P7 Weekly Round Up


Weekly Highlights


This week our writing focus was the NARRATIVE genre. It has been so long since we wrote a ‘story’! After learning about genres of fiction, through our Sky Studios trip, we settled on the SciFi genre and watched a clip about ‘Pandora’ (the setting of Avatar) – from here we were able to plan our narrative then begin the writing process. We have been working hard on inclusion of figurative language in our writing and this gave us the perfect opportunity.


We continue to move through our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. This week we nominated one numeracy slot as a ‘Chooseday’ where we had a range of fractions/decimals/percentages learning opportunities and were able to choose which skills we wanted to explore as we learned! Mrs Conway was so impressed with our engagement, focus and teamwork! We are building our confidence in working with fractions.


This week we looked at positive and negative influences in our lives and discussed the impact of these influences on our decisions and our general happiness. We have revisited our class charter this week and had a good discussion about surrounding ourselves with positive influences. We have also been looking really carefully at the advice we have regarding the Coronavirus and how to wash our hands effectively.

Pupil Voice

Aleks, Harley, Jay We learned how to do a jump shot in Basketball – we use  BEEF to help us – balance, elbow, eyes, follow through…

Hannah,  one day of the week we get to do a ‘chooseday’ in numeracy – this is where we get to choose our own tasks and use our skills. I’d like the creativity challenge because I got to make a quiz for my classmates.

Abi Everyday this week we used handwash/sanitiser to clean our hands. Now we have got ‘Wash Your Lyrics’ in the toilets to give us different songs to sing apart from Happy Birthday.

Joshua, Ryan B,  We have learned about fractions. We learned when you multiply fractions you multiply the numerator and denominator.  To simplify fractions you make it into it’s simplest form e.g. 12/24 would be 1/2,

Haseeb, Harley, Hannah We had Taiko drumming this week, we had to do body movements. You get to speak and shout while you do it like ‘sah’. I enjoyed learning about the different cultures where it started.

Home Learning

After a class discussion this morning it was apparent that some children are feeling anxious about the media attention surrounding the Coronavirus. It may be helpful to discuss fears and worries this weekend and look into some of the helpful information shared on the Government and NHS websites.

To lift our spirits we used the ‘washyourlyrics’ website to create handwashing posters using our favourite songs! Maybe you could make one for your own home 🙂

P7 Weekly Round Up

Weekly Highlights

Literacy – For the past two weeks our writing task was to DISCUSS (present two points of view e.g. for and against) whether we think devices should be allowed in schools. It provided us with lots of things to talk about and we used our key points to make topic sentences to help us structure our paragraphs. We have also been ploughing through our class novel – Divided City. Is there anything better than spending the last 15 minutes of the day curled up with a book? 🙂

Numeracy – We were excited to welcome some teachers from across our cluster this week to observe our Number Talks session! Sometimes we struggle to articulate our strategies in number talks so we have spent the last few weeks revising our various multiplication strategies. We took it right back to basics with simple problems to help us build confidence in talking through our mental strategies. The observing teachers were very impressed with our knowledge.

HWB – I think it is worth a mention that the young people in primary 7 are the most wonderful audience for the youngest members of our school family. The P1 class came to share their writing last week and the P7 audience showed patience, kindness and respect as they interacted with the P1 pupils. Sometimes the pressure of P7 is a lot, with expectations of behaviour, learning and looking forward to the big changes ahead of us – but it was a wonderful opportunity for our P7 pupils to flourish as positive role models and supportive peers 🙂


Pupil Voice

Mirren – We used teamwork to get our house assembly finished.

Jay – I loved it when they read out my question on BBC Authors Live!

Krystian – I like it when we can use our devices to help us learn.

Daniel – I liked being part of the Fairtrade Tuck Shop


Home Learning

As we are now in the season of Lent – our home learning challenge is going to be Lent related 🙂

In Lent we think specifically about THREE areas of our faith;




As a family can you decide on one goal for each of these areas for the remainder of Lent. You might agree a special intention to pray for at mass each week? You might agree to give something up or do without something? You might agree to donate some food/clothes/toys to others in need?

You can tweet me your ideas @Mrs_Conway10

Have a wonderful weekend!

P7 Weekly Round Up

What a busy week we have had, but what a fantastic amount of learning we have squeezed in!

Weekly Highlights

Literacy – We had an amazing writing session on Tuesday where we stepped into the character of Graham from our class novel. We imagined what Graham would feel like and what might prompt him to run away from home. There were so many excellent examples we will spend some time next week adding them to our excellent examples literacy wall.

Numeracy – This week some of us have been testing out our growth mindset to the extreme as we try to get our head around long multiplication. The steps involved in the algorithm method can be quite confusing. We are looking at using different methods to help us learn it but we will continue to work on this together!

HWB – Our new unit of Building Resilience is ‘Take a Moment’ – we had a great class discussion centred around the feeling of stress and what it looks like/feels like/sounds like for different people. Please use the home guidance sheet issued for homework to support your child in their emotional literacy and building resilience.

Pupil Voice

Joshua – ‘I liked gymnastics this week because we used different equipment like the vault.’

Zainab – ‘The sky studios trip was really good. We made a trailer.’

Marcella – ‘I liked the sky studios trip. It was fun and we all made our own trailers. We learned about things like special effects.’

Brooke – ‘I learned how to work a camera at Sky Studios.’

Mirren – ‘I liked going to the NHS careers fair and seeing how many jobs there are.’

Harley – ‘At the careers fair I learned there’s a ‘gammy foot shop’ (which we think is the mobility shop on further discussion…) in livi that helps people.’


Home Learning

In light of our current learning about what stress feels like please take some time this weekend to explore some of the Take a Moment resources as a family. Watch this clip as a family and use it to prompt discussion about what brings stress and how you deal with it, we talked about some stresses which come and go quickly and others that hang around for a while. Next week we will look at positive steps we can take to react to those stressful moments – practical ways to ‘take a moment’ – click below to access the video…


Please remember to follow us on twitter!

P2 Weekly Update


This week we have been learning the ‘ea’ spelling pattern. We have been making arrays to help us with multiplication in numeracy and have enjoyed learning about caring for our environment by reducing, reusing and recycling. We know it is Burn’s Day tomorrow and even recited one of his poems.

Parental Involvement

We have been playing games on a great website called Splashlearn. Try this link and play some of the multiplication games.


Pupil voice

Liam – We learned about sharing. We drew plates to share objects.

Pati – We went to see the P5/6 show that was all about Scotland.

Mara – I went to the play area and played with Scott and Liam to create big buildings.

Amelia – We wrote a procedure and did a recipe for hot chocolate.

Lucy – We learned a new spelling pattern. It’s ‘ea’.

Cordelle – We learned about plastic in the ocean and how to reduce and reuse things.

Shea – We learned about China because it’s their celebrations soon. We were all born in the year of the snake.

Roma – We also learned about Robert Burns. It’s his special day on Saturday.

Emilie – Today we went outside with chalk and we had to compare Chinese New Year and Scotland’s New Year in teams. The rule was every person had to draw or write something with the chalk.

Michelle – We learned new boost words. One of them is ‘effort’. It means to try really hard.

Primary 7 Weekly Round Up!

Weekly Highlights

In Literacy this week we have been preparing for our trip to Sky Academy Studios. On this visit we will be splitting into four studios to create a trailer for our own movie/tv show. In groups of four we have looked at genres and created storyboards to illustrate the beginning, middle and end of our story. We will use our writing lesson next week to re-draft these and vote for our four favourite boards to use on the day.


In Numeracy we are getting our heads around word problems. Before Christmas we discussed how difficult we find word problems so we have started taking ten minutes at the beginning of our numeracy learning sessions to work with talk partners to solve word problems together – we have been looking at word problems that use multiplication and division. Perhaps you could come up with some at home together?


In HWB we have started our gymnastics block! We have been very happy to have Mr Cummings from St Margaret’s with us for our Wednesday PE slot and will continue to work on the gymnastics shapes, balances and creating sequence showing good posture. We have also begun our new Building Resilience unit where we are looking at our emotions and how complex they can be. We watched a smashing video of a wee baby who experiences some serious emotions in the space of one minute – watch together and enjoy, then discuss those emotions.

Pupil Voice

Daniel – I learned that when you are diving by ten you move all the digits to the left in the place value board.

Ryan T – I learned that away back when in Glasgow all the Catholics were said to support Celtic and all the non-Catholics supported Rangers – in my family half support Celtic and half support Rangers.

Ambra – I learned that Martin Luther King Jr helped people be equal even though they were born a different race.

Haseeb – We have been drawing and writing a story board. I chose fantasy/horror.

Abi – In PM writing we have been learning about the explanation genre.

Home Learning

This weekend it would be great to discuss discrimination as a family. It is a central theme in our class novel, ‘Divided City’ and has been interesting to discuss following our learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Next week all P7s are going to enter the Action on Sectarianism poster competition which will allow us to explore sectarianism in more depth.

Remember to follow our adventures on twitter;

Have a lovely weekend!

P7 Weekly Round Up!

Another busy week in P7!

Weekly Highlights

This week saw us with a big focus on ENTERPRISE as we prepared our stall for the Christmas fair. We chose to make stickers to sell and started by creating a  business plan. We worked out how much our materials had cost, how many stickers we wanted to make and how much we needed to sell them for in order to make a profit. We were delighted to cover our costs and make a profit which is going towards a new promethean board for our school!

In literacy this week we have been thinking more carefully about writing a quality exposition. We know that an exposition gives one point of view. It begins with a statement of position. This week we have learned all about the suffragettes and even had a real life suffragette in the classroom! We retained so much knowledge from this activity which we used to argue that the suffragettes were justified in their use of violence to gain the right to vote.

In numeracy this week we have been showing a real growth mindset through our work on word problems. We find this really difficult and have spent time as a whole class looking at strategies for working out these problems. Mrs Macdonald has been using a bar model to help us work out word problems so this is a strategy we are exploring. Krystian suggested we look at one word problem each day in maths and working with our talk partners to share ideas, this is something we will start after the Christmas holidays.

Next week we have our upper school election on the same day as the General Election – we have been working in our political parties to write a manifesto and create a party political broadcast which we will present to the upper school next week. Pupils will then complete a polling card and cast their ballot to elect the upper school prime minister.

Pupil Voice

Oliwia I learned to use the bar model for word problems, it was good.

Haseeb Word problems were quite challenging but now I’m getting used to it I’ll use bar models.

Aleks I loved PE with the nursery this week – they are funny!

Ryan T We did a new thing at Scottish Country dancing where we did a high school level dance to Cotton Eyed Joe.

Ambra I loved learning about the suffragettes – the best bit was hearing about the suffragettes telling their story, what is was like and how they were feeling.

Aria I liked trying something new for PE doing the basketball game.


Learning at home

To celebrate our Big Build team winning a runners up place in the national competition – this weekend spend some time at home discussing the different types of buldings in our local area  which ones are old, which are new, how do you know?

Thursday is the General Election – talk about where your polling station is and how you decide who to vote for. If possible, take your child to the polling station with you to give them the real life experience!

Remember to keep up to date with us on Twitter!

P7 Weekly Round Up!

Another busy week in P7!

Weekly Highlights

This week has marked the end of our Big Build competition entry preparation. It has been a busy few weeks for the children involved, who have given up lunchtimes and any free class time to get it all organised! Mrs Scott has led this project with the P7 group and had Ian from Crudden homes in on Wednesday to discuss the progress and organise a visit to take final photos and have a presentation on the ideas behind the Big Build.

We also had our second transition visit this week with Group B – we enjoyed a science lesson with Dr  McAllister and a swimming session in the pool where we made our way across the breadth of the pool and back, then competed in teams to collect the most ‘sinkers’.

In numeracy this week we continue to work on addition and subtraction and discuss, explore and experiment with different strategies, always aiming for accuracy. We finished our week by revising the rules of the standard written algorithm (tower sum, chimney sum) for addition and are beginning to use this mathematical language as we move forward. Perhaps you could have a timed challenge working out 3/4/5 digit addition against each other at home this weekend?

In literacy this week we took part in the Book Week Scotland activities by entering the Scottish Book Trust 50 word fiction competition – we used our writing lesson to recap the rules of a narrative and used the context of a conversation to write our entries. The competition is available to adults and children and the context changes on a monthly basis. If you would like to enter the competition yourself you can do so at this link;



Pupil Voice

Mirren At transition we did swimming and science and it was really fun!

Aleks At transition we did lots of fun stuff in science about a bunsen burner.

Brooke We had to plug the rubber cord into the gas tap and then you push it down and turn it then the same person or the other person would light it with the lighter.

Daniel We did the 50 word story and it was fun.

Finlay In maths we used numeracy skills to do tower sums but we are calling them something different

Mirren We used leadership skills to help the nursery with PE.

Daniel We used teamwork in science (transition) when we had to figure out whether cotton, felt or bubble wrap kept the water warm (Brooke an insulator). We used a silver cup which would usually make the water cool down.


Learning at home

This weekend please take the time to read for enjoyment – we used book week Scotland to launch our new class reading challenge – we are going to try to read to the height of Mrs Conway. Every time we finish a book we will draw around the spine of it and add it to the ‘pile’ by sticking it on the wall –  Mrs Conway has agreed a whole class treat if we get to the target by June!

Remember to keep up to date with us on Twitter!



The children in the Nursery this week have been so excited to meet parents and include them in our Numeracy learning. Thank you so much to each parent and grandparent who gave up their time to join in our fun and learning experiences around numeracy.


We welcomed 2 new children into our family this week. Welcome to Nursery Blossom and Alisha!!

Our student Miss Jamieson brought in her pet giant African land snails for the children to see during our Mini Beast topic of learning. Children had great fun watching them eat and crawl very slowly.


Clay was very popular this week !! A lovely medium to investigate shape, texture and pattern, but maybe more importantly how to look after your own needs  and wash your hands !!





MONDAY- New child starting, Umar.


WEDNESDAY – WELLY WEDNESDAY, please dress your child in clothing appropriate for the outdoors.

THURSDAY -PARENT BREAKFAST BLETHER/NOON NATTER 8am and 1.15pm, come into the nursery staff room and have a space to chat to other parents.


Enjoy your October break !! Lots of happiness and love from the Nursery Team xx

All children resume on Monday 21st of October.



We hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!

This week in nursery found us outdoors having great fun using open ended resources to create risky play and fun experiences to develop our gross motor skills, social development and our thinking.

Tyres and drain pipes were very popular. Some piling them high to make a” Tyre chimney”. This provided a great way of experimenting with sound and echo.

Others used them to roll and crawl inside for fun. The tubing was a great media to experiment with size and measurement. The children found items small and big to fit inside the tubes and roll down to the bottom.

Inside the nursery children were making “pizza” this week using the magnetic triangle shapes. Great discussion then started as to what they like on there Pizza and what shapes were created whilst adding them together. This was a great mathematical experience for the children including counting, fractions and shape recognition. The children then had the experience of going out into the community to buy Pizza for snack from the local shop. We had to keep ourselves safe on the walk there and look around the shelves for what wee needed. We then gave money to the cashier to pay for our items.

The children were gathered around to discuss the shape and how many pieces we would have if we kept cutting it into slices. The best part had to be getting to eat it !!

Invitations were given out this week for our McMillan coffee morning next week. You are all invited back to share a coffee and cake to raise money for this great cause on Thursday at 11.30 for AM children and 1.15 for the PM children. Full day children cn come along on either of the session that suit best.


If you have any concerns or questions relating to this please contact a member of the Nursery Team who will be happy to assist.

Have a lovely weekend everybody from the Nursery Team!!




TUESDAY – LIBRARY VISIT- am and pm. Please come dressed in clothing appropriate for the weather conditions.


THURSDAY – McMILLAN COFFEE MORNING, all families welcome at 11.30 am or 1.15 pm in the Nursery. Any donations most gratefully received.

FRIDAY – PEEP SESSION 1 at 11 am with Mrs Beattie.

Nursery news

What a quick week !!

This week was the first week our full day children joined us. They’ve all had great fun meeting the morning and the afternoon children.

The children learn through play in our nursery and they have had great fun exploring and investigating all of the learning experiences available to them both indoors and outdoors.

Roleplay  in our mud kitchen 

Gross motor and balancing skills 



Quantity, measurment and weight in the sand.

Have a great weekend everybody!!

from the Nursery Team xx

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