learning about place value – especially when we can watch the ‘Place Value Rap’! This is a bit tricky for our boys and girls but has taught us about how we write numbers from left to right, but build numbers from right to left!



We showed maturity and respect at our whole school mass on Thursday to celebrate the feast of All Saints Day. The boys and girls completed lovely prayers to some of the saints we discussed in class. Although the clip below is American, it helped us with our discussions about All Saints.



This week we had our committee group Friday – we split into our committee groups 9-10am on Friday morning and each of us explore something different through play. Have a look at our school twitter page to get an idea of the kind of activities we have been taking part in!

Have a fantastic weekend!

P3 Weekly Round Up!

We have had a wonderfully creative and calm week in P3 – despite it being very busy!

The boys and girls were a great help in keeping Mrs Conway and Mrs Scott organised as they swapped their Tuesday and Thursday this week – Mrs Conway was SO pleased to see how amazing the class are at writing! We wrote our own Skeleton fact files on Tuesday morning and can’t wait to share them with you at Stay, Play and Learn on Friday 12th at 9am. Do you love the warm/cold colour art work in our featured image? These will also be on display on Friday!

Mrs Scott was also very impressed with how well our boys and girls are developing their reading comprehension! Most of our reading groups came home with special bookmarks this week – these will help you and your child choose some questions to discuss about their reading books when they do reading homework with an adult or older sibling. If your child doesn’t have theirs please let Mrs Conway know by writing a note in their homework diary 🙂

Our number work continues this week with addition and working with numbers to 1000! Some people couldn’t load our homework game – but our Sumdog homework challenge next week will be focusing on these areas. Your child’s sumdog login will be in their reading diary – please let us know if they are unable to complete sumdog homework at home, time can be given to this across the school day!

This weeks Boost words were;







Our core literacy homework task will be based on some of our Boost words next week!


In RE we have been learning a lot about Our Lady, which will continue to be our in class RE theme throughout October – we LOVE this action song… have a go at home;

How can you and your child say YES to God, like Mary did?

We have noticed some fantastic creativity in our collage Smartstart! This week we even had some budding authors making books during their smart start time! Mrs Scott has taken these ideas on board to incorporate into our writing sessions next term.

Sean joined us this week from St Margaret’s Academy on his work experience! He has been a hit with the boys and girls of P3 – and even brought his Nintendo Switch in today for us to enjoy during FUN31! Sean’s help this week has been great and we will all miss him next week – we hope he will come back and visit us!

Have a great weekend! Next week will be the last week of term before the October holiday!

P3 Weekly Round Up!

A quick week it has been!

The boys in girls in P3 have packed in so much learning to three short days!

We are so excited to begin our science topics! Mrs Scott will be exploring the Skeleton with the class and Mrs Conway will lead the learning about the sun, moon and stars – with a focus on the patterns of night and day! We have started to think about both of these and the things we would like to learn about.

Wednesday saw a class vote for our new class novel! The choices were Fantastic Mr Fox, How to Train Your Dragon and Gangsta’ Granny. As How to Train your Dragon and Gangsta’ Granny got three votes each we asked those who chose Fantastic Mr Fox to vote again… which led to Gangsta’ Granny as the overall winner!!! We will read short parts of this novel as a class over the next few months at suitable times in the school day. We continue to promote reading for enjoyment in our class – if there’s a novel or book that your child enjoys at home, please allow them to bring it to school to read for enjoyment on Wednesdays/Thursdays 🙂

This week saw the end of our symmetry topic in maths – and a tricky topic it has been! Some of the boys and girls moved on to creating symmetrical block patterns, which we found quite tricky. Here is a great symmetry matching game which explores reflective symmetry, perhaps you could try it at home?


This morning we had our first pupil committees! The P1-3 committees are play based and range from outdoor learning to games to Mini Glee! This was a big hit with our boys and girls and we are already looking forward to the next meeting!

Keep an eye on your post over the coming days as today we popped some important mail in the post box 😉

At the end of the day today we reflected on our week and the things we enjoyed the most;

Ephraim ‘we were playing a game called poisonous ball in PE, I enjoyed that you got to throw your ball and if it hit the other teams bench their bench would be poisoned’

Amber ‘I liked doing my committee today – it was arts and crafts – I made one painting and one drawing’

Klaudia ‘I really enjoyed the committees. I did the mini glee – we are going to perform on the stage!’

Adam ‘ I liked when we were doing our textbook work in maths’

Sahara ‘I loved posting my letter’

Kerr ‘I liked doing the picture of the world in RE’

We are looking forward to distributing homework on Monday which reflects the changes in our home learning policy following feedback from pupils, parents and staff – stay tuned! 🙂

Have a fantastic weekend!

Nursery News


Here’s some evidence of the children discovering mathematical language and skills through play in the nursery this week. Maths Week in the nursery ran alongside every other experience and we’ve all had great fun along the way!! Fractions in the play dough, problem solving and measurement with the blocks and a number song with bears at the Smartboard.







Have a great long weekend !! See you all back on Wednesday x from the Nursery Team.

P3 Weekly Round Up!

Another whirlwind week in P3!

In writing, Mrs Scott was so impressed with the quality of work that we didn’t just have one star writer… we had three!! Our three star writers wowed the class with their amazing news reports about Flat Stanley. Using connectives, ambitious vocabulary and understanding that newspapers need headlines – these are all the skills we built on this week. We can wait to show you at Ninian’s Natter next week!
Our reading groups are up and running now that we have settled into the swing of things 🙂 the boys and girls are using their decoding strategies to build fluency as they read. We plan to change the reading books on a Wednesday, though when children begin to read novels it happens as and when the book ends. We hear reading on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in small groups where we use various questioning skills to challenge the children’s understanding of what they have read.
As we are continuing to build a reading culture in our class – boys and girls are encouraged to bring a book from home that they might read for enjoyment in class. We have some avid readers in P3 – Roald Dahl and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books have made an appearance this week 🙂
In maths we are continuing to build on our knowledge of number as we practice skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We LOVED the whack a mole game and will continue to use it as we practice counting in 3s, 4s.. etc. Have a go at home – some of us got up to 1000 today!
During Word Boost we read together a picture book throughout the week, focussing on chosen ‘boost’ words to help us develop a broad ranging vocabulary. This weeks boost words were; local, popular, repeat, mumble and vast. Every time you hear any of these words with your child pop your finger on your nose to indicate a ‘boost word’! Can your child use these words in a sentence?
Ninian’s Natter information is on the school’s weekly update – Mrs Scott and I would love to meet the parents/caters of all of our children! Please do come along to meet us, discuss what learning looks like in the P3 classroom and ask questions about the year ahead! 🙂 looking forward to seeing you all then!

Nursery News

What a wonderful MATHS week we have had in St Ninian’s Nursery!

The boys and girls have explored many wonderful areas of maths, including; numbers, counting, bigger/smaller, shape, pattern….. and many more!


We have been tweeting from our new twitter account @StNinsNursery giving an insight into what maths week looks like in our nursery.


We have welcomed parents/guardians/family/friends along this week for stay and Play sessions, and come back and play sessions. These have been very popular and we have had great verbal feedback from those who made it along 🙂 please take time to pop a few words on a post it to tell us what you thought of the sessions – how can we improve?


Mrs Beattie has been drumming up support for new PEEP classes which start on Friday 22nd September! There will be two classes running and although they are full for this block, if you would like to attend the next block please let a member of staff know so they can pop your name on Mrs Beatties list 🙂


Our Facebook page has a poll to come up with a catchy name for our outdoor learning Wednesdays – go on to vote for your favourite! We will be asking the children to vote next week too, let’s see what the winner is next Friday!



It is the September holiday weekend – we will see you all back on Wednesday!

Nursery News!

This week has seen the beginning of our Outdoor Learning days! What a day it was 🙂 the AM and PM groups enjoyed a woodland walk to the Mid Calder woods, across the bridge. We discussed many things before, during and after our walk. Some of these included safety when out and about;  we seen broken glass and dogs mess and discussed how to keep ourselves safe from these hazards. We talked about when it is ok to run and when we need to stop (when Mrs Conway, or another adult, shouts STOP!). When we got to the woods we learned about ‘jaggy’ nettles and dock leaves – we even had two ‘nurses’ on the PM walk who took charge of the magic leaves incase anyone needed them. We all collected some interesting things and brought them back to nursery, including sticks, stones, leaves and acorns.

We are looking for a catchy name for our outdoor learning days – feel free to add one to our facebook post, or tell the nursery staff any ideas you have!

Mrs Caskie has been busy this week setting up our ‘Big Bedtime Read’ initiative. We are hoping to increase parental engagement and give children great literacy experiences through this initiative, where each child will receive a book pack with five stories each week. As part of our Pupil Equity Funding we hope to achieve 80% of our children to be sharing bedtime stories with their families on four nights of the week or more. You will see our lovely ‘bedtime’ area created in the nursery – letters went out today to outline the plans for this and we look forward to launching it at the beginning of October.

Next week is ‘MATHS WEEK SCOTLAND’ – the boys and girls have enjoyed exploring the talking tub which was full of interesting maths resources, their views and ideas have been taken into account and will be used to plan learning for next week. Please come along to stay and play, or come back and play next week – sign up sheets in the nursery!

PEEP classes begin on 22nd September – Mrs Beattie is hoping to meet some of our PM parents this week to encourage their attendance at these classes 🙂 a fantastic way for kids and parents to bond!

Ninian’s Natter is on Thursday 6-7pm – please do come along! Nursery staff will be on hand to chat all things nursery and have you joining in with maths week activities 🙂 kids and parents welcome!

Busy, busy, busy in Primary 2/3

It has been another busy, exciting week in Primary 2/3 and the children would like to share their highlights with you.

Marcus – I liked making pizzas.  My pizza had sweetcorn and ham.  It was delicious.

Wojciech – I liked doing Superhero spelling and we learned about bossy ‘e’.

Leo – I liked playing with my friends at lunchtime.

Abigail – I liked counting to 100 in maths.

Patryk – I liked making the Enormous Crocodile using lots of kinds of green paper.

Josephine – I liked learning about Whole Body Listening and making a poster for our door.

Bernice – I liked playing ball games in PE where we had one ball then two balls.

Paul – I liked working on listening skills with Mrs McGonigal.

Nathan – I liked making cube towers in numeracy.  Mine was really really big.  I had to count to 84!!

Rafay – I liked writing about making pizza.

Alice – I liked planning our Spain topic for next week.

Zoe – I liked decorating the Enormous Crocodile.

Hayley – I liked making pizza.

Our first class Lead Learners were Ana and Paul and they did a wonderful job.

Food Technology was a popular lesson this week and everyone loved making pizza.

In Spanish we developed our talking skills and worked on saying hello and goodbye.

We’re all looking forward to Maths Week next week.

Have a good weekend.

From Mrs Howley, Mrs Keegan and Primary 2/3.

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